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Schoolteacher Mafia


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Hmmmm. . .I can't say what's going on, or I WILL have to end the game as a universal loss. However, I'm in no mood to write out a universal loss flavor (or much of anything ATM, because I'm coming down with a cold), so. . .

Kaoz/Baldrick, since I know you both exist, at least one of you must have a vote on someone within the next 24 hours. If not, I modkill both of you instead.

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By request. . .


While I'm thinking up of flavor, I am extremely upset with the lot of you that are inactive. Exactly ONE of you has a good excuse for it. Get to it, because I'm very tempted to modkill everyone who's barely posting.

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All of you would like to question Serah Farron further, but she jumped into an anomaly, and none of you had the guts to follow her. She conveniently left behind a role PM, which Helios read off.

Dear Baldrick,

You are Serah Farron. You are generally soft-spoken and gentle, so you were told to teach fourth grade. Some of the parents have complained about your, um, methods of discipline, and the administration has chosen to take their side. If a teacher can't yell at her students, how can she keep them under control?


You can choose ONE of the following actions to do at night. Due to the nature of your ability, you can use each action ONCE, and may not use any once MYLO has been reached (quick numbers reference: MYLO means you win if there's a mislynch and your kill goes through; LYLO means you win if there's a mislynch). If the town reaches MYLO during the night, your action will fail and whatever ability you tried to do will still be available.

- During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - You don't count today, <PLAYER>." You will go forward in time and erase <PLAYER>'s vote; thus, for the next day phase, <PLAYER>'s vote will not count towards the lynch. Majority will be called as if that player's vote counts, though.

- During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - You deserve to be punished today, <PLAYER>." During the next day phase, <PLAYER> will start the day phase with one extra vote on them. This vote will not be reflected in the votals for the day phase.

- During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Solve this, <PLAYER>!" You will send <PLAYER> into a massive Hands of Time anomaly, effectively silencing them for the day. They may NOT vote via role PM.

- During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - <PLAYER1>, you should be voting for <PLAYER2> instead!" During the final votal for the next day, <PLAYER1> will vote for <PLAYER2> instead of their original target, because you went forward in time and changed the votal while no one was looking.

Post Restriction: Back and forth, back and forth. . .the echoes demand that you quote something a player besides yourself said during the previous day phase. This doesn't take effect until D2.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia are eliminated.

Heartened by the lynch, the rest of you disperse for the night.

It is now Night 4. Night 4's ending will be announced later, because I have no idea what's happening on Thursday!

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. . .or you guys can give me all my actions early~!

It was another day. . .or so it seemed. Someone else had gone missing. As usual, the remainder of you split up. This time, Kay found the missing person. His head lay some distance from the rest of him. Balcerzak picks up the deceased's role PM, and reads it aloud.

Dear Kaoz,

You are Alberich. You have been dragged from the Karse military to Valdemar, and you owe your life to your white demon with a smart mouth Companion, Cantor. You were a weapons instructor, which somehow translated to athletic director here. You also took on the algebra class, because it didn't look that hard (protip: it was much harder than it appeared).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - You can't escape me, <PLAYER>." You will don one of your many disguises and follow <PLAYER>, learning everyone that he/she visited.

Post Restriction: You've gotten better at this language, but you express certain concepts better in your native language, whose closest approximation is German. Thus, every time you insult someone/complain about something, slip into German.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.


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actually while trudging through Shinori's ISO to find his claimed actions I looked over his Helios suspicion and actually that still looks really good to pick up on (I'll remake the case tomorrow because I don't feel like it tonight)

also we're likely to be lynching between either scorri/Kay or Helios/Bal today anyway so

note that we probably have one mislynch left because Baldrick slipped that there were 3 scum yesterday (so two now, meaning 5/2)

I'm more than willing to lynch Helios for the sake of an info flip (read: assuming I've picked up Bal's softclaim correctly (tip: it has the letters d and f in it somewhere is what I'm thinking of))

this is subject to change based on reports

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actually you know what, I'm just gonna say this: I'm fairly sure Bal is the safeguard (we know one exists and Bal is the only unclaimed). His actions and crumbs also make perfect sense. (read: Paper N1 makes sense for a town!SG to prevent assumed town!Paper from being blocked, outing his N2 target is the equivalent to claiming (read: it's probably Helios), and his comments about having Shinori act for the sake of WIFOM D3 (so he could safeguard him and get a roleblock going))

Okay actions table in here (whatever is known and relevant):

[spoiler=actions]Manix (unknown): Can't say anything

Rocker (Doc): No claimed targets

Elieson (Cop): Prims N1, Blocked N2, Manix N3

Bal (probably SG): Paper N1; failed, probably Helios N2, Shinori N3

Helios (BG): Blocked N1, Rocker; redirected to Kaoz N3; failed

Kay (Jack): Fullcop Neko N1, pseudo-track Helios N2; failed, idle N3

scorri (BP): no actions

Shinori (Roleblocker): Helios N1, scorri; redirected to Elieson N2, probably idle N3

SB (Watcher): Paper N1; failed, Elieson N2; Shinori

Kaoz (Tracker): Bal N1; Paper, Kay N2; Helios, Elieson N3; Manix

Now does anyone want to think about what I was saying yesterday about Helios being a con artist? I figured that Bal was safeguard, and since Bal said he targeted Shinori, I figured that Helios was lying about being redirected and running into a safeguard N3. (currently I'm reading Bal as more town because of his targets (scum!SG wouldn't even bother targeting assumed town!Paper N1 and the tracker report proves it)

Helios said that he didn't get roleblocked N3. So basically Helios pretty much has to consider Bal the liar from his POV because he probably would have ran into the SG.

ALSO consider Kay's N2 action. Tracker proved that Kay visited Helios. Now I'm inclined to say that there wasn't much need for a Kay/Helios scumteam to have Kay target Helios with much at all (especially the action Kay claimed), so either one of them is scum (Helios) or neither are.

Here's the thing. A Helios lynch would prove/disprove Bal (meaning we get a scum lynch on him the following day at likely LYLO if disproven), and then if Helios flips scum, Kay is effectively clear and we lynch scorri as the final scum by process of elimination.

If Helios flips town, it's not as great as we need to lynch between Kay/scorri D6 (we get Bal first) but hopefully Eliecop comes through with a good report that allows us to narrow down the scum.

tl;dr: Helios lynch gives us far too much info regardless of alignment too pass up based on roles alone. And besides I still think he's scum anyway.

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Hi I can talk again. But I just woke up and my eyes are still fuzzy.

Manix gotchya covered, you are clear. I got redirected last night to Rocker though, so screw you scum redirect.

More to come later, I want to reread some more, but while I was silenced, I got a pretty iffy feeling about Helios and Scorri. Realistically, as long as a Redirect lives (unless it's limited), my scans are useless :(

I'm interested to see what Kay was implying, and I'm very very interested to see who Scorri feels is scum right now.

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also if I hear anything about Helios cc'ing scum making him clear, remember that Baldrick was well on his way out anyway and could have claimed that exact role to attempt to give town cred to Helios (Helios was crumbing it all game as well which is what makes this really weird: why would you fakeclaim something that was being crumbed since D2? Feels all too convenient to me)

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Player claims (Feeling Smart like Manix with his chart from the other day)

Elie-Max Cop






Kay-Jack w/BP (and what else)

I'd like to see Kay finish her claim. That meaning her other Jack-abilities.

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