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Most useless super powers

Gold Vanguard

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x-ray vision

you can see shit...bigt whoop...

Winning lottery scratch tickets.

Appear psychic and be a great magician/illusionist

Solve mysteries and such.

There are indeed benefits

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Disabling other people's superpowers ... when no one else even has a superpower.

(This is an ability I gave to one of my OCs in my novel, although there ARE other people with powers there for him to disable. But lol, he hates it.)

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nah he just fucking


the spots open up for him

like the red sea opened up for moses

Once my aunt said that she just had to believe she would get a spot, and she'd get one.

I guess it's pretty good if you can believe it.

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Not that having a super power would necessarily be a blast, either.

See: debunking super powers

Well unless your super power had something to do with blasters no not really.

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Winning lottery scratch tickets.

I don't know of any shops that let you actually see/inspect the scratch cards beforehand since the rolls are all behind the counter and all you see is the display ticket that isn't given away.

A useless superpower would be...

Laser eyes? I can't think of much of a benefit of that. You'll destroy everything you'll ever look at.

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