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I called Game Stop today.

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I can understand the mistake. I've been saying it was a mistake made by retailers in Canada. And I'm willing to wait for the game, I'm just frustrated about the lack of solid information regarding the game is all.

Alright, this post actually makes me very glad knowing that some people can be reasonable. Ana is painting it out to be ALL OUR FAULT and I'm really not amused by that. And unfortunately not as many people are as patient as you. :(

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just download the game on the eShop either in 3-4 hours or 15-16 hours lol (and buy the 3DS separately if you don't have one, or have the bundle shipped via 1-day shipping and wait a day extra though obv. that's more expensive but it beats potentially waiting for 3-4 more days)

Edited by Burning Gravity
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Because we totally smuggled the game in ourselves, right? We decided that we wanted to screw over ALL the Americans because we're awful people! Tell me, have you ever heard of a mistake? Because that's what it was.

If you seriously can't wait a day or four for a game you really need to get over yourself. #firstworldproblems

It IS a slap in the face than some Canadians got it four days earlier, and many Americans will be waiting four days AFTER release to get it. You can also throw first world problems hastags around all you want, but it's sort of irrelevant.

The handling of this game's release is terrible and people do have a valid reason for complaining.

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Alright, this post actually makes me very glad knowing that some people can be reasonable. Ana is painting it out to be ALL OUR FAULT and I'm really not amused by that. And unfortunately not as many people are as patient as you. :(

Believe me, I'm not being as patient as I seem. I just know that the more of a fuss I make, the more agitated I will become. Then again, I was impatient about the game all of January. XD

I think the event that happen in Canada really sparked people to be upset and outraged if anything.

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Now I know I joked about it in the last post, but that just made me realize how little I know of this situation in my own country, despite being also part of North America. Don't know if to laugh or feel pity.

Anyway, just in case, tomorrow I'm gonna try to take a look around town in places I know that sell video games. But I'm gonna still die of laughter if I really find it on sale here before there.

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It IS a slap in the face than some Canadians got it four days earlier, and many Americans will be waiting four days AFTER release to get it. You can also throw first world problems hastags around all you want, but it's sort of irrelevant.

The handling of this game's release is terrible and people do have a valid reason for complaining.

Why exactly is it a slap in the face? Is America so grand that it has to be first in everything? Listen, I like the USA, and I won't deny that it's a great country, but you aren't entitled to have everything first. And no, it's not irrelevant. People are bitching because they have to wait one to four days for a game, oh boo hoo hoo!

Yeah, the handling of the release hasn't been that great, but you're pinning all the blame on Canada, and it's not our damn fault.

Believe me, I'm not being as patient as I seem. I just know that the more of a fuss I make, the more agitated I will become. Then again, I was impatient about the game all of January. XD

I think the event that happen in Canada really sparked people to be upset and outraged if anything.

Haha, it's okay to be hyped. I'm rather excited for it myself, but I have to wait until the 24th. But when you literally can not wait 1 to 4 more days to the point where you're raging about it, that's more what I was referring to.

Edited by Darros
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It IS a slap in the face than some Canadians got it four days earlier, and many Americans will be waiting four days AFTER release to get it. You can also throw first world problems hastags around all you want, but it's sort of irrelevant.

The handling of this game's release is terrible and people do have a valid reason for complaining.

It'd only really be a slap in the face if the fate of your life revolved over a game for the 3DS being released early.

It kind of doesn't give them a valid reasoning to bitch at Canada as a whole for some blunder from the game publishers (which isn't as bad as Nintendo derps go actually).

The handling of this game is not as terrible as some of you guys make it sound like.

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It IS a slap in the face than some Canadians got it four days earlier, and many Americans will be waiting four days AFTER release to get it. You can also throw first world problems hastags around all you want, but it's sort of irrelevant.

No comment about how the release of this game was handled, but I honestly feel that a lot of people have to get over themselves right now. Like Darros had said, it's not Canada's fault that they got it four days earlier. It just happened. It could have just as easily been released in the U.S. by mistake. And then Canada and the U.S. would be in reverse situations right now.

And yes, it really IS first world problems. You guys are BAAAAWing because you don't get to pick up the game on Monday. Which is an inconvenience, but hardly worth this level of outrage. At least you guys are getting it at all (remember FE12?), and the U.S. is getting the game before Europe.

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Wasn't this thread supposed to be filled with relevant information?

Let's stop arguing and get info together. Heck, I got an early (and last in the store) copy in the U.S thanks to Taichi for POSTING RELEVANT INFORMATION on this topic.

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Meanwhile, some Canadians are waiting patiently for their bundle to arrive at their door between the 6th and 11th without bitching at all.

Wait nevermind, I'm bitching about the bitching...

I'd say you all need to calm down, but...delays are not fun... I just don't appreciate all the hate Canada is getting because of a mistake.

Edited by Sock
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Quick question everyone....CAN WE STOP ARGUING WITH EACH OTHER AND ATTACKING EACH OTHER?! Please, none of us are to blame about this fiasco. Yes, some people in Canada and also some people in the United States got their copies of the game early. Yes, we are going to be jealous of those people, but can we please be civil and not attack each other?

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I'm not complaining that we didn't get it first, I'm complaining because it looks so shoddy. No one has any idea when they're getting it, the release date isn't exact, it's a "maybe, idk, sometime this week perhaps?" The fact that a ton of places released it before street date is a failure. It's not the wait that frustrates me, it's the way the entire fiasco is being handled that frustrates me. Getting stuck calling Gamestops in my area trying to get a coherent answer and knowing I wasted two vacation days because of this is a very valid reason to be upset.

I do not think it's Canada's fault for our delays, I think it's Nintendo's failure to anticipate demand.

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A wise man once said: "Patience is a virtue" *strokes imaginary goatee"

So get over it guys, we all will get the game eventually :/

Edited by Kramgnauh
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Delayed? If I had money and a 3ds I'd be pissed, but I've neither of those, so I'm not complaining.

Still, shouldn't you guys be happy Awakening is coming to America, unlike FE12? Besides, not like it took 2 years to go from Japan to America like a certain beloved JRPG on the Wii. >_>

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Delayed? If I had money and a 3ds I'd be pissed, but I've neither of those, so I'm not complaining.

Still, shouldn't you guys be happy Awakening is coming to America, unlike FE12? Besides, not like it took 2 years to go from Japan to America like a certain beloved JRPG on the Wii. >_>

Agreed about this game coming to America unlike FE12. I was more upset about that not coming to the US than I am currently having to wait for Awakening to arrive at my GameStop.

I feel like I'm contradicting myself by trying to reason with people, but I think in the long run, we need to relax and realize that at least we do get the game some time this week.

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Quick question everyone....CAN WE STOP ARGUING WITH EACH OTHER AND ATTACKING EACH OTHER?! Please, none of us are to blame about this fiasco. Yes, some people in Canada and also some people in the United States got their copies of the game early. Yes, we are going to be jealous of those people, but can we please be civil and not attack each other?

Again, I second this. Believe me, I am incredibly annoyed that this all happened too, but we gotta accept that it happened and deal with it. And we don't deal with it by throwing accusations at people that had nothing to do with the screw up. Lets act like responsible adults, try and give each other relevant helpful info, and find something to turn you're frustration into something productive. I recommend school, work, or a recently acquired game or game that you haven't finished or touched. I'm sure this will all be over sooner than we think. Hang in there folks!

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Again, I second this. Believe me, I am incredibly annoyed that this all happened too, but we gotta accept that it happened and deal with it. And we don't deal with it by throwing accusations at people that had nothing to do with the screw up. Lets act like responsible adults, try and give each other relevant helpful info, and find something to turn you're frustration into something productive. I recommend school, work, or a recently acquired game or game that you haven't finished or touched. I'm sure this will all be over sooner than we think. Hang in there folks!

Plus, I think we ended up going from being helpful with each other to arguing with each other. Yes, we're all obviously frustrated about this fiasco, but we need to realize that we are all basically in this together. Let's get back to helping each other out and share any information we might get. I wouldn't want to see anyone get in trouble with the section moderator.

Edited by Kaze_Ninja17
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Quick question everyone....CAN WE STOP ARGUING WITH EACH OTHER AND ATTACKING EACH OTHER?! Please, none of us are to blame about this fiasco. Yes, some people in Canada and also some people in the United States got their copies of the game early. Yes, we are going to be jealous of those people, but can we please be civil and not attack each other?

^ This. It's not gonna kill people to wait a few extra days. We're not 5 years old and this isn't Christmas Eve.

Also, stop with the "YOU AN' YER FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS DERPEDY-DERP!" crap. Yes it's stupid to throw a hissy fit over this, but it's not like you've never got frustrated at something. Not everyone stubs their toe then immediately thinks "Hey, at least I don't have malaria!" The phrase became overused (and hypocritical) the moment it was invented.

Also I have no qualms with my Canadian neighbors. Canada is a great country and, in my experience, overall quite friendly (except for one dumbass tourist I met there... which means he's not even Canadian so that point is moot). Everyone makes mistakes and we can't label a whole country negatively just because a small group of people within do something that people find annoying.

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^ This. It's not gonna kill people to wait a few extra days. We're not 5 years old and this isn't Christmas Eve.

Also, stop with the "YOU AN' YER FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS DERPEDY-DERP!" crap. Yes it's stupid to throw a hissy fit over this, but it's not like you've never got frustrated at something. Not everyone stubs their toe then immediately thinks "Hey, at least I don't have malaria!" The phrase became overused (and hypocritical) the moment it was invented.

Also I have no qualms with my Canadian neighbors. Canada is a great country and, in my experience, overall quite friendly (except for one dumbass tourist I met there... which means he's not even Canadian so that point is moot). Everyone makes mistakes and we can't label a whole country negatively just because a small group of people within do something that people find annoying.

Hell, the early release could have easily been made by retailers in the US.

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I'm pretty sure you're gonna look back at this and laugh once you guys actually get the game in your hands.

For now, just do homework or something.

But I'm on vacation I don't have homework nroooooo

School starts like tomorrow for me, haha

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Hey all, hows it going? Sad news about awakening being pretty much delayed to the 8th. Made me and my fellow employees cry out a collective NOOOOO!!!!! Vader style. On the upside, at least this shows nintendo that fire emblem is popular and hopefully that means a lot more FE in the future!

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I'm pretty sure you're gonna look back at this and laugh once you guys actually get the game in your hands.

And realize how crazy we all became because of this. [cue transfer to other thread]

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