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If you see someone being bullied, what do you do?

Gold Vanguard


26 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you do?

    • Get help from a higher authority
    • Take matters into your own hands
    • Walk by and ignore the situation
    • Join in on the bullying

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This doesnt happen very often at my school but when it does, its usually underclass men involved. I'm a junior and my build isnt the best (this is a sugarcoat, I'm a fucking stick). Some of these sophomore bullies are taller and stronger than me but I found that they're just passive aggressive. Whenever I would see a sophmore or freshmen being bullied, I usually jump in and tell them to fuck off. The little ones usually run away and the bullies just bark insults which I shrug off. There was one occasion when a guy actually attacked me. I sorta kicked him once before a few friends jumped in and beat him up. Why the hell would I get my hands dirty for?

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I begin by assuaging the bullies fears that I am in fact a tough guy. After they've calmed down and realize what a lack of threat I am to them, they resume the bullying/beatings, at which point I grab my friend Bob and use his pimp hand to deliver some +3 Hand of Justice.

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I generally watch until things get bad, aka when they start discussing and fighting, when it's certain that there will be an aggression. Then I step in and shield the guy... Though that only happened once, last year. And the bullied guy totally owned the other guy, so I didn't do anything.

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Well... I'm not entirely sure what I would do...

I'm terribly weak in two ways... one is that I'm just so tiny and I don't work out or anything at all x3 The other is that violence disgusts me so I would probably try fleeing the scene because I don't want to hear any of the punching or grunting or see anything either.

But also I wouldn't want it to keep up and I'm in no position to stop any fights with my frailty XD So the next thing I'd do is ask for help from the higher-ups to stop it.

But I went to a small small high school and it was a bit more peaceful. They would have some fights but I had only passed by one of them. I didn't want to look but there was already a higher-up there trying to stop it. Also there was a crowd surrounding the fight so I was all "eh I'm sure somebody already tried getting help by now"

Soooooooooooo I would either ignore it and go away or I would try to look for help.

And now I dunno if I can even vote x3

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Try to stop the bully, fail, get hurt, get bullied for the next year by the bully, along with the person that was first getting bullied, making the entire thing pointless. That's generally how it went for me, anyway.

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Most of the bullying that went on in my high school involved.gang conflicts that most students steered clear of, More classic bullying scenarios were rarer, but they did occur every now and then. We were always encouraged to get an authority figure if she saw something, but I often found teachers to be unresponsive in this regard. I usually tried to break these things up, and I wasn't afraid to get physical if I need to defend myself. I got into a lot of trouble as a kid for my attitude, but I always felt I was doing the right thing.

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I'm not gonna answer this because I've never been in a situation where someone had to step in or anything. (and I hope that it never does happen at our school) I've never seen that sort of classic bullying happen ever at my school. There are, of course, drama causing idiots, but I don't really consider that bullying since both sides are being equally douche.

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We were always encouraged to get an authority figure if she saw something, but I often found teachers to be unresponsive in this regard.

Heehee wow meanwhile in my high school the teachers we had would be willing to get right in between the people fighting in order to break it up x3

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Dunno. Probably ignore the situation though. I guess I might join in if I was horrible enough though!


Ya well generally the bullying around me never got very bad - I think? - at high school. It was more like some basic picking on and being a bit of asses to each other... Occasionally I'd take some cheap shots at the bullies whether they worked or not, get petulant as shit, or otherwise make an idiot of myself. Whether any of that did anything whatsoever, I dunno.

I don't remember seeing anyone get beat up in a bullying situation, though there were a few fights were I suppose I don't know what happened at all.

And as for after that, it's more of the same in terms of not really seeing much. I wouldn't want to say I'd intervene when I have no particular reason to think I would.

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I was regularly a target of bullying between the age of 12 to about 14. Mostly name calling, but there were a few physical instances as a result of standing up against the verbal abuse.

I hit the gym and gained a solid structure, as well as more self-confidence. School became bearable once more.

Then at 19 I went to University, the best four years of my education ever. 10/10 would go again. The only instances of "bullying" I witnessed here was banter.

As for situations where I've stepped in, I cannot think of any. But I know that I would help a person in need, one way or another.

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Um, I didn't go to public school, so that probably affects stuff, but anyway, it would depend on the kind of bullying. Either way, I'd try to convince random bystanders to do something. Name calling, I'd just bother people to cut it out, and probably side with whoever was being bullied as obviously as I could. Physical fights, based on what I did as a kid and being way less of a coward now, I'd probably tell a couple authority figures, if they didn't do anything, I'd give them one more chance to fix the problem their way. If they still did nothing remotely helpful, I'd just lecture the bully and then fight them myself if they didn't stop. Not that I wouldn't probably just get beaten up, it's just what I'd do. ...okay, when I think about it, that's exactly what I did as a kid, I just never planned on it.

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Thankfully in high school I never really witnessed classic physical bullying very often. Most of it was just meaningless banter towards other kids, and if that was the case I'd step in and tell them to chill out a little and things would be alright. As a kid though things were different, if I was bullied I would fight them off myself. Now, in theory, I'd probably try and stop things myself, but if things became physical, since I'm not in great physical condition right now, I'd get a higher authority to take care of things, but that'd be after simply talking things out wasn't an option.

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Unless the bullied person is someone I know, I can say I'd likely ignore it. Immoral, ain't I? Honestly, I think the trouble that follows isn't worth it.

Edited by Darros
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If it's a stranger, I'll do my best to assess the situation before reacting. There's a fine line between bullying and playful teasing, and knowing when to butt in is crucial. If it's a friend. . .well, let's say that I can go from nice and happy to ballistic at the drop of a hat.

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If it's a stranger, I'll do my best to assess the situation before reacting. There's a fine line between bullying and playful teasing, and knowing when to butt in is crucial. If it's a friend. . .well, let's say that I can go from nice and happy to ballistic at the drop of a hat.

Same here. Normally, I was quiet and kind to my friends and other students when I was in high school.

But, for me, I went through a rough patch of depression. A lot of people, the wanna-be-gangsters mainly, would throw out some poor choice of words as I passed by or if they were with a group of their buddies, they'd do it to show off. I've got a nice death-glare that scares the shit out of people. Never had to fight someone from the school, shockingly. Only had to step in and tell people to fuck off. I got pneumonia often(Still do), so my muscle wasn't as good as it could have been. I can fight pretty well even without much strength, a high pain tolerance benefits me greatly. If you aren't sure what to do, as in you don't know if you'd be good in a fight, only use it as a last option. Talk with the person being bullied, figure out what's up and when it started to figure out what could have sparked it. Most people put others down or mess with someone because they wanna have some form of control over another, as they feel someone else has over them. Sometimes telling them to fuck off and deal with their problems in another way than picking on someone they see as weaker/lesser than themselves, works. When it doesn't, they'll either turn on you or shove you, seeing how you'll react. But if it seem's serious, as in the person makes the victim afraid to do anything, get them to the gym and give them moral support, or find someone with authority. Or both - At least the first option. It's good to workout for your body's overall health anyway.

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Same here. Normally, I was quiet and kind to my friends and other students when I was in high school.

But, for me, I went through a rough patch of depression. A lot of people, the wanna-be-gangsters mainly, would throw out some poor choice of words as I passed by or if they were with a group of their buddies, they'd do it to show off. I've got a nice death-glare that scares the shit out of people. Never had to fight someone from the school, shockingly. Only had to step in and tell people to fuck off. I got pneumonia often(Still do), so my muscle wasn't as good as it could have been. I can fight pretty well even without much strength, a high pain tolerance benefits me greatly. If you aren't sure what to do, as in you don't know if you'd be good in a fight, only use it as a last option. Talk with the person being bullied, figure out what's up and when it started to figure out what could have sparked it. Most people put others down or mess with someone because they wanna have some form of control over another, as they feel someone else has over them. Sometimes telling them to fuck off and deal with their problems in another way than picking on someone they see as weaker/lesser than themselves, works. When it doesn't, they'll either turn on you or shove you, seeing how you'll react. But if it seem's serious, as in the person makes the victim afraid to do anything, get them to the gym and give them moral support, or find someone with authority. Or both - At least the first option. It's good to workout for your body's overall health anyway.

Heh, I should've clarified. When I go ballistic, it usually means the unfortunate soul gets the sharp end of my tongue.

Thankfully, I haven't had to defend anyone physically. Hopefully, I'll never have to.

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Most people here wouldn't do a damn thing.

It's a totally different thing to say you would than actually doing something when you see it in real life.

We all wish we could, but most people would walk away.

Edited by Olwen
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My school literally had like specialized police deployed in and around the school at all times, called school security officers, so basically yeah dude

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My school literally had like specialized police deployed in and around the school at all times, called school security officers, so basically yeah dude

Bullying is a tame umbrella term everyone uses for the physical and verbal assaults that occur in schools. If this happened outside of school grounds it would be called a criminal offence, and "bullying" should be treated as such. I agree with this proactive method your (current/previous?) school is taking.

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