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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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Well then.

I think Snike's case against Marth is a good one, and since Mancer isn't here and isn't likely to respond much to any pressure put on him right now anyways, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth.

What also struck me as a bit off is that while D1 starts have become the norm lately, Marth has played in many N0 starts before, and he never seemed so eager to start things off then. ~meta but I don't really have anything better at the moment.

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Snike's assumption that there's a role thief really bugs me though. /: I'll hold off on voting Marth until he comes in here first and we get more content from him to work with.

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Snike we're not sure it's a role thief though, why are you so certain it's one

We're not sure if it's a role deleter, either.

Sho's reasoning for not claiming was based around the assumption that the role deleter is actually a role deleter.

Your :18 post was freaking out about "role deleter".

Couldn't I ask the same question to you both?

I feel like role deleter, as I previously mentioned, wouldn't be likely to be wasted Night 0 as opposed to a role thief, so I made the assumption that it's role thief. Sue me.

Hell, we're not even sure if he's telling the truth, either. Results can probably be faked. I'm just going with the information I have.

@AC cop down: Thank you for cooperating. The potential loss of an AC is depressing, but at least the other information roles know what to look out for.

@Marthwagon: BBM you're getting on my nerves in a way that's hard to explain.

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I don't think that he's assuming that there's a role thief. It looked more to me that he wasn't discounting the possibility of one, instead of just calling it a role deleter.

Sho, I hope that you don't use the excuse of you getting your role downgraded to coast. We don't even know if you're telling the truth. You might have been culted and lost your role, for all we know. Why exactly are you voting Marth?

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hm, Snike does bring up a valid point though, judging from how sho lost his role night 0 there could very well be a role thief, I think I'd be easy to decide if I remebered flavor but doop. As there could very well have been cult instead, maybe.

I don't know what to think about Sho being allignment cop right now but I want to see how other people react.

Also hi Rocker mind to post?

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I don't think that he's assuming that there's a role thief. It looked more to me that he wasn't discounting the possibility of one, instead of just calling it a role deleter.

Sho, I hope that you don't use the excuse of you getting your role downgraded to coast. We don't even know if you're telling the truth. You might have been culted and lost your role, for all we know. Why exactly are you voting Marth?

I freely admit I made an assumption, but that doesn't mean that the people who are calling me out aren't doing the same thing.

You're being frustratingly hard to read because half the time I think you make good points, and the other half I feel like you're wrong/suspicious. And it's driving me crazy.

But please, no cult spec. The last thing we need right now is ITP spec.

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Cult spec is a scumtell, please avoid that. I don't think you're clear just from the announcer claim either, especially since I don't know what you gain from claiming announcer in the first place. I think you should have kept quiet.

I freely admit I made an assumption, but that doesn't mean that the people who are calling me out aren't doing the same thing.

"I admit I did the thing. But look at the other people doing the thing!! I'm not the only one guilty of it stop looking at me like that."

What actually bothers me is that you used the role thief assumption to get Sho to claim, but you were super ready to call someone else out for rolefishing.

I was about to say that Xinnidy's "any particular reason why?" comment struck me as rolefishing, but then I realized that I wasn't thinking things through wrt that comment.

Also please ~cite your sources~ regarding BBM.

You're being frustratingly hard to read because half the time I think you make good points,


and the other half I feel like you're wrong/suspicious.

Specific examples might help

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I don't think that he's assuming that there's a role thief. It looked more to me that he wasn't discounting the possibility of one, instead of just calling it a role deleter.

Sho, I hope that you don't use the excuse of you getting your role downgraded to coast. We don't even know if you're telling the truth. You might have been culted and lost your role, for all we know. Why exactly are you voting Marth?

Okay so I either have the balls to assume town doesn't have aligment cop or knew town doesn't have aligment cop(this is known as super bastard modding) as I fake claimed being one while the actual aligment cop could at any given point counter claim OR I am culted?

If I were culted, would I honestly go and just smack it in your faces I lost my role? That would make me lynch target the second a cult member turns dead.

As for marth vote, pure sheeping to work as pressure

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Okay I've thought a bit more on sho's case and cult spec looks dumb right now, for the reasons sho posted.

BBM is being pretty suspicious of people as far as I can tell, but I find that really null right now.

Sadly, I don't really know what to think of Snike at this point.

Rocker is being lol and it's not helping his case much unless he bothers explaining.

I see Helios reading the thread hi Helios. (yes I'm not being fond of Void ;/)

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Sho, mafia could have been given AC as a fakeclaim. Whatever, there's no point to arguing this. Either way, don't coast.

Bizz- Claiming Announcer was a mistake; I've said that several times. Whatever. Nor was I engaging in cult spec; I was trying to point out to Sho that he's not cleared.

Rocker's post bothers me. Bizz might not be voting but at least she's analyzing what people are saying. Rocker just said "oh shucks we lost the cop" and then left it at that.

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##Vote Scorri

Lol scorri active lurking

I believe Sho's alignment cop claim since this game has a miller. This is either an elaborate attempt by scum to draw out the town alignment cop, or Sho's telling the truth. It's a bit early to sacrifice a buddy like this so I'm going with the latter. The role deleter/thief is interesting though. This is modmeta, but I know Elie likes to put some crazy/unique roles in his games. My question is: isn't that a confirmed scum role basically? Why would town use a role that can be detrimental to town so early in the game right? Wrt Sho though, please don't get lazy town on us. I'm not sure what the point of a pressure vote is when you literally say "I'm pressure voting you Marth because I can".

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Okay so I either have the balls to assume town doesn't have aligment cop or knew town doesn't have aligment cop(this is known as super bastard modding)

That may be vague but I think that covers that he was aware of that fakeclaim possibility, BBM.

If maybe we have a role cop or the like that could potentially make this scenario more likely but I don't even think they should out themselves anytime soon if that's true.

Also hi Helios I called you out for not posting for a bit and then you go and vote scorri for lurking ok.

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[spoiler=speculation things that are stupid]So uh, since I see speculation about cult and I saw something about sk from levy on the last page because of role thief or whatever. Speculation things: what if the role thief is town? Or third party? So far we already have tons of people that have claimed supposed weird roles.

I think it's highly likely that there is a third party in this game though. I wonder if the numbers in this game will end up just being really weird or something. I doubt it.

Loss of an alignment cop makes me feel safer about the earlier miller claim. As for the Marth case I felt it built a little fast especially since most of it is on N0 stuff which just seems weird to me. Frankly, I don't like BBM's vote on marth but whatever.

Also there is 15 town in this game.

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Are you claiming Numbers, Shinori?

I'm disappointed that Helios has nothing better to offer than Sho rolespec and what's basically a random vote against Scorri. Helios, what do you think of Marth and the Marth wagon?

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That may be vague but I think that covers that he was aware of that fakeclaim possibility, BBM.

If maybe we have a role cop or the like that could potentially make this scenario more likely but I don't even think they should out themselves anytime soon if that's true.

Also hi Helios I called you out for not posting for a bit and then you go and vote scorri for lurking ok.

I was reading the thread man damn lol

Active lurking isn't the same as lurking. Active lurking is posting for the sake of posting just so that you don't get called out for lurking basically. Kinda like what you did earlier posting 4 null reads lol. I realize scorri was pretty much just trying to say that she's not gonna be around today but I think there was stuff she could have actually touched on that she didn't, hence the vote. It's not really strong reasoning but hey ED1 boiiii.

Haha ok agree to disagree then Sho.

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@BBM: At the moment I find Marth to be town trying to make something happen since nothing was happening. It's meta but he tends to do this as town so I guess I'm not really seeing this current argument on him. Curious to see how he'll reply to the pressure though.

Alright back to FE13

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