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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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I see a lot of weird things going on.

A few things.

I didn't scan Neko last night cuz I thought Bal's claim ofbeing hooked and the CPR claim n general was more suspcious. Truth is Bal is vanilla as well now.

Second I ran out of online time so I couldn't clarify with Eli if I could scan 2 targets again. Regardless I'm going to attempt it this time.

Third, I got two messages. First message says there's a role booster(Role: Role booster). Second message says there's a player who is Leader+ 2nd role. ( It goes as: " Role: 2nd Role/Role: Leader")

Thing is I've scanned someone who has the ' 2nd role' , and that person wasn't Shinori. Dunno what that means.

So how did Sho get two messages?

Next. . .I think one of Shinori/scorri should be lynched. . .and I'm leaning more towards scorri. See, if I had that kind of third-party role, I'd out the minute Shinori mentioned numbers, because that would imply uneven scum teams OR another third party. If I go down due to such an announcement, I honestly wouldn't be upset. Also, Deathproof ITP sounds absurdly weak, and I think putting that together with my stupid role is, well, high-level silliness (in other words, the more I think about it, the less I believe it).

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Aw, eclipse, that's not very nice. I don't wanna get lynched. ;_;

No but seriously. Why would I out at first? It wasn't even clear that it was multifaction at first and I like to survive. I don't want to get lynched. I'm looking out for myself here, remember? Outing right away would get me lynched because people typically aren't huge fans of vivors since they can easily just joint with scum. So I figured I'd stay silent. And then by the time it was clear we had two factions, we had two super fast days and then I outed myself after I got shot. Tell me how I could have done this better such that I was still following my win con?

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Yeah, I suppose Marth could scan me. It'd be a waste. Of course... scanning anyone at this point isn't especially useful. You guys already have your two scum. And I'm really not someone you need to be worrying about. Trust me~

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Okay seriously I didn't want to have to out this right now but whatever.

I don't know anything truthful about numbers. I guessed randomly with a number that seemed logical. I was attempting to draw a scum kill. I'm assuming that since they never chose to target me to kill me(The BPV was a fake as well) means they knew/assumed I was lying and knew it was going to backfire in my face as the game progressed. Which means numbers are probably not 15 town. And Scorri is most likely telling the truth I would think.

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That's really useful there. Tells us... absolutely nothing actually.

This should be fun. I say Bal's the lynch for tomorrow. Shinori the day after that. If not Shinori maybe Rein because 1-shot Gov that forces a no lynch isn't the towniest role ever. Perhaps that's who you should scan tonight sho.

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Dear Shinori, you are Creed.

You were a Greater Devil under Zeon, but opted to retire in peace in the Devil's Tail, where you live in a magical mansion where fairies live and doorknobs shrink beings to the size of chess pieces. Because you have retired, you do not mind aiding the Force against Zeon, but you also helped Odd Eye regain his memory, and he seeks to destroy the Force and the god Volcanon. You eventually feel regret for it, but life carries on, and you take on the job of a pastor to aid the Force after his defeat.

Due to the nature of your home and the magic within it, you have traps set behind every door and book, that react to hands unlike yours. One special trap you have set lies under your very robes, and when pierced by the hands of hostility, explodes with a fiery burst that is sure to ward off anyone who manages to survive. Anyone who targets you with a killing action at night will thus die alongside if you (consider this as though it is the normal effect of a Bomb)." Multiple attacks on the same night will result in every hostile opponent being killed by your trap.

Because you are so powerful and have retired simply to relax, you are the Leader. When you die, all votes that occur in the following day phase are restricted to being submitted in RolePM only, and are not announced by the host. They are also not allowed to be discussed (but may be implied) in thread or in OC. (Players may argue a case against a player, but they cannot outright say I am voting for X).

In short, you are the Leader.

You are allied with the Shining Force. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Shining Force members have been eliminated.

Because I want to be killed. ;/ Also now you see why I referenced the previous SFM.

When did rein say he was a 1 shot gov? Did I miss something?

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Oh, and Xinnidy, if you're what I think you are, you really should focus on targeting the cops unless you can't target someone twice. Just sayin.

Oh and I'm pretty sure Rein wasn't lying about being made vanilla.

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