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Loki Laufeyson

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still a pretty big spoiler. FLORINA DON'T CLICK IT DDDDDD8

Dont worry. I didnt. Because no! DONT TRY TO SPOIL ME!! AGH!

Anyway i got to the Gaur Plains and hnnngh. So much huge...

I am getting the hang of the battle mechanics. Visions confuse me a bit but i am working on it. I think i should stick around the plains a bit to get levels and quests and junk done before going further into the story. Why? Because i keep getting roflstomped by enemies and junk! Harrr.

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Oh...uh...sorry and thanks Narga sweatdrop.gif

Yeah Flory, train and level up your units, also, combine good arts palette between Shulk and Reyn.

[spoiler=Don't open the spoiler Flory :p]Kalas, you ruined it! I was going to post her an image, but it was going to be completely worse, lol.

Also, let's avoid more spoilers cause this game is freaking amazing, and Flory's just starting!


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Okay, so I watched the opening and played about three minutes after gaining control of the main character. So far it seems pretty good. The artstyle's colorful, the characters seem expressive, and the voice acting's pretty good. The combat seems so-so thus far but it's just starting.

Still hard to play this on an HDTV though. All dem pixels mang.

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Im still getting the hang of battles and the first area in the game doesnt even show you everything that goes on in battle! I was all "holy crap theres more??" It feels overwhelming, chaotic, and a big ass clusterfuck at first, but once i figured it out, its not so bad.

Remember, pushing B when it pops up is actually an awesome thing!!!

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I'm glad the game slowly gives you more and more abilities to use, because after a while you'll have 16 moves to pick from for everyone. Shulk is the only one who can fit every move he gets onto his bars, but with everyone else, you'll end up having to figure out what skills will work best for your party because they can only use 8 skills at a time. Enemies with unique names can push you to the very edge unless you have a significant level advantage. You'll also soon learn to craft gems to push your stats in certain directions or resist status effects, or cause status effects with your regular attacks, or reduce/increase the amount of aggro you produce while attacking. And as far as exploring goes, there's not much in your way. When you see a high level monster blocking a cave, you just KNOW you want to come back later to kick its butt and see what it's hiding!

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Yeah, but isn't it awesome when your team takes on a Unique Monster? The music gets me really pumped up for the battle, and beating it makes me feel AWESOME!!!!! Seriously. Now, I'm not saying "Go take on every single Unique Monster ever," but if you are confident in your team's skills, and your levels are close to the UM's, then go for it.

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Oh yes. Uniques are just so great to fight and challenge you in all sorts of ways as you go out. There's nothing more satisfying than beating a tough foe, especially when things go down to the wire, or if you suffered so many losses at its hands and then come back for your revenge.


And yeah, this song is awesome.

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Oh yes. Uniques are just so great to fight and challenge you in all sorts of ways as you go out. There's nothing more satisfying than beating a tough foe, especially when things go down to the wire, or if you suffered so many losses at its hands and then come back for your revenge.


And yeah, this song is awesome.


Also, I need to find time to play this game.

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I plan on farming the much higher level Unique Monsters later on. I did some grinding on a big turtle thing in the plains. (not a UM i believe, but super big and lots of exp)

Shit got real pretty fast after Xord went down. He also said some pretty interesting and revealing stuff.


Guys like Xord were actually Homs at one point but got infused and/or manufactured into Mechon. It would explain why some people go missing. While Mechon "eat" Homs, it seems that some of them are crafted from Homs partially, hence why Face Mechon cannot be harmed by the Monado. (Pretty telling when way back at the beginning of the game, Reyn fucked with the Monado and it ate a thing in Shulk's lab but couldnt hurt Fiora at all.) Since this is Monolith Soft, im pretty convinced this is the case. Those guys have a tendency to include grisly human manufacturing in all of their games. Ever. LOL

I got Dunban! Fuck yeah. Just...fuck yeah Dunban. Im in the Satorl Marshes now. Im really interested in these High Entia and stuff. I know we meet them because Shulk has a vision of such. Also of kicking the crap out of Metal Face later down the line. Weee.

Im so loving this game. So much. I just cant even. Ive gotten really good with battle now and there is literally no confusion about that stuff anymore. I got the hang of just about every single game mechanic. Skill Trees, Arts, Chain Attacks, Affinity, Gem Crafting, yeahhh...I got it all down.

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Xenoblade is a pretty bloody amazing game and it's great to see it get the attention it deserves :D. One of the things I liked most about it was the customisation options: arts, skills and gems. Also, Florina: have you got the hang of skill linking yet? There are some cool combinations later on that can only be achieved through skill links, including getting medium and heavy armour on everyone, so it's worth learning about. One more thing about skills, if you're interested in side content: there are 2 unlockable skill branches for each character, available from sidequests when you've built up a high affinity with the area but they're pretty hard to get. There are also two extra monado arts for Shulk available later in the game via sidequesting too. Goodness Xenoblade is big, it's all coming back to me. Much like seph I put over 160 hours into it before deciding enough was enough.

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Also, Florina: have you got the hang of skill linking yet?

Yeah more or less. Its just taking awhile for skills to fill in. One of my guys had to switch their skill set due to it finally filling up and because one of the other skill sets has equipping heavy armor.

What i find awesome about this game is the only time anyone would need a guide is for the side content. Har! I dont get stuck at all on main objectives. Ever.

Ive got the rest of my permanent party members and im roaming around the Frontier Village. Im doing quests, kicking monster ass, leveling up so i can whoop the shit out of that three headed Telethia thing.

Alvis is sexy. Even Shulk seemed to pop a semi.

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Okay, so I actually restarted this game since I was like fifteen minutes into actual gameplay and decided to switch the language back and forth, and so far I think the actors portray radically different roles. For example, Dunban's English actor seems to give the vibe of a swash-buckling hero, whereas his Japanese actor seems to be rather distant and joking in a rather more grim manner. Dickson seems to be a respectable figure with a somewhat gruff exterior in the English dub, but from what I can tell of his Japanese lines he seems to be much more scathing in his use of language. Also the first time I played through and saw the opening cutscene with Fiora in Dunban's house in English, I had thought it had been somewhat hinting at a romantic relationship, whereas if you watch right before it in Japanese it shows her refer to him as "oniisan," unlike the English language's "Dunban."

Anyways, that said, the dub so far sounds very good. Aside from Reyn I'm liking it.

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Okay, so I actually restarted this game since I was like fifteen minutes into actual gameplay and decided to switch the language back and forth, and so far I think the actors portray radically different roles. For example, Dunban's English actor seems to give the vibe of a swash-buckling hero, whereas his Japanese actor seems to be rather distant and joking in a rather more grim manner. Dickson seems to be a respectable figure with a somewhat gruff exterior in the English dub, but from what I can tell of his Japanese lines he seems to be much more scathing in his use of language. Also the first time I played through and saw the opening cutscene with Fiora in Dunban's house in English, I had thought it had been somewhat hinting at a romantic relationship, whereas if you watch right before it in Japanese it shows her refer to him as "oniisan," unlike the English language's "Dunban."

Anyways, that said, the dub so far sounds very good. Aside from Reyn I'm liking it.

Do you understand japanese or does the game have english subtitles if I switch it to japanese VA? I obviously never bothered to do the switch.

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Do you understand japanese or does the game have english subtitles if I switch it to japanese VA? I obviously never bothered to do the switch.

Both. Although I'd stress that I'm not fluent in the language, but I'm slowly approaching it. I can't understand speech from Japanese speaking at full speed in rapid succession, but I can understand the grammar they are using (formal, humble, casual, etc.), and I'll get sentences here and there completely without need for subs. They usually just have to not be talking all flowery or using complex sentence structure.

What I would give to know this language like a native already. ;__;

Edit: While on the topic, I've noticed that they have an ingame thing talking about the symbols on the Monado that describe what it's doing. If you haven't noticed, they are kanji. Thus far I've noted two displayed. The one during shown during loading screens is 読, which refers to reading. So here it's saying that it's reading the disc. The other I couldn't really read, and it seemed a bit like one I didn't know anyways. I'll comment on this as I see more I guess.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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