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Pokemon Adventures R/B/G/Y Mafia


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Also, I have to apologize a bit to the mafia because I made a few mod judgements and mistakes that were unfair to them. I forgot that Boron's role got the role PM and not just the role name, leading to the mafia only scanning Paper as a Vig on N1, and not realizing that the nature of his role meant that there was another Vig in the game. I didn't tell them his actual role until D3, when they had just gotten "Pokemon Trainer" from Helios, and started complaining because they didn't know what that was, causing me to go and check and realize my error. I fixed it later by telling them Helios's and Paper's full roles, but it still lead to a lot of their plans being wasted. Then after that, the silence getting abused as it was was not something I expected, and I'm sorry for that guys. Though perhaps I shouldn't have let it be usable in MYLO/LYLO anyways, so eh. And finally I gave the Iwren Bananas slot a LOT of time inactive, whereas I killed Strawman much quicker.

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Also, I have to apologize a bit to the mafia because I made a few mod judgements and mistakes that were unfair to them. I forgot that Boron's role got the role PM and not just the role name, leading to the mafia only scanning Paper as a Vig on N1, and not realizing that the nature of his role meant that there was another Vig in the game. I didn't tell them his actual role until D3, when they had just gotten "Pokemon Trainer" from Helios, and started complaining because they didn't know what that was, causing me to go and check and realize my error. I fixed it later by telling them Helios's and Paper's full roles, but it still lead to a lot of their plans being wasted. Then after that, the silence getting abused as it was was not something I expected, and I'm sorry for that guys. Though perhaps I shouldn't have let it be usable in MYLO/LYLO anyways, so eh. And finally I gave the Iwren Bananas slot a LOT of time inactive, whereas I killed Strawman much quicker.

Silence Abuse...well shit essentially our mouths were just duct tape'd over, and we could only point to numbers on a clock to communicate.


Next time, speak up in thread though and be like X has been silenced, and cannot communicate with votes, or w/e

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I'll repeat what I said in the graveyard: Helios's role was NOT supposed to be a flavour cop. It was supposed to be a version of JoaT, where its abilities were permanent instead of one-shot, but where he actually had to work to earn the roles. I don't actually think it was that complicated.

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@Helios: Can you don't be a freaking jerk and completely toss aside everyone else's claims and points? The way you acted was too arrogant, conceited, confident and high-strung, and I was genuinely irritated by your tone of voice and the way you ignored everything that did not help you.

Furthermore, I don't think that your acting so arrogantly is justified in any way, since you were so hung up about me being town that you were like my puppet, pushing whatever lynches and voting whoever I wanted to mislynch on Days 3 and 4.


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Consider that Elieson went inactive for way longer than WREN/Iris/SB and even if he had a valid reason, he came back like 72 hours late from that valid reason he had.

You should have prodded Elieson and Iris earlier and modkilled them at the point where you prodded them because they were way overdue.

That's what I feel on the modkill.

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I know. I know that I completely flipped my shit in D4 and there was no excuse for that. I should have stayed offline after I had wine and not mafia until I had sobered up. I don't know why I didn't and I regret that I didn't. I'm sorry for the emotional appeal and if it affected anyone else. The emotions I had stated I was feeling at the time were not fake, and apparently I lack the self control to not turn into an emotional bitch, and I apologize for it.

I'm going to take a long break from mafia after this. I've wanted this break since the previous game, and I think it'll do me good. Hopefully I'll be more composed when I finally get back from it.

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Silencer should be probably limited to only one vote/unvote combo per post, no coloring, no double posts in the future, yeah.

It's still less terrible than "PM the mod your vote" either way.

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Also, uh, for some reason the graveyard QT link seems to be "stuck" on the "reply to this thread" function. Could someone post the non-reply version of the QT link?

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Silence Abuse...well shit essentially our mouths were just duct tape'd over, and we could only point to numbers on a clock to communicate.


Next time, speak up in thread though and be like X has been silenced, and cannot communicate with votes, or w/e

I didn't want to change the role midway through. All in all, this was my first game as a mod, and I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of which had to do with my notes not being detailed and comprehensive enough. And since the set-up ran so long after it had been made, I also forgot a lot of small details.

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Actually, BBM, I think that you should have let Red get a new skill on every battle with experience that he had, since, unless the game dragged on for very long, and no powerful trainers are lynched or night killed, it's impossible for Helios to get his 2nd or 3rd powers.

Even getting his 1st power is a little hard, and requires a lot of luck.

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@Helios: Can you don't be a freaking jerk and completely toss aside everyone else's claims and points? The way you acted was too arrogant, conceited, confident and high-strung, and I was genuinely irritated by your tone of voice and the way you ignored everything that did not help you.

Furthermore, I don't think that your acting so arrogantly is justified in any way, since you were so hung up about me being town that you were like my puppet, pushing whatever lynches and voting whoever I wanted to mislynch on Days 3 and 4.

Except I didn't? I just had a plan and needed to focus on it in order to make sure town won. It was the best idea I had and it would have worked, if it wasn't for you meddling kids! Lol. I'm sorry if I appeared to be cocky or arrogant, but I didn't intend to be. I just didn't answer a lot of things since I seriously wasn't able to time-wise, and also I didn't see a point to it since I would just be playing into scum's hand that way. Scum can only win in that situation if they can out argue the town (can we think of some situations where that's happened before?).

Lol I wasn't really as hung up on you being town as you think, I just needed to use your role to prove I was town and make sure you didn't lynch me at least. I really just wanted to lynch Boron, then lynch j00, and if he flipped town it'd be okay because we'd just lynch you. Ahh I just wish I argued against Boron but tbh I always feel bad when I do because she kept getting emotional and I felt really bad for it. I guess in this case it was just emotional appeal though and I can't really be mad about it, but her attacking my character was a bit uncalled for, especially when I chose not to do the same. And you didn't mislead me into pushing a mislynch I didn't want, since I wanted to lynch JB regardless of what you did. It was my mistake though so I can only apologize to the town for my blunders, learn, and move on.

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Sent 23 December 2012 - 06:05 PM

Will provide minimal activity due to the upcoming holiday

My mom is also in from out of town.

Combine that with being a dad and my divorce, lots going on. Mom leaves on the 27th though and Tyler goes on a week vacation on the 26th. Activity will be back to normal by 27th latest. Don't modsub me for posting like once a day plzzzz

Uhh...what was your name again? And what about my grandson, I can never remember his name either.

Sent 27 December 2012 - 09:45 AM

My mom flies out today. I'll be active after I drop her to the airport

From my PM box to BBM. That explains my announced AFK-ness prior to everything.

Elieson Posted:Posted 29 December 2012 - 05:14 PM


Posted 02 January 2013 - 12:32 AM

AYes I know that was an extended gap of unnannounced-itude. This, I do apologize for, as the holidays, plus the situation you are apparently now aware of, took presidence. I'm very very VERY rarely AFK for days at a time, so although I didn't intend to be, it was a bit smug of my to assume that I could get through the holidays with active content.

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I don't think Helios was ever a douche.

Mancer would suck less if he were self-aware.

Helios could get the other roles faster because his neighborize would count as a battle. Rolecop was unlikely to happen, though, yeah. I don't think it was a bad role, in any case. Town didn't really need the power they would've gotten from buffing Helios' role any further. Plus, j00's motivate could speed things up with good luck, too.

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Thanks Manix and Paperblade.

And Helios, I'm sorry for comments I said to you too. It was harsh and in the heat of the moment, but I will not make any excuses on it. The thing is, a lot of what I said in my argument against you isn't too different from what I would've actually said had I been town. I was legit frustrated that a lot of your case on me was PoE that was obvious only to you, and that you refused to acknowledge the holes that j00 and I had pointed out to you. If you had used evidence from the thread to point at why I was scum and actually responded to me when I pointed out flaws in your logic, my response would've been more civil. I felt like you were just ignoring everything I had to say, and if I really were town that would seem like a scum move to me.

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There was one slip Boron made that I'm surprised no one caught.

She used "Kidnap" instead of "Silenced" when she claimed.


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also, that reminds me

Ahh I just wish I argued against Boron but tbh I always feel bad when I do because she kept getting emotional and I felt really bad for it.

I commented on what she did in the GY (according to IOs it was somewhat intentional). Shit like this is annoying, especially when start doing it STRATEGICALLY because they think it's a good idea. It's antitown and makes everyone else feel like shit, and I'm seriously considering modkilling people for it in future games I host. Make up a sound argument for why you shouldn't be lynched or go down with dignity.

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Most of the time, you seem like you have no idea how others perceive you and your actions (or how they will in the future), which is a problem in a social game like Mafia.

A more blunt way of putting it is that you seem totally clueless, and not in an acceptable way like Proto.

Edited by cyborg sammy davis jr.
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I really don't get what you're trying to say, or where this "you sounded less reluctant" or "what made you change your mind so fast" stuff is coming from. I don't like claiming needlessly if there is no reason for me to do so. But I know that massclaiming is "standard practice" in certain scenarios. Also, it's not "how many people need to agree with it", but "how much pressure I feel there is on me to claim." Stop putting words in my mouth and saying I'm being hesitant.

Whatever. I'm Green, and I'm safeguard. I was on Mancer N1 because he seemed town to me and I didn't feel that he would be targeted by anything. I targeted Baldrick on N2 because I thought that scum would try to kidnaphim again.

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And Helios, I'm sorry for comments I said to you too. It was harsh and in the heat of the moment, but I will not make any excuses on it. The thing is, a lot of what I said in my argument against you isn't too different from what I would've actually said had I been town. I was legit frustrated that a lot of your case on me was PoE that was obvious only to you, and that you refused to acknowledge the holes that j00 and I had pointed out to you. If you had used evidence from the thread to point at why I was scum and actually responded to me when I pointed out flaws in your logic, my response would've been more civil. I felt like you were just ignoring everything I had to say, and if I really were town that would seem like a scum move to me.

No it's my fault, I let my own personal feelings get in the way. I just didn't want to anger you because I felt bad. I actually respect you as a person out of mafia and I've had fun talking to you on IRC before so I didn't want to accidentally hurt your feelings anymore than I did before. I knew you were scum, and I focused on trying to prove that through showing I was town in order to avoid a head-on-head argument between us as a result. Was it a bad idea in hindsight? Yeah. But did I think I would get the best of both worlds that way? Yeah. So no worries, I forgive you for anything harsh you said to me, though I was certainly disappointed that you attacked my character as a person haha. But it's okay I know you're not that type of person! So yeah I apologize and I hope you forgive me. Though be warned, I'm not falling for your emotional appeal again :P haha.

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