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Tales of Symphonia Mafia Ver. 1.0


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Uhh this is total craplogic. I could see where you'd get "if one of Bizz/Obviam is scum the other is town", but it doesn't work the other way around because townies can argue with other townies.

I agree with you about Obviam townreading scorri though, which confuses me? Her content has been good but it's not -that- good and it's also pretty sparse.

That's true, and that's why I'm not 100% confident in it. But the way he's been arguing against Straw/Bizz feels more like scum trying to mislynch town, and since Bizz was obvtown when she was in the game that would make Obviam scum. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm gonna go with for now.


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Also, I don't see how me being absolutely certain that Bluedoom is scum is a scum tell. Bluedoom has been acting pretty horribly this game. He's been playing a lot differently than he has in other mafia games. I perceive this as him being scum.

The point of mafia is to lynch anyone you think is scum. Being waffle about it will definitely be a scumtell. Being certain is not.

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9. Person with the most votes is lynched at the end of the day phase on D1 only. After that a hammer is required, hammer is simply (50% of usable votes in the game +1)

Blah. I don't have time to reread. I don't have an informed opinion right now because I haven't been around enough, and I need to leave pretty much now. Marth is at 5 votes? And we need 8 to lynch. He's closer than SB and I don't have solid reads on either, so I'm going for us to possibly have another day phase. And vig, if you exist, don't shoot.



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still not playing

9. Person with the most votes is lynched at the end of the day phase on D1 only. After that a hammer is required' date=' hammer is simply (50% of usable votes in the game +1)

9a. If at the end of any day phase, the number of people not voting at phase end exceeds the majority vote, OR at least one-third of the game, rounded DOWN has not voted, the game will end with a universal loss. If you're gonna sign up, you'd best be arsed to play the game.[/quote']

ie you need a hammer to lynch, otherwise I think it's NL assuming you don't hit universal loss conditions

still not playing

Edited by Manix
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Ok I can't multiqyote because phones suck worse than anything else but I think that I've been looking at Marth too openly. I can't think of a time Marth has ever argued someone being scum so seriously, when he was scum. I'm looking back at SSBU where he was seriously understood and misrepresented by just about everyone, promptly before his lynch. That, and this wagon built up on him awfully quick. Between the overall feel of his posts against Helios and the strange timing of all the votes coming at him, all I see is fuckflustered town.

That doesn't mean I agree with his points. He's still posting crappy content and his defining reasons behind his votes and reads seem misguided if anything. I think Marth is just finding Helios scummy. For all the wrong reasons.

That being said, I don't see SB really improving in his content, and justifying his posts wth "I'll be back to post more" constantly isn't helping his case, as it's filler. If it wasn't like 1/3 of his posts then it'd be different.

Where the heck did Aleph come from again? And why am I not mentioned anywhere except in your love pile of designated uber-town? That was a complex barf of post but a glorified list is still a list.

Considering 1/3 of the game isn't here, reads are damn hard to establish. I'm struggling with reads Becase for all we know it's Trainwreck lurkscum all over again. And I really don't want to fall down that trap again.

Biggest highlight though:

I'm feeling really uneasy about this Marth wagon now, especially the later votes.

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Also, if Strawman never delivers then I seriously think Levity should just be forced to put up or shut up (barring an actual, legitimate real life problem) given that was a bullshit reason to sub out in the first place and I would have been tempted to just modkill her in Shinori's position.


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@Helios: I thought there was a strong town motive for what Marth was saying on my first read. He's been less indignant in his defense since then and his arguments haven't improved even though he's not so emotional now. But I don't like the fanaticism of the case against him, so I'm still reluctant to vote him. I've been asked to put my vote on one of the wagons, I chose Marth because my concerns with SB can be attributed to him being busy.

Obviam: OK, it sounds like you have a problem with terms being corrupted over time to mean whatever the speaker wants them to mean. I think in that case it's best not to use them, or alter them so that what you mean is clear.

Mancer: I feel being certain about it to the extent you are, repeatedly colouring his vote red and focusing exclusively on him, is antitown even if he's scum.

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Helios[1]: Marth

Marth[6]: Helios, Mancer, CR, SB, Baldrick, Scorri

SB[4] j00, Elieson, Prims, Aleph,

Not Voting: Straw, Shatter

Marth is at L-1!

About an hour and 15 minutes left in phase.

Edited by Shinori
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That's not a vote, that's a point of emphasis.

Your point is fair enough, I guess.

Prims, just hammer Marth already, I doubt that he'll be around to claim before phase end and I doubt that he'll actually be able to claim something worthwhile anyway, since he's so obviously scum.

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You have scorri and Baldrick are voting twice and have Marf voting Helios instead of SB oh wait he left his vote on a wagon that wasn't happening and disappeared because he wanted to get lynched.

Anyway he's in India or something and was last online at 8 AM so I don't see these wagons fixing themselves.


##Vote: Marth (L-0)

Scum are in SB/Baldrick/JB/Mancer if this is town and I die tonight, possibly j00 if he survives too long or Helios if one of those is just derp-inactive. If this is scum I'll need to rethink everything and am obviously not dying tonight, so.

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Helios[1]: Marth

Marth[7]: Helios, Mancer, CR, SB, Baldrick, Scorri, Prims

SB[3] j00, Elieson, Aleph,

Not Voting: Straw, Shatter

After a day of mourning and confused chatter the people finally decided on a person to be hung. Bluedoom was hung because to everyone he was obviously scum. As he died he croacked out his name. Bluedoom was:

Dear Marth, you are Yuan Ka-Fai, the town Watcher.


You are the leader of the renegades and one of the lost heroes that helped Mithos in his first journey to regenerate the world. You are cold and logical and rarely show your emotional side. You do not reveal your true intentions until you are absolutely sure of who you can trust. Originally you try to kill the chosen to then turn and help the chosen and friends regenerate and save both worlds.

"I'm afraid I don't see the need to introduce myself to a miserable little creature like you."

You are very smart and always think logically, you are a very skilled fighter and also know how to hide your presense well. You also know to keep your eyes on anyone you find suspicious, thus each night you may respond to your role PM, "Night X - Watch <User>." You will watcher user along with the secret spies of the renegade and learn of who visits them.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

After seeing one of the four heroes of the past dead before them everyone left and went to their houses to sleep for the night, ashamed of what they had just done.

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends tomorrow, January 4th, Friday, at about 7 PM CST.

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Everyone gathered once again in the town square once the night had ended. After everyone had gathered they noticed that Scorri was missing.

Walking to her house together everyone noticed that her house had been burned down in the night. Looking around the pile of burnt wood and ashes you found a body heavily burnt beyond recognition.

Scorri was:





Walking back to the town square there was another message left for everyone to read. It read:

"GDI I knew this Marth wagon was screwy. Now we are down a watcher and never even got a D1 result to work with. We will make it through though, I know it.

Down to business. Despite Marth flipping town, I still think Helios is town. I am concerned about (Most) SB, CR, Mancer, Scorri, and Prims. Bal too, but to a much stramger extent since I have been liking his content overall compared to other games. That is, until he voted for Marth. Look at his reasons behind it.

Remember we have a redirection claim to keep in our minds

That wagon looked too opportunistic for my tastes. Waaayyyy too opportunistic.

Oh gayborg samgay gayvis jr is gayyyyyyyyyyy."

After reading the letter everyone looked at each other and took a deep breath preparing for the day to come.

It is now day 3, day 3 ends on January 7th, Monday at about 10 PM CST. With 11 people alive it takes 6 to reach a majority.

Town is in Potential LYLO.

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