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Expression in online text


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Why does it seem like when most people write, it feels as if they are expressionless. The fact that we are on the Internet is not an excuse...I know very few people who can actually write text full of expression in it.

I look at posts from 2-3 years ago, and I see I was alot more expressive with my writing. I find it pretty silly to write like that right now, but I think that's just me.

What do you guys think?

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Nonsense. Expressive writing is almost always more engaging. Taking a dry, neutral tone or using formulaic sentence structures will make most readers think, "what am I reading, a geometry textbook?" There are some people who like to read that kind of thing in their free time, even a lot of people, but many more do not.

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Nonsense. Expressive writing is almost always more engaging. Taking a dry, neutral tone or using formulaic sentence structures will make most readers think, "what am I reading, a geometry textbook?" There are some people who like to read that kind of thing in their free time, even a lot of people, but many more do not.

Basically what this post means is that the passive voice should always be used and pronouns avoided, except in the case where it is found by one to be grammatically unsound.

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Please critique my forum posting, [whoever would like to do so]

(Seriously, I want to know if reading me is like licking sandpaper or something)

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I don't think my posts show very much expression either ;~;

But does that mean my posts seem more important to you Soul?

You are actually one of those few who are expressive with their posts. And I don't have priorities in "importance"-

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You are actually one of those few who are expressive with their posts. And I don't have priorities in "importance"-

Wait... you weren't supposed to......


Also I was thinking that if you found it silly to write in expression then that meant it was something you'd take less seriously because "silly" =3

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i find that if i don't use proper punctuation it makes my posts appear apathetic

this is what i want

Stupidness=Non-Emotional. Seems legit.

Don't see the need to be very emotional or have a lot of Expression on the internet, really. Although if you don't, people don't know who you really are or get to know you, therefore having less friends on the internet. Why would you want to reveal all of that when you don't have to >:D

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I type on forums and chats in the same manner as i speak. Thats why it appears so casual and just whatever a lot. If im writing an RP, super serious post, story, etc. Thats when i get more serious about grammar and junk. I use words like "like (as in, 'like totally'), totes, hella, and so forth to express a more casual tone. Yeah guys, thats why i post like that. Because it is hard to tell what sort of tone a post is made. Many people misconstrue what a poster is trying to get at, or whether its sarcastic or not, or making a funny. Emoticons help too. If im expressing a more joking tone, i use the :P: smiley. If im bemused or confused by something, i use the O_o or :blink: thing. If a :): is at the end of a sentence or post, it means im not being antagonistic despite the post coming across that way. If a :D: is used, it means im happy about a quote or whatever. Strike outs often indicate me being silly, facetious, or irreverent.

I am very expressive in my posts.

Edited by Florina Stark
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Actually, using an "expressionless" style can at times be quite useful for different uses. It seems to have become fairly popular on the internet, for example, to remove necessary punctuation in many situations involving comedy or sarcasm. An example:

"What's wrong with you? Are you retarded or something?"


"What's wrong with you are you retarded or something"

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I use punctuation to separate posts that are just posts and posts that are actually, well... I don't know how to put it, but..."less casual(?)" in nature. Definitely in a post I want to be taken seriously.

Don't see the need for it when I'm not saying anything that shouldn't be taken too seriously.

Also emotive writing is not easy for those of us who are really bad at writing okay like my brain functions on 50% math and 50% pretty pictures no room for expressions

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Why does it seem like when most people write, it feels as if they are expressionless.

You rang?

In my case, I'm simply not inclined to use emoticons often because there is no emoticon to express neutrality or the times I pause to reflect on how horribly common sense has been raped.

That and lol suffices. Comrade Nightmare agreed. Don't bother him about it.

Edited by Sirius
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Actually, using an "expressionless" style can at times be quite useful for different uses. It seems to have become fairly popular on the internet, for example, to remove necessary punctuation in many situations involving comedy or sarcasm. An example:

"What's wrong with you? Are you retarded or something?"


"What's wrong with you are you retarded or something"

you forgot the thing some people do when posting with some varying degree of irony where they not only leave out punctuation but also capitalization and sometimes other forms of grammar and even spelling

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you forgot the thing some people do when posting with some varying degree of irony where they not only leave out punctuation but also capitalization and sometimes other forms of grammar and even spelling

i dun kno wat ur talkin about How do you typo "about"? =I

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God this stuff isn't getting to me - the shootings, the knifings, the beatings. Old ladies being bashed in the head for their social security checks. Nah that doesn't bother me.

But you know what does bother me? You know what makes me

you forgot the thing some people do when posting with some varying degree of irony where they not only leave out punctuation but also capitalization and sometimes other forms of grammar and even spelling

really sick to my stomachyouknow what makes me really sick to my stom achitswatch ingyoustuffyourface with those hot dogsnobodyandimeannobodyputsketchupona

SeverIan asphixiates as a result of talking with too many hotdogs with ketchup on them in his mouth.

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I'm pretty sure this is a General topic, so don't wander too far from it!

Let's say someone sent me a picture of a cute kitten. Which of these conveys more emotion?

1. "That's a cute kitten!"

2. "SQUUEEEEE!!!!! That's a totally adorable kitty, and I wanna give it a BIG hug!"

The words you use to express yourself convey their own emotion. Perhaps the way you say things has changed?

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I tend to also leave off punctuation when I feel like the point I wish to make is kinda open-ended, say when I'm prompting somebody for a response in a pseudo-conversational way.

But overall I guess I'm not really sure what-all you-all mean by exrpressive

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Everything I used to write is a lot more hyper than it is now, but I still think everyone typically has a tone to their writing. Expression is never lost. It only becomes more subdued, but everyone imparts some of their personality in how they write. Especially on forums or IRC or something, where what you write is a lot more stream of conscious than writing a research essay at a university. But even then, each individual has a certain writing style that makes it obvious when they aren't writing.

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