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So Crash got banned


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You know what I always found weird? The presidential turkey pardoning. Like, if we got somebody pardoned for anything else, anywhere near a rate of once per year, I might suggest just abolishing the whole thing. Have the President promote vegetarianism or something.

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Crash said something stupid

Trent responded how any sane person that isn't afraid to start arguments would respond (I would've responded too, except less bluntly, but that's just me and Trent's bluntness is normal for him, which means it wasn't just because it was Crash)

That's what it looked like to me

Edited by Freohr Datia
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me and all the other canadians already did that last month

no idea why our thanksgivings are so far apart

To let us Americans know which one of you are dyed-in-the-wool Communist scum. D:<

How likely is it that Crash will become the next smash_fanatic in that we all whine until he's unbanned?

About as likely as the Moon exploding spontaneously.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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I can at least try to understand, in that I'd probably have a hard time being told to play nice with somebody if I had a sufficiently charged history with them, and Crash has admitted to having had an abused history outside sf, so maybe some cageyness should be forgiven. I feel like I should hold a little more against him after hearing baffling stories about his thoughts on things genderqueer, but I have actually heard of and seen people change on things like that, and he's not exactly full-grown IIRC, so yeah, I have a hard time calling him a malevolent person, at least in any complete sense.

But even given those concessions, man, the guy can just seem impenetrably hard to talk with. The tendency to just blow up when things aren't going great kind of makes me wince, because it looks familiar, but when it starts dragging whole topics out and down, sometimes it's hard to find anything better to do than taking a break. I just hope it doesn't cram him further into a corner.

Edited by Rehab
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me and all the other canadians already did that last month

no idea why our thanksgivings are so far apart

I personally just think we should have two... One in Oct. and one with zee Americans~

We get turkeys on sale for American Thanksgiving.

Go us. :Canada:

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Probably for the best for all concerned. Crash was unwilling to take things with a grain of salt, and others were unwilling to change their behaviour even though they knew it would set him off, and others were determined to be offended by what he said. Hopefully he doesn't return until he's got his shit together.

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americans harvest later i guess

actually i wonder why they get almost a week off when we only have a day

Because Murikans are speshul!

Srsly, i have absolutely no idea why our Thanksgiving is in a different month than the Canada Land folks.

As for Crash, ehhh...ive dealt with worse. So much worse. Besides, ill let my good buddy, Bronn here sum it up. Warning, naught word in the gif.


Edited by Florina Stark
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