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Difficulty level

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Atlus is known for difficult games, and even have their own page for 'That One Boss' on TVTropes.

We've all played (Or listened to shadowofchaos rant) Lunatic mode for Awakening.


This does not bode well.

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Most MegaTen games arent really hard.

they just take a degree of strategy.


You just have to know what works and what doesn't in fights. Lisandra keeps taking pretty much what I'm gonna say in these threads! Haha

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Most MegaTen games arent really hard.

they just take a degree of strategy.

You could say the same about Fire Emblem, too. Bottom line is that for most people and judged against most games, SMT and Fire Emblem are brutal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For both series' fans sakes, I hope the difficulty level is TREMENDOUS, or at least that there is an option for it. (select this difficulty to play the actual game)

I have been itching to have another SMT console game, just like I've been itching to have another handheld FE game.

I might buy the wiiU just to play this.

Atlus and Intelligent Systems are my favorite developers, I hope they pull this off amazingly.

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Multiple difficulty settings seems to be the trend with FE these days, so that's likely to feature in this as well. I'd gather the real challenge will be mixing elements from the different series until we get used to them. The thought of Ike summoning demons with a computer or something is already a little jarring to me, but we'll just have to see how this plays out.

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I figure it's more likely the game will be easier if they patchwork it a lot or do something rather new, instead of mostly following the formula of a game we've already played.

(Knights in the Nightmare should be included in this game as well...I mean, I think it fits the mood pretty damn well in a nonsensical way. "In this corner, you have the mortal, medieval-y warriors. Over here you've got the guys who make pacts with deities and monsters. Finally, there we have the undead medievaly warriors who have some sort of mythical association with powers that seem to come from a variety of different planes as well.")

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the record, most of the more recent Megaten games have also had selectable difficulty modes, so I think there's a good chance that that will be in this game.

(Knights in the Nightmare should be included in this game as well...I mean, I think it fits the mood pretty damn well in a nonsensical way. "In this corner, you have the mortal, medieval-y warriors. Over here you've got the guys who make pacts with deities and monsters. Finally, there we have the undead medievaly warriors who have some sort of mythical association with powers that seem to come from a variety of different planes as well.")

It'd never happen...but it'd be so cool if it did.

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For the record, most of the more recent Megaten games have also had selectable difficulty modes, so I think there's a good chance that that will be in this game.

I have the idea of the levels. :P

Sane, Insanity, Lunatic, Die Hard On a Crossover.

[i am ashamed to admit I forgot some of the difficulty mode names for SMT stuff, SHAME ON ME]

Edited by Maverick Hunter Jedi
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  • 3 weeks later...

Awakening set a bad precedent for difficulty. I'd hope it's more balanced and well designed with better level design like FE12.

I felt like Awakening's Lunatic was pretty fair. Though I can't really compare it to FE12 because I haven't played it.

FE13's Lunatic+ is stupid and puts you COMPLETELY at the mercy of the RNG. And hopefully, if they're going off their previous works, that they go for how they designed Lunatic (despite nitpicks from people) and NOT Lunatic+.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Enemies with Hawkeye + Mudo/Hama.

It honestly wouldn't surprise me.

I guess it depends on what kind of audience they're going for. My guess would be they're aiming at more the general crowd than the niche SMT/FE guys, because I could imagine this being one of the games they're gonna try to sell the WiiU on. If they go that route, they'll have to add adjustable difficulty. I'm not too worried about whether we'll get a hardcore mode or not- Atlus, at the very least (can't say with much authority about IS), is pretty good to its fanbase.

I'd like more info on the mechanics of the game itself. They've announced it's going to be an RPG, but is it going to be any more specific than that? Will FE characters have to learn diagonal directions? Questions questions questions.

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