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What is your favorite rendition of the Fire Emblem theme?


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Just of the games I've played, I'd have to go:



FE10 E3





I agree that the FE9 and FE10E3 versions are absolutely great, but the FE8 version does it for me because it is both a classic and original theme.

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This one.

But seriously, someone might consider my choice this spoilers so...

[spoiler=FE13]The rondo in I~Because (FE13 - Final Boss) is probably my favourite small rendition of the theme, but the FE10 E3 one is good too. Can't remember some of the other ones right now though.

Starts at about 2:30.


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My favorite is FE7's. Pretty good sound quality, but still simple and to the point.

NES FE themes still sound good to me, though.

The FE games on the SNES...the instruments sound sound like oxwaste, but not because of the console. Same on FE8, I don't know what went through their heads after FE7...

Also, I'm gonna be that guy and say I HATE those overglorified and cinematic FE themes you'd hear on newer FE games. I mean come on, if you're gonna set the standard for a game's main theme, keep it simple at the title screen or whatever, and save those dumb "epic remixes" for later in the game!

Geez...I mean, FE7 did it right. The game had a million remixes of it's own themes throughout the game, but there was always a standard version to be familiar with.


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For me FE4, definitely. Other than FE13's the only ones mentioned here that I hadn't heard before were the opera one and the FE10 E3 one. To these I say "I never really liked opera" and "Tonality? Phrasing? What are these?". I love FE4's for the variety in the introduction and the coda, opening and finishing it properly, as well as a solidly built harmony with beautiful counterpoints and all the right instrument choices. They redid it with a proper orchestra as well (it's available somewhere on the main SF site, I'm too lazy to find it now) and it was a glorious thing.

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I enjoyed the piece of it in Super Smash Bros Melee that was part of the FE medley when you fought Marth or Roy. Brawl's version with the Latin(?) lyrics was nice, but I thought the transition into the main theme from "Together We Ride" was just too cool.

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Blazing Sword's holds so much nostalgia for me it's not even funny, but recently I have become partial to Conquest from Awakening, which has the series' main theme mixed into it; I especially like the battle mix of the song. I hope that counts?

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