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I called Game Stop today.

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...You know, it just occurred to me that the push back might deal with those who haven't pre-ordered the game/bundle and if that's the case, I feel really silly for over worrying, but I'm also not going to get my hopes up so here's hoping it'll come to those who pre-ordered when it should.

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They might need to get another shipment for non-pre-order copies of Fire Emblem: Awakening, which might be what's due to arrive on the 5th or 8th.

The fifth thing is for preorders too though, according to my local gamestop. Then again, I live in the boonies so...

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The fifth thing is for preorders too though, according to my local gamestop. Then again, I live in the boonies so...

Hmm. I think it may depend on the location then. Like I said in my original post on this thread, my GameStop said that they're expecting it between tomorrow and Sunday(probably meant Monday, though).

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Why can't I live in a different state? The gamestop in my area seems to be the only one that doesn't want to break the street date. Although, another game store in the area might be able to hook me up tomorrow since i've known one of the guys who works there since elementary school, but i'm not holding my breath, and i'll probably just accept that i'll at least have it monday. Would be nice to have over this particular weekend though.

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I called mine today and the guy said that they keeps getting these calls and that they were never told that they could remove the street date, but that they will have copies for pre-orderers on the 4th so at least I can get it a day earlier than some unlucky souls.

I'm on Long Island if you wanted to know.

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I just called one near me in NH, They said the 5th. Luckily, I took the day off work so I can go between my classes!

I walked to the Gamestop near my college today and asked about the release. I was told that they have the artbooks in, but not the game and such. There was no street date listed and they may get it tomorrow or Saturday.

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Louisianian here, I called up my GS about an hour ago. They said that they were getting the shipment on the 8th. If not, then the 11th. I plan on going there after class tomorrow to double check. I hope that everyone else has better luck.

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Hmm, just called the GS where I preordered (back in October!), and she mentioned the earliest they could get it would be 2/7, the latest 2/11.

She noted that with the surprisingly high demand, allocation issues have arisen, leading to some places getting the game much later than the initial release date.

Ah, the price of hyping up a niche item... :dry:

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I walked to the Gamestop near my college today and asked about the release. I was told that they have the artbooks in, but not the game and such. There was no street date listed and they may get it tomorrow or Saturday.

This looks like the most accurate information

Also how did people pre-order in October or November when I pre-ordered the first day it was even ALLOWED to be pre-ordered on GS and that was 12/5/13 and they didn't even have the artbook deal at that point? >_>'

Also for those interested here's a summary of what's going on ^_^

Hey guys--the purpose of this topic is to make updates on the release of Fire Emblem: Awakening. The point of this is to not clutter information and just provide it in this first post here since it's a rather big deal. Thanks for your understanding.

January 15th: Bundle is now available for purchase on various websites (depending on region).

January 17th: Demo is released on the eShop!

January 2Xth: At some point, pre-orders were closed for the U.S. GameStops for the games themselves. Other stores may still be accepting pre-orders. The bundle is still available.

January 28th: Shipments of Fire Emblem: Awakening arrive in Canada at various locations, around closing time (reported ~8:30 PM EST).

January 29th: The street date for Canada is broken and they begin to sell the game early. Canadians are lucky as hell and flaunt the fact that they get the game a week early. Rumors indicate that the U.S. Street Date may also be broken, and that GameStop has begun to charge users for their online purchases (note: people who buy the bundle may have had their transaction declined due to the high price that may make their credit card companies suspicious of fraud). EBGames is the first to sell early, with Best Buy stating on Twitter that they plan to follow suit. Few Canadian stores have extra copies, most of them are reserved for pre-orders. So far, there is no confirmation of U.S. games shipping; in the best situation, the game will arrive Friday, and be available for purchase then.

January 30th: The street date for Canada has been... un-lifted, for lack of a better term--apparently Nintendo enforced it and said they weren't supposed to be selling it until the 4th, like normal. The chance of the street date getting lifted for us in the U.S. is now very, very slim, next to zero. Supposedly there's still some havoc though so you may be able to make use of the confusion and get the game before everyone is sure of what's supposed to be happening (if you're in Canada and somehow haven't made use of how lucky you are sleep.gif).

January 31st: Looks like I may have been wrong: according to various GameStops and online sources (none of which are -extremely- credible but they're credible enough) indicate that the street date in the U.S. has either been lifted or never existed in the first place, and shipments should be coming in tomorrow afternoon (some places reported earlier but I have a feeling it's not true). Call your local gamestop and ask when they think they'll have it in--otherwise you might be in the dark and not get the game on time (especially if they wait until the 4th to call you...).

January 31st, 2nd Update: Evidence now suggests that the street date has in fact been lifted, and if your local GameStop says otherwise, make your best attempt to convince them otherwise. Also, there are many reports going about that the game will not ship in-store until the 8th of February; however, it is suspected that this refers to the 2nd shipment of games, i.e. ones that aren't pre-orders. Pre-orders may come in tomorrow, February 1st, or Saturday, February 2nd, but it's not guaranteed. Some stores already have the Character Artbook and may let you pick it up ahead of time, though I personally was not able to pick mine up (despite going in person). If you haven't pre-ordered, you're likely out of luck; if you pre-ordered the bundle, I don't believe you can pick it up in-store so I'm assuming it's being shipped to your home and it should be shipped the day it is released (supposedly it takes 1 day to process and will be processed the 3rd, but I'm not sure how accurate this information the Custom Service representative gave me is). If you're not at GameStop, your order will likely come in at a normal time, though check to see if they'll sell it to you early (and maybe even a local non-chain store ["mom and pop store"] will have it). Good luck trying to get the game!

If you have any questions, let me know, I've only made several dozen phone calls and stalked the entire internet trying to figure out when I can get the game because I'm so impatient.

and I went in to pick up the artbook but they refused... iMad

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Yeah. How could I forget to mention it...? :facepalm: Live in California.

Where in California? I've heard the East Bay area is getting it tomorrow but all the stores near me (Orange County) are either saying they don't know or the 4th-5th.

Edit: Also, every employee I've talked to said they'll be selling it as soon as they get it in, but there are a lot of reserves so it might be preorders only.

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Stopped at the Gamestop I pre-ordered from, guy said they weren't in yet, they get shipments around noon and to call back to check, etc. Previous estimates (I've been checking daily) were "hopefully sometime this week" and "Sunday". However, when I mentioned the street date being lifted, he was like "Sorry, can't sell before the 5th due to fines." Luckily, the manager or DM (not sure which) was just leaving, so he caught 'em and asked if they had heard about places breaking the street date. They (it was a couple, the girl was more informed, but I think he was addressing the guy, so not sure who was who) knew of it, and let him know the street date had been lifted and it was available to sell as soon as it came in. However, she didn't think it'd arrive before Monday.

I also stopped at Best Buy beforehand, and they said their shipment was scheduled "by Sunday", but they were only getting 7 copies.

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4th/5th is old information, if they say the 8th then they've at least read their e-mails though the 8th may be referring to almost anything, the day where preorders arrive, the day where the next order (I mean like ones after the pre-orders got cut-off cuz of supply issues) ships, the day where the next order arrives, the time by which any of those things may happen or the earliest time by which they may happen >_>' I've heard almost everything now, even SUNDAY, that was a first, someone in this thread mentioned it arriving Sunday, lol

EDIT: best solution if you don't get the game by the 4th is to just eShop it and cancel your pre-order or else double support Nintendo because idk why but think of it as supporting Intelligent Systems and Fire Emblem, screw Nintendo's management failure >_>'

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Wait, whats this about not being able to pick up the bundle in store??? I preordered the bundle at the store and was never informed that it would be shipped directly to me.....

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Wait, whats this about not being able to pick up the bundle in store??? I preordered the bundle at the store and was never informed that it would be shipped directly to me.....

This is the case for me as well. I'm guessing that you're only unable to pick up the bundle in store if you ordered it online - or at least, that option wasn't available to me when I tried to do so.

The last few times I've preordered something at Gamestop, they called to tell me that my order was available. Hopefully they do the same this time.

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Alright. I just called my GameStop here in Ohio and I was told that since the game is not street dated, they expect to get the game sometime between tomorrow and Sunday. I was told that since the game isn't street dated, it is best to call in tomorrow around noon since that is when their shipments are done. Hope this helps.

I was told the exact same thing.

Gamestop in New Jersey.

Hoping they get their shipment so I can pick up my pre order :(

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