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Is anbody else here a brony?


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Your opinion is factually incorrect. It's objectively true that the word "man" is a unisex term, both in modern use and historically. It is objectively true that man was traditionally used to refer to all humans, while werman referred to males and wifman referred to females.

I think it's time you two took this somewhere else.

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I like ponies...

Opinion time. (From best to not best)


Twilight Sparkle



Rainbow Dash

Pinkie Pie (Sorry, but I find her ADHD more baffling than entertaining.)

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I like that episode too. The Fluttershy being a tree scene on the train is so cute. ^_^

Anyways, What did you think of this week's episode?

I myself thought it was great. The only thing I didn't like about it was how everypony forgot that Celestia herself said Rainbow Dash is the best flier in Equestria.

But besides that this episode was awesome! It really showed how far Rainbow Dash will go for her friends and how loyal she is to them. I really hope the creators don't forgot about these past two episodes. I'm looking forward to seeing Rainbow and Scootaloo hanging out togather and more episodes at the Wonderbolts Academy.

At the moment this and last week's episode are tied for the best this season IMO.

And I'm glad these last two episodes have been mostly about Rainbow Dash, since I probably won't like the next two episodes that much. :/

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I really liked this episode. And damn, when the tornado totally destroyed the hot air balloon, I literally freaked (okay, maybe not literally). Do a dangerous maneuver? Send your best friends plummeting to their deaths! (Fluttershy forgets she can fly)

Lightning Dust's punishment was kind of harsh, though. Did she really deserve to be kicked out of the academy?

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I really liked this episode. And damn, when the tornado totally destroyed the hot air balloon, I literally freaked (okay, maybe not literally). Do a dangerous maneuver? Send your best friends plummeting to their deaths! (Fluttershy forgets she can fly)

Lightning Dust's punishment was kind of harsh, though. Did she really deserve to be kicked out of the academy?

Ya, I got a little freaked after the balloon got destroyed as well. I was relieved when Dashie rescued them. And her giving Twilight a hug was so cute. ^_^

Anyways I think Lighting Dust's punishment was fine. I mean it was her idea to make the tornado and then afterward she didn't even care Dashies friends could have been hurt. She should have taken responsibility for her actions.

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Well yeah, she deserved to be reprimanded, but surely they have punishment options other than complete expulsion.


-disrespected her superior

-put her teams life in unnecessary danger

-put innocent lives in danger

-flipped her wing off

-displayed an obviously reckless attitude that was not likely passing material for acceptance to the Wonderbolts Corp.

-didnt seem to feel remorse over it. She was upset, but I don't think she regretted it

Expulsion when you shouldn't have made the cut in the first place is fair. Sucks but it's fair.

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-disrespected her superior


Thing is, she had never been reprimanded before this, either because her superiors didn't see a problem with what she had been doing or didn't see it at all. Dash only even complained after the last one, so it's not as though anyone had been telling her she was going overboard. She had only ever been praised for what she was doing. Why wouldn't she keep doing it?

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"Set it on maximum"

Having been in military training camp myself, I can say with confidence that if you say something against a commanding officers' order, that it's disrespect, whether they humour you or not.

As for her actions and being "praised", well she was outperforming the team by not following orders and blasting though events in which were not even related to time. It's easy to see high performance as success, but much harder to see how the high performance was achieved. Stepping on the toes of your teammates in a team-based organization is a detriment to the overall success.


Lightning was trying too hard to be a Wonderbolt, not one of the Wonderbolts. There is a difference.

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"Set it on maximum"

Having been in military training camp myself, I can say with confidence that if you say something against a commanding officers' order, that it's disrespect, whether they humour you or not.

When did she say anything against a commanding officer's order? I honestly don't remember this.

EDIT: The "set on maximum" was not against anyone's orders. It was merely a request that was accepted.


Lightning was trying too hard to be a Wonderbolt, not one of the Wonderbolts. There is a difference.

And no one told her that until she was kicked out.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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When did she say anything against a commanding officer's order? I honestly don't remember this.

EDIT: The "set on maximum" was not against anyone's orders. It was merely a request that was accepted

Rewatched. And valid. I didn't recall the wording.

And no one told her that until she was kicked out.

She followed Spitfire to Rainbow Dash at the end during the big speech and promotion, meaning that obviously there was communication involved prior to her dismissal. While it may not be specific as to what was discussed, one could safely assume that she was brought along with the intent to be stripped of her leadership status in front of her "wing pony" after hearing her side of the story.

With Spitfire recognizing the proper criteria for the Wonderbolts, and acknowledging her misguided attempt at granting Lightning the Lead position, she obviously had time to think, and would be extremely unprofessional if she had included Lightning in that event there at the end without any prior discussion (and if there's one thing Spitfire seems keen on, it's procedure).

Edited by Elieson
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..........Wow I actually liked that episode...........I thought I was gonna hate it since I knew it was gonna be about Applejack but I really enjoyed it. And that song at the end was really catchy. I think I'm even starting to like A.J. a little.

What did y'all think of it?

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Why do you keep doing this to us Mouse whyyyyyyyyyyyyy

TBH I have no clue. I don't even know what the this is or the US is.

If you are upset that I did not do a full version of "Don't let your ponies..." via vocals then, ya, I don't feel confident enough in my weird al style lyrics switching to try and make something decent out of that fine classic.

All I can say regarding MLP is that I said I wouldn't watch it unless Crash did and now Crash is banned. I have no idea if that nullifies the agreement or exonerates me from it (incidentally it was completely unilateral on my part). However, I think it's awesome that a horse would wear a cowboy hat.

EDIT-Also I actually do like Banagher as far as gundam protags go, and I thought the end of episode 3 was pretty moving.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm playing the wait and see game. Though personally, I think Hasbro's pushing it out too soon. I would like for it to be temporary. But considering the decisions Hasbro made... *sigh*

Here's hoping some G1 villains make it into Season 4.

Edited by Little Al
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  • 2 weeks later...

Season 3 finale was like a full-on musical, and did a pretty good job at it, I'd say.

At least now we know what Celestia was talking about in The Crystal Empire, but at the moment Princess Twilight seems very pointless...But she did say everything would be fine.

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...which is naturally why you decided to roll on in here. It looked like a comfortable place, I guess.

Naturally it would be.

The purpose of the thread is to ask if people are fans of the series (aka "bronies"). When a question of that sort is asked, the most common thing is for there to be both answers of yes and no to show different opinions/preferences.

Not everyone is going to like the same thing, and the people who don't like it have just as much right to input their opinion as the people who like it do.

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