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Tales of Symphonia Mafia Ver. 1.0


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(5) BBM: Bizz, Iris, Elieson, Shin, Prims

(3) Bluedoom: Helios, Mancer, CR

(3) j00: scorri, BBM, SB

(2) CR: j00, Bluedoom

(1) Bizz: Aleph

(1) Shin: JB

and damn we have 5 hours left

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CR that was totally a OMGUS. plz vote for someone who is actually viable for lynch (despite the 3 votes most people don't support his wagon).

I'm still all right with BBM lynch. He hasn't really changed my opinion since I last read. I could be convinced to get onto j00 wagon but we'll see.

I might be around for phase end w/ phone.

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CR that was totally a OMGUS. plz vote for someone who is actually viable for lynch (despite the 3 votes most people don't support his wagon).

I'm still all right with BBM lynch. He hasn't really changed my opinion since I last read. I could be convinced to get onto j00 wagon but we'll see.

I might be around for phase end w/ phone.

If i wasnt on my phone and in a car id be able to read through stuff properly

But martg still hasnt explained why he switched to me when ge previously hadnt said anything irt me except metaing me as noobtown

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I'm not opposed to lynching BBM. I do at least want him to explain his vote on me because he literally went "oh no one supports the three people I wanna lynch but a j00 wagon suddenly started so I'll go for this one"

We don't need majority, why so eager for pushing a lynch? It's not like there'll be an universal loss.

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I voted j00 because his posts felt very unmemorable, none of my top 3 reads looked like they were going to get lynched, I didn't want to see a Marth lynch, and I didn't want to get lynched myself. And people said they found j00 and I agreed. Also, his last post is voting CR because she's a newb. THat's literally what his reasoning comes down to, even though he says that her actions don't really tell alignment. We lynch people for being scummy, not for not knowing what they're doing.

fuck it, I'm a Governor, but my role is such that instead of just forcing a no lynch, I can force the lynch onto somebody. Which is why I wanted to claim earlier because it's basically a dayvig shot that ends the phase. I wanted to claim so that there could be some more discussion, because I don't want to use it to nolynch when I could use it as a dayvig shot. Right now I'm going to use it on j00 in about 4 hours.

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When you voted me, there were several people who had said that they were considering lynching me already. I still don't understand how I suddenly became a lot more scummier than your top three scumreads. Your reasons for voting me is still "others found him bad and I agreed"

I voted j00 because his posts felt very unmemorable, none of my top 3 reads looked like they were going to get lynched, I didn't want to see a Marth lynch, and I didn't want to get lynched myself. And people said they found j00 and I agreed.

I voted CR because she was playing badly, newb or not. I can't tell her alignment because I can't tell if she's legit very terrible or partly feigning ignorance. No one else than n00bs gets away with "I don't know what I'm doing" and it could easily be a cover. She's been fumbling around and panicking, and while I could be wrong I don't think she would be this nervous if she was town opposed to scum.

I don't like how my wagon started with Iris saying my first post was bad and then everyone went "hey that's right that was bad" six pages after my first post. I get that I disappeared for a while, but no one thought the post was this terrible at the time I actually posted it. It seems very opportunistic. My reasons for voting SB was that he at that time he seemed the worst on the wagon, and I've explained all that in earlier posts. scorri and Iris came late so I see how they started discussing me but the rest mentioned how my SB vote was bad which should have been discussed at the time I voted him. Prims and Levity had suspicions that was based on me being "unmemorable" without explaining much and Helios found me scummy waaay earlier. (I guess unmemorable is just my style though)

But especially SB should have have discussed my vote on him earlier and BBM's reasoning is terrible.

No lynch won't happen since the person with most votes is lynched. I really don't get why you outed your role.

I'd vote BBM but he's got the most votes already and is going to use his forcelynch anyway.

Do you guys want me to claim? I don't quite see the point if you get to know what I am in 4 hours anyway, and in the off chance I'm not lynched today I'd rather not claim yet.

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Yeah we probably shouldn't lynch j00 just yet. Quick skim of the thread made me notice SB's post, and I don't really like his sudden jump to j00 who was all of a sudden becoming the new wagon. His reasoning is pretty weak and nitpicks little things about what j00 said rather than his overall overall play.

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I like how Obviam's been taking the time to make fun of me in the other thread but hasn't actually done anything in here, he made yet another "oh fuck I haven't been able to read the thread yet!!" post I still don't know why Prims thinks he's town

JB's voteswitch leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like both roleclaims could be either scum or town so I dunno.

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I don't know I'm thinking Cr's recent post actually does look legit newbtown. Bananas going "man I don't know what I think of Marth anymore" without explaining what changed his mind makes me think he's an alright lynch given how convinced he was of scum-Marth ED1. Or j00 could just be scum tracker I guess but I'm still apprehensive about lynching that barring a counterclaim.

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Gahd dammit if BBM can literally control an entire days' worth of effort with a single Lynch-redirect, then GAHH. I'm starting to spec here (and probably shouldn't though), but if he is scum and we put off lynching BBM, then we're stuck with a player who literally won't die and has full control at LYLO/MYLO.

At this point I'm more concerned about lategame mindfuckery, and would rather see this proven and done with (this is screaming Lynchproof!BBM claim)

BBM, if you're dead set on targetting j00 with your Lynch redirect, why don't you aim it at one of your, you know, higher scumreads? I'm all for seeing a Shin lynch, (and IIRC you said it yourself), so why can't you keep your reads and your actions straight?

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Nolynch could happen because I can force the lynch to be a nolynch if I wish. I just don't want to because it'd be a waste.

I don't mind a CR lynch. She's acting n00b-ish, though I'm not sure of aligment, but has outright stated that she doesn't know what she's doing. Regardless of alignment that is bad play and works as cover even if she's scum.

Also, this is your reasoning for voting for CR, j00. You say pretty explicitly that her play is bad, but it's not necessarily indicative o her alignment.

I also have no problems with using it on Shin, but I was trying to go with someone that more people thought was scum, not someone that just I thought was scum.

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BBM if you go for who everyone else thinks is scum rather than for who YOU think is scum then it's going to be easier for you to blow everything off as "well it was your choice not mine" if they flip town.

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I'm not deadset on lynching anybody, I said that j00 was who I was thinking of at that moment. I have no qualms with using my role on someone else if that's what everyone wants.

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I like how Obviam's been taking the time to make fun of me in the other thread but hasn't actually done anything in here, he made yet another "oh fuck I haven't been able to read the thread yet!!" post I still don't know why Prims thinks he's town

As a semi-related comment I feel like I'm the only one who read Obviam's contentpost instead of going "hurr durr he reports events before saying what he thinks about him therefore he must not actually be saying what he thinks about them therefore he has no scumreads". Him repeating events instead of just directly mentioning his opinions on things is annoying and makes his post difficult to parse but isn't scummy imo.

In any case, I've literally only played with scum-Obviam up to this point and going by his big post there's a lot more actual analysis here compared to his scum style of quoting everything and nitpicking at as much as he can, so I have a good feeling about him. I don't see how his contentpost is scummy and my only real problem with him is his inconsistent ratio of Posts With Reads & Opinions to filler shit like in earlygame which I'm not taking seriously.

This might change since I have a low amount of posts in context to read him from, but right now I don't think he's scum. I sorta get the impression people want to find him scummy because Bizz Defense Force which is actually retarded.

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