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Mystery Mafia - Game Over


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This post here basically means he knew i would respond with him visiting no one.

From papers view:

If I was tracker I would know he visited no one.

If I was rolecop i would know his role and know he visited no one.

Thus what's the reason for him telling me to track him except for wasting a day and night and making it impossible for me to clear myself in this situation.

your original plan for n1 was to track the obvious nightkill target


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I don't have time right now Prims

and it's not like the votals are particularly exciting anyway (it's like Shinori 6/Paperblade 1 or something)

Edited by Manix
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Paperblade: If Shinori is scum why the hell did you think he'd listen to you

Elieson: Nighttalk is less safe than daytalk and phases in this game has been completely lopsided. Some crazy shit convincing needs to happen for there not to be a Shinori lynch today, so we're better off extending day such that we get more info and input from players such as Kay who literally has no day posts.

As of now, day discussions have been onesided with turbowagons and we've got discussions on Mancer, Blitz, scorri and Shinori and two of these are dead town and Shinori's likely to be the next lynch. We know nothing about Kay, Paperblade's accused of coasting and everyone's saying SB looks bad and giving Marth a pass for the moment. Less day discussion will hurt us far more than scum

Why so eager to hammer?

I think Elieson's suspicions on Marth the first day/night whatever was justified since he's a part of this role/target mess, and even if he did overreact I find it worse that he's just jumping on all these other wagons but he's barely been here this phase so eh

Still don't trust Rapier and Psych isn' helpful at all.

I'm not going to hammer since I think Kay should get a chance to say something. If she's convinced, she could justify her hammer.

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jk i'm impatient

Am I the only person who noticed how Elie flipped the fuck out at Bluedoom for outing an incriminating role result on Shinori but posting no other gameplay analysis, but then sheeped scorri on Blitz without asking scorri for opinions? And scorri came in later in the day, too. The response to Bluedoom just looks really fake since Elie worded his post angrily at the dude who was OUTING WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED SCUM herp derp.

This is interesting on its own and definitely scummy if we're right on Scumnori. Following the latter, I would vote Elie tomorrow.

Just feel like addressing this while I'm rereading everything. Why didn't I ask scorri for her opinions? Because she outted a guilty scan on a player who seemed to be panicking upon being accused. Why would I need scorri's opinion when it was Blitz who did everything that made himself look scummy (well, by being not at all town)? Scorri had evidence which as I said, is pretty hard to ignore. Combine that with his reactions, and that's why I voted him.

My opinions on Marth have changed drastically, because where I thought he was orignially lying about the whole Role Cop scenario (and thought that he and scorri might be buddies potentially), the role claim itself presented a tremendous amount of doubt, in role itself and in the way he did it.

Shinori's flopping around, and whether he's Role Cop or not, I still find him pretty far from town (hence, my vote on him). Just because I wasn't here for the day yesterday (it's thanksgiving and I'm a single dad, so sue me) doesn't mean that I'm not trying to be decisive about everything I do. I thought Mancer was scum yesterday, his gameplay and role spec changed my mind (because either he's really confused town or he's scum and hasn't even checked his RolePM to see what side he's on).

TBH after rereads, I'm surprised that I missed This little gem by j00. I have a conflicting opinion on the general playstyle when there's nighttalk vs j00 I know, but still, that's the most subtle defense I've been able to pick up on. He repeated it several times, but the way he said it irks me. It just seemed too defensive of Shinori specifically. He wasn't like this during the Blitz wagon. In fact, BBM wasn't either. Why the sudden concern for "more dayphase discussion"?

SB and AFKay still haven't done much of anything. inb4 one of them is redirector/hijacker/whatever else can cause things to shuffle.

Null on the rest so far.

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Paperblade: If Shinori is scum why the hell did you think he'd listen to you

Because he didn't know I'm not an active role and was probably hoping to "prove" himself?

Elieson's post is terrible. Are you following along at all?

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Elieson's post is terrible. Are you following along at all?

I'd like to think I am. I don't know what in my post was factually incorrect, but if I've screwed up something or did miss something, it'd be nice for you to clarify instead of throwing my words to the dogs.

Please, I insist. What did I not follow? What did I not call attention to that hasn't had 5 pages of discussion on it already? The Tracker debacle? Where Shinori is still more than likely scum even if you set him up to track you after you claimed passive? Or the part about a Roleblock that was brought up and dismissed before I even arrived? Or is it the existance of a Tailor/Framer that I already brought up the other day, and still have no leads on?

I'm serious. Please tell me what I'm missing. If I genuinely missed something that serious that I'm terrible for not bringing up, I'd like to at least be reminded of what it was.

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Getting something up before I sleep at least >.>

BBM is likely scum in my mind as he was quick to sheep Prims early on, and was one of the first people on the Blitz wagon. He also brought up the probable existance of a rolecop before Marth's results iirc which could possibly be a scumslip, if Shinori flips mafia which seems likely.

##Vote: BBM

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Okay, Shinori, I did say that there was at least one of Hijacker, Bus Driver and Tailor. This means that I do think that there might be more than one of them.

Also, it's unlikely for a Tailor to have tampered with both results because of the fact that both Scorri and Marth are different types of Cops. Scorri is Alliance Cop while Marth is one shot RoleCop. It is more likely for Tailor to have messed up Scorri's inspect than Marth, because it's stupid to make a role that messes with only a one shot ability.

This still places you in a bad light because you have no proof that you are Tracker, and because Marth's RoleCop claim on you is substantiated.

Like Prims said, if there was both a Redirector and a Tailor, then it would be extremely coincidental for both Marth and Scorri's results to be tampered with. I can understand Redirector and Tailor messing with Blitz and Scorri since both of them were quite active on N0. Blitz was making himself a huge inspect target, and Scorri was being actively townie.

Marth and you were almost non-existent in N0, so why would scum target both of you with their actions? If you can answer this, I might believe your claims more.

Also, your overreactions are not really helping you right now, cause you seem like panicking scum than desperate town.

Elieson, I don't really like your last few posts. I think that you are being overly defensive, and the tone strikes me as a little aggressive too. I also don't like some of your accusations like "Mancer is either confused town or scum who has not checked his role PM". That accusation in particular since it feels like a bout of indecisiveness where you say I can be both scum and town at the same time then claim town credit no matter what I flip.

Noting down these reactions and such from you Elieson.

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I already said I live in a different time zone than the rest of you. I was asleep during the whole D1 so the Blitz wagon came and went without me being conscious, that much should be clear if you've reread.

No point in ranting about a wagon and lynch that's already happened.

This was why I'm ranting about more daytime discussion, I didn't get to participate last time and this one was going just as fast.

That post were made the first time Shinori were at L-1, six hours or so into the day phase. It was just silly.

Anyway, had I not done that, the first thing you did when you came here were to vote, so we may not have had this discussion at all. I'm good with a Shinori lynch since it will clarify or mess things up even further depending on the flip, but my point is there's no hurry since a lynch is guaranteed at this point.

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Do you actually have any real reads on BBM? Because you pretty much dropped that case like a moldy potato.

Shinori, you went from a weak case/vote on BBM to a vote on Paperbrad within 30 minutes. Paperbrad had a single post in between your vote on BBM and your switch to him.

The results on the Paperblade case were the same whether you posted 30 minutes earlier or not. But you consider his interactions weird in your BBM post, and his actual claim to get you to track him weird like 6 posts later. He claimed passive role like i don't even know how long ago, and his only post inbetween your vote from BBM to Paperblade was one reiterating that he has a passive role. WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR ARGUMENT ACTUALLY COMING FROM? IT WAS THERE THE WHOLE TIME AND YOU BARELY EVEN HINTED AT IT SO THAT IS WHAT I CALL FLOPPING BECAUSE YOU GO FROM A WHATEVER IT WAS CASE ON BBM TO A REALISTIC CASE ON PAPERBLADE THAT YOU CALLED NO ATTENTION TO UNTIL PROVOKED ABOUT IT WHEN IT WAS THERE THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME.

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I'm pissed off at several things at life right now, and some of the stupidity in here isn't helping.

Mancer, did you misinterpret what I said, or just skim it? What I meant was "Mancer is either a town member who is entirely too confused, or a scum member who is fantastic at being town". That means my reads on you are muddled. Which is why I'm not pressing any case on you, because I literally have two opposing reads on you that aren't bound by any sort of factual evidence to mean one thing or another.


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Elieson your post is bad because you made some dumb comment like "I don't if Shinori is actually Role Cop or not" when Shinori has claimed Tracker, which struck me as off.

Although, a thought:

Marth, why didn't you doc scorri?

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