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I got hit on for the first time


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...By a guy.

It was my friend's birthday last night, and this guy wouldn't stop bugging me. It was quite annoying and half-flattering (Half because I was continously being complimented by a guy and not a woman).

Some of my other male friends got kind of hit on as well, but mostly me.

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I've had that happen. Just say thanks/that's flattering and tell 'em you don't swing that way. Unless they're REALLY persistent, they should back off.

Unless you did do that and he just kept coming onto you,

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I've had that happen. Just say thanks/that's flattering and tell 'em you don't swing that way. Unless they're REALLY persistent, they should back off.

Unless you did do that and he just kept coming onto you,

He knew I was heterosexual. In fact, he says "I like you because you're so hetero!". A friend of mine was actually playing along and doin the same to him and the guy said he was "scared" because he was being too direct, and that he doesn't like homosexual men because they're too femenine.

soul just accept who you are

You first, Psych. Go on. :smug:

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Did u evr get hit on by a coute gurl and feel disgusted. nd it wuz ur first tiem?

And then you think maybe it wasn't your first, but you don't know.

Later on, you figure you weren't even being hit on anyway.


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The fact that it happens more frequently doesn't make it less obnoxious to have to deal with.

Oh yeah, women have it so hard. [/sarcasm]

Alright, I know it can be a pain, especially if they're too persistent. (i.e. still comong on to you after blowing them on) But come on, most guys will gladly change scenario's (Hunter --> Hunted).

The suspense of always being expected to act first on basically everything, while some people love it, most of us hate it. I'm used to it now and I'm not too fussed about the occasional rejection, but it really held me back a few years ago while later hearing that she really liked me and wish I had come on to her.

Women really just need to be short, or look annoyed or give some other - subtle or not - hint as to if they're interested or not.

I know this sounds a lot like stereotyping, and no, of course this isn't true in all cases, but for a great majority the point still stands I believe. Not trying to hiyack this topic or anything, but how do you guys/girls look at this?

Also, as for the posters case, if you made it clear you're not interested, he's kind of a douche to be honest... And I guess he's not a fan of the stereotype gay person, which is perfectly understandable. I actually have been in this situation once in my life, though I didn't know it until one of his girl friends said he like me and was flirting with me. I was like.... that was flirting? xD

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I know this sounds a lot like stereotyping, and no, of course this isn't true in all cases, but for a great majority the point still stands I believe. Not trying to hiyack this topic or anything, but how do you guys/girls look at this?

Hyuck hyuck hyuck hyuck hyuck.

121 The Three Beggars

Though to my feathers in the wet,

I have stood here from break of day.

I have not found a thing to eat,

For only rubbish comes my way.

Am I to live on lebeen-lone?'

Muttered the old crane of Gort.

"For all my pains on lebeen-lone?'

King Guaire walked amid his court

The palace-yard and river-side

And there to three old beggars said,

"You that have wandered far and wide

Can ravel out what's in my head.

Do men who least desire get most,

Or get the most who most desire?'

A beggar said, "They get the most

Whom man or devil cannot tire,

And what could make their muscles taut

Unless desire had made them so?'

But Guaire laughed with secret thought,

"If that be true as it seems true,

One of you three is a rich man,

For he shall have a thousand pounds

Who is first asleep, if but he can

Sleep before the third noon sounds."

And thereon, merry as a bird

With his old thoughts, King Guaire went

From river-side and palace-yard

And left them to their argument.

"And if I win,' one beggar said,

'Though I am old I shall persuade

A pretty girl to share my bed';

The second: "I shall learn a trade';

The third: "I'll hurry' to the course

Among the other gentlemen,

And lay it all upon a horse';

The second: "I have thought again:

A farmer has more dignity.'

One to another sighed and cried:

The exorbitant dreams of beggary.

That idleness had borne to pride,

Sang through their teeth from noon to noon;

And when the sccond twilight brought

The frenzy of the beggars' moon

None closed his blood-shot eyes but sought

To keep his fellows from their sleep;

All shouted till their anger grew

And they were whirling in a heap.

They mauled and bit the whole night through;

They mauled and bit till the day shone;

They mauled and bit through all that day

And till another night had gone,

Or if they made a moment's stay

They sat upon their heels to rail,,

And when old Guaire came and stood

Before the three to end this tale,

They were commingling lice and blood

"Time's up,' he cried, and all the three

With blood-shot eyes upon him stared.

"Time's up,' he eried, and all the three

Fell down upon the dust and snored.

`Maybe I shall be lucky yet,

Now they are silent,' said the crane.

`Though to my feathers in the wet

I've stood as I were made of stone

And seen the rubbish run about,

It's certain there are trout somewhere

And maybe I shall take a trout

but I do not seem to care.'

King "Guaire" always sounded like "King Gruyere" to me.

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Well thankfully I've never been hit on by girls...

But there was this one guy that was a huge flirt and back then I was too stupid to realize that while he was flirting he just did it because he liked my shy reactions and he could tell I liked him... Then when I quit liking him he realized I didn't react to him anymore he started to leave me alone...

Because of him I became afraid of flirts and would get turned off by any other flirts I came across *stares at Integrity* >_> because for all I knew they only do it for attention or because they like the reactions they get... but also it seems so manipulative to me, if only because I fall for it so easily!!

Then there's the creep that hit on me...

Thankfully I won't have to worry about those anymore though because Integ's not as bad as the flirts I'm used to and (as far as I know GASAP) he's not a creep either~

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There was a guy back in high school who used to come and bother me during science and I don't even know him

I ignored him for the most part but made it pretty obvious that I am very much not interested but he just kept on coming during lab breaks

If it weren't for it being in school and me caring about not having a record I'd probably have thrown a desk at him or something

It was really fucking annoying

Now that I think about it was a chem lab I could've threatened him with the premise of explosive chemicals and it would've ben pretty funny

I mean I was the top of my chem class making him believe that I can easily whip up something really explosive shouldn't be hard

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Now that I think about it was a chem lab I could've threatened him with the premise of explosive chemicals and it would've ben pretty funny

I mean I was the top of my chem class making him believe that I can easily whip up something really explosive shouldn't be hard

EVERY chem student talks about liking chem because of explosions (or so it feels like it).

I know someone who works making pickles now, I think that's shitloads more scary.

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My 10th grade chem teacher was a pyromaniac to the extent that the smoke alarms are disabled in her room because of the amount of explosions that went on

and it was the best class ever

she had a reputation for it too

some of my classmates made miniature bonfires on their desks and nobody gave a fuck

But I can't go back and visit her anymore 'cuz she retired

But she was one of my favourite teacher in high school oh man

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