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FIRST, TO EVERYONE. . .THANK YOU! I see a lot less yelling, and this makes it easier for Yours Truly to read through! Keep it up!

Second, votals:

Elieson (1) - Baldrick

Helios (3) - Elieson, Paperblade, Kay,

Kaoz (1) - scorri,

Manix (1) - Prims,

Serious Bananas (3) - Helios, BBM, Manix

Rocker64 (1) - Serious Bananas

Not voting - Balcerzak, Kaoz, Shinori, Rocker64

48ish hours remaining! Lemme know if I missed something~!

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Oh fuck sorry I'm mixing up games. x_x I was thinking about PoT when I was writing that.

Anyways I think I have a pretty good idea of who the Announcer is- there are only a couple of people who'd write something like that. But it hardly matters and there's no reason to dwell on it.

Holy crap, i need to stop forgetting about this. So i'm here, and i still don't have much to say, but luckily we have already gotten much more done than D1. Glad we got a mafia. BUT WE NEED TO GET MORE.

So after everything today, i feel that it is safe to say that Shinori and Paper are most likely town. Helios however, i never actually noticed D1, but he has been incredibly waffly. I would vote but there are already a couple of votes and would rather wait for a vote count.

@Thomas Raith: I was asked on my opinions on other people that is why i made my list post. I could have kept my focus on posts to Lucina, Mancer and Paper. (Who i was planning on saying something about anyway.) Also i wouldn't exactly see what i said about Paper/Mancer as sheeping. I simply said in terms of Paper that i agreed with the case, didn't even vote them. That isn't really sheeping is it? Especially since there wasn't even a wagon on him. Mancer on the other hand, i had an exact opinion about formed not from other people's posts but from Mancer himself. For example, in terms of Helios, i'm sheeping, my opinion was formed 90% through other peoples showing off quotes of his D1 posts and stuff, and i wouldn't have suspected him if otherwise, plus there is a wagon, and the only reason i'm not voting is to make sure i don't accidentally hammer him. That my friends is sheeping.

Also, I missed replying to this post, but Rocker, you are aware that you cited the exact same reason to vote Mancer as like 5 other people, right? All of whom voted him before you did. That's called sheeping. It's not inherently scummy, but it's bad in this context because all your reads are just borrowed from other people, which is the scummy part of sheeping. You're letting other people do the scumhunting for you.

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Helios, is a hooker the same as a kidnapper?

Is an Omniguard considered the same as a Doc? How about a lawyer/framer vs a Tailor, or a role cop vs a full cop?

I guess I'll just visit the mafia wiki and research past games to see how kidnapping ad roleblock are considered one in the same.

No, they're not the same, but they are similar. Doc and Omniguard and Bulletproof are all different roles, does that mean you would expect them to all be in one game and all be town-aligned?'

First off, shinori claimed town. Excellent, he must be proven town then...i didnt know it worked like that. Second, soneone didnt read the rules about Day1 lynching. Y U So Lazy? Third, your bland bullet list said things like kinda scummy or leaning scum. That's not a strong scumread, that's a mild scumread. Which implies you don't have much as reads. =

@Kay...do you have anything beyond "What they said €€Vote ? Paper at least has a claim with Prims to make his lazybad sheeping sorta wavable. You (and SB and Kaoz for that matter) do not.

No but Shinori is likely to be town since Roleblocker is a bad fakeclaim if it's not your actual role and scum having a Kidnapper and a Roleblocker would be redundant.

Sorry, didn't see the need to explain this all at the time. And why is it so bad that I saw the logic in something and voted based on it? If we're too afraid of sheeping to listen when people make good points, well that's kinda dumb, isn't it?

Helios getting hooked by a mostly clear town rb only means the rb thought he was scum, not that he is scum.

Okay I was in a hurry and actually misread stuff as Shinori having targeted someone else so he had reason to think Helios was lying. That said, Helios is still not looking very good.

Although, Elieson is seeming worse now. Most of his posts are puffed up with a ton of sarcasm and exaggeration that is frankly quite unnecessary anyway, and when I think about what he's actually saying without the fluff, it's not much.

##Unvote (Helios)

##Vote: Elieson

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Baldrick, Helios mentioned SB but in no way said he thought why SB was his top scumread until I prodded him hard on it today.

I don't fully agree with that, but I'll accept that. I reread his posts, and all I could find was a FoS early in the game. I could've sworn he said SB was the most opportunistic sheep on the Mancer wagon, but I must have imagined it. :/


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I see a bunch of Helios votes and have no idea why

someone explain this to me

uhhh no

Also Shinori is obvtown since Blitzdoom was close enough to a Hooker.

so I'm going to sheep him

##Vote: Helios

Sorry Kay. Paperbrad's post prior to your admitted sheep imply a few things that confuse me. He doesn't get the reason why Helios has a wagon, then 2-3 of his posts later (after Shinori claimed RB yesterday...) he votes on the unlikelihood of scum having both a hooker and a hookernapper.

Agreeing with that, ok, but you make it seem like Paperbrad's reasoning is so flawless, and him going from "Y U Vote Helios?" to "Both roles can't be scum votevotevote" when the flip happened well, when he was confused about the Helios wagon...

Can you see my concern? You sheeped a player who was admittedly confused hours ago then voted him for reasons that never really changed during the time he was confused.

Had you not flat out agreed with Paperbrad or posted similar reasoning, it wouldn't look like you are sheeping a vote that came later than it should have. Hence my suspicion on you.

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Wow didn't even see that when I woke up and posted.

First Option: Someone is RP'ing prims' and made an announcement

Second Option: buddy of Prims announced with a post that he made.

Third Option: Prims is announcer.

Prims denied being announcer....so he must be telling the truth :facepalm:

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- Don't want to lynch Elie

- Don't think SB's claim is an ideal scum fakeclaim. He had 3 buddies to tell him not to target the commuter, and if you're gonna claim watcher with intent on surviving (presumably because you're actually a watcher), you don't fakeclaim a worthless action if you're trying to convince town. Wouldn't OBJECT to his lynch but I think Helios is a lot more likely to flip scum.

- Didn't like Manix's reaction to my vote on him but everybody is ignoring this case for some reason. Yes, looking at stuff somebody said about flipped scum is more ideal, but nobody talked about Bluedoom really and I don't believe this case is actually invalid.

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Oh fuck sorry I'm mixing up games. x_x I was thinking about PoT when I was writing that.

Anyways I think I have a pretty good idea of who the Announcer is- there are only a couple of people who'd write something like that. But it hardly matters and there's no reason to dwell on it.

Also, I missed replying to this post, but Rocker, you are aware that you cited the exact same reason to vote Mancer as like 5 other people, right? All of whom voted him before you did. That's called sheeping. It's not inherently scummy, but it's bad in this context because all your reads are just borrowed from other people, which is the scummy part of sheeping. You're letting other people do the scumhunting for you.

No, no no no. You see, it might be the case that these other people have similar reasoning, but that isn't sheeping. Just because someone votes someone on a similar reason as someone else, how is that sheeping? Thats just how a wagon is started. My opinion on Mancer, was crafted without any opinion of anyone elses affected. And the context of this wagon helps me as well. Pretty much all of the us agreed on the Mancer lynch with similar reasoning, but not all of us sheeped, we simply had similars reasoning to other people.

I'm 97% sure this won't make sense to anyone but myself. *sigh* Since only myself understands i got a plan!

Rocker you understand right?


Good, so how are you feeling?

Fine, but i really hate how every time i enter this thread there is three pages of stuff to read.

Thats terrible Rocker, i hope you find a solution.

I doubt it, but thanks.

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Rocker you're still not voting

Also, increase your posts per page, it makes things easier

Thats involves me checking this thread more often. Because this is the only thing i come this forum for, i have no other reason to check it and easily forgot about it.

In regards to voting....i was waiting for a votecount so.... ##Vote:Helios

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Nice announcement lol.

@Shinori: A) If I tell you who I targeted it would kinda make my role obv B) I ASKED IN THREAD if people wanted me to claim, no one did, and so I didn't. There's been a lot of early claims and if I claim it's just makes scum's job easier of who to target with the NK. C) Trust me I needed the sleep lol.

@Anyone who just vaguely says "Helios is scummy": Stop being lazy and taking the easy route by picking on the most wanted man in the game right now, and actually develop some reasons as to why I'm scummy. At least Elieson did that (even though I shut down pretty much everything he had to say). I just want people to quit wasting their time focusing on me so we can focus on finding scum.

The thing I don't like about SB's watcher claim is that it's super easy to fake results with it, and I've seen scum fake watcher a couple times before. Especially since he automatically gets the N1 slide of "Oh I screwed up accidentally hit Paperblade because I forgot commuter". Shinori's role is at least easily provable (and I cleared him technically).

@Kay: But you haven't done anything the entire game, THEN voted. Your vote was opportunistic as hell. At least your provided some reasoning behind the Elieson vote this time, but that still isn't much since you really just didn't like his tone and fluff.

Still haven't read Rocker's ISO yet and probably won't for a while longer because I'm still not feeling great, but that vote on me was horribad and lazy and opportunistic and his case isn't true. Would love to see how I ever waffled (hint: I never did).

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Ehhh I guess it is probably too unlikely that none of the SB's scumbuddies would catch that Paper was a commuter. So ##Unvote, ##Vote: Rocker.

Whatever he says, his vote was sheeping a bad reason on a bad wagon, and he hasn't made any scumhunting attempt so far this phase. All he's done is try to defend himself and his vote for Helios just said "lol Helios is waffly." If you're going to say something like that, back it up with proper evidence and posts that Helios has made that were waffly.

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Ehhh I guess it is probably too unlikely that none of the SB's scumbuddies would catch that Paper was a commuter. So ##Unvote, ##Vote: Rocker.

Whatever he says, his vote was sheeping a bad reason on a bad wagon, and he hasn't made any scumhunting attempt so far this phase. All he's done is try to defend himself and his vote for Helios just said "lol Helios is waffly." If you're going to say something like that, back it up with proper evidence and posts that Helios has made that were waffly.

1. Which vote, Mancer or Helios.

2. Other people have already said and explained Helios's wafflyness(?) so do you REALLY want me to?

3. Whats wrong with defending myself when people have been (sort of) been attacking me.

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I guess I should wait to see what SB does tomorrow before grilling him. Hopefully this time he won't aim for somebody who's claimed a role that blocks it :|


1. Mancer, which I agree with. Let's have a look at it.

Manicers claim kills me, and Boron's reaction even more so. Mancer's claim is terrible. PR cop? WHAT THE HELL. Not only that is it simply seems like (as prims said.) Mancer was simply panicking as he believed prims and quickly claims. Personally, there wasn't even all that much pressure on him, mostly on people kill Scorri, Neko, and Paper. Not only that, but Boron's rage was just weird. Being killed for a claim is pretty common, and i don't understand why Boron is freaking out so hard.

I know hindsight is 20/20, but even though the claim was premature and the role was obscure, I don't think it's strong enough to build a case on unless you thought he was scum already. Your secondary reason in Boron apparently giving the game away is not the best, since we didn't know if it was due to PR, but it's something. What confuses me more is your list of wagons that were running at that point. Paper's wagon had died down, Neko's wagon was dying down, and Scorri's wagon never really took off.

2. Yes, I would like you to explain why Helios is waffly. I can't see any previous case based on it, so if you give me your rationale, I can decide if it's reasonable to suspect him based on it. Until then...

##Vote: Rocker64

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