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As some of you may know from my speaking in the Skype chat well, I say "the" when I mean "a", but you get the point, I've got an idea for a Fire Emblem stat-based RP. This game is for six players, and is set in central Magvel, at the tail end of the Grado invasion of Renais. You and your five comrades must survive, but you won't just survive... you may help dictate the fate of the continent. You will meet allies, you will meet many, many enemies, but this much is certain: your names will be remembered for many generations to come.

Mechanically: this game is extraordinarily similar to Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones. Unless stated otherwise, please assume that the game operates as Sacred Stones, because it does! I've made an effort to rebalance a few things for the purpose of this RP; furthermore, I've built character generation from the ground up, and it's more closely related to Dungeons and Dragons than Fire Emblem, so far as the methods of character creation go.

What's Happened So Far?

--Our company scrabbled together in Serafew, fleeing for various reasons from Grado's troops. They were ambushed, and Elaine was captured, but not before she was able to direct the rest to a refugee hideout on the outskirts of town. There, they met Leona, Osmund, and the rest of those hiding there... however, the innocence of these men and women is doubtful at best. Thankfully, they were able to avoid a mob slaughter, and they were directed to a nearby prison, where she and many others were held.
--Leona herself joined the company on their journey to rescue Elaine. There, Nelon found two of his own: one of whom stayed to join the cause, but the other of whom fled. Elaine, in turn, persuaded a powerful bishop staying at the prison to retreat, taking his corps of holy men with him. However... he was attacked by Leona, and beheaded before Elaine's eyes even as he tried to turn his cheek to the rabid rogue. Nelon was knocked unconscious in the brutal battle, breaking his wrist. Regardless, our ragtag band managed to escape intact, if haunted by the brutality that occurred there.
--Leona and the troupe have pitched camp outside Serafew, setting their affairs in order and waiting for their opportune moment to sneak back into the hideout without being seen by the teeming horde of Grado troupes. Feilx and Nelon doubt the sanity of remaining under Leona's command, while Trinket convinces the others to share a bit of themselves, tempting even the withdrawn hunter with the promise of magical scrolls that she once considered selling. But now...? they are better off put to use, or so she believes. Each tells their story, and reads a scroll, but... the weak-minded or unstable may find themselves unable to resist the final whispers of an intelligence more powerful and ancient than they can imagine.
-A horde of what appear to be the corpses of many men and women has been found outside the hideout... their nature is a mystery, and their power is nothing to be trifled with. Almost as sinister as the question of why they are present are those of why two humans are in the vicinity: one a swordsman tailing the group, the other a shaman amongst the monsters. Death appears to be tailing our would-be heroes: if not by the mercenary, then by the monsters... and if not by the monsters, than by Grado troops who will undoubtedly notice the conflict. Even if this battle ends favorably, they are not safe in Serafew... perhaps nobody is.

-The battle against the monsters began poorly, but our team quickly rallied... however, not without cost. Both Gordin and Leona fell... in addition, Leona was subjected to reanimation, her headless corpse brought back to life by magic beyond your understanding. Her killer fled the battlefield, returning with a retinue of soldiers just as the battle ended. After incinerating the corpses of the fallen, the killer, Kepa, Hemming's son no less, orders his retinue to secure Serafew and keep news of the event quiet.

-They are all alone with a deadly enemy... but appearances are certainly deceiving. In spite of their transgressions, Kepa extends to them the offer of amnesty for protecting Serafew from the demon menace, but only for three days' time. Our team's time in Serafew is more than a restful stay, though...

-Nelon sends word to the woman spoken of with Gordin's last breath, of the poor man's downfall. The pegasus knight sent to deliver the message returns with a Dracoshield, inheritance of a son never conceived, in the hopes that it can be used to protect what is left of Renais. Most of them try their hand at the arena--Nelon and Elaine are successful, but Felix is nearly hamstrung, and Trinket... beheaded, by an unlucky blow. Her death hangs heavy around their shoulders, just as their fate does... she was buried just outside Serafew, her body gone, but her charm and vigor never forgotten.

-Elaine and Trinket, in particular, came to know two shopkeepers who exercised a quiet monopoly over Serafew's weaponry and magic market. Miron, a caster and swordsman, lacking in stature and prudence, but with no shortage of skill and raw intelligence, and his wife, Ruby, a large, dark-skinned woman of many talents and no little cunning. Why they would leave their homestead to join these fugitives is anyone's guess, but join them the two did, accompanied by their two sons, Magnus and Johan.

-But two days west-northwest of Serafew, between the southern end of the Ridge and the Za'Ha Woods, the party is ambushed by a necromancer and his terrifying retinue of gargoyles and zombies. The only thing they know of his mission is his ominous command to his troops: "Pry it from her corpse..."

-After a vicious battle, the necromantic summoner and her minions are defeated. The summoner, less a hand, is kept prisoner by Miron and Ruby, as the rest of the party explores the matter of Muathe Doogs which were simply unaccounted for. Perhaps the belligerent sorceror can be interrogated later...

-Upon arriving in the Za'Ha Woods, Nelon spies in the distance none other than General Seth! And the woman he's carrying... could that possibly be the Princess?! At any rate, General Seth appears to have the situation under control, but fight they still must! Although, ominously, a wretched scream is heard from whence the party came, and Xenah spies that perhaps not all has fared well for Seth's ragtag army...

-The battle in the woods... actually went far better than expected. At least after our group arrived, it effectively became a rout, barring one near-crisis with the cavalier general. His strength and paranoia made him terrifying to confront, even as an ally, but with one of his compatriots' intervention, he was convinced. This compatriot? None other than Princess Eirika herself! She, too, required some convincing... with the gravity of Garcia's very recent death, and the unparalleled intensity of this last battle, she was convinced that her apparent goose chase after the lost prince was a futile effort. Now, all march towards Frelia, in the hopes of regrouping and soliciting aid... but will they even survive that long?

-The group was ambushed at the former hideout of the Bazba bandits by a Grado bounty hunter whom Rapha once knew. His immense strength and cunning resulted in Xenah, then Rapha, falling and being abducted. The princess' battered revenue marches for Border Mulan, to support the siege and bring "Farina" to where she can be protected. However, the lost prince's whereabouts are still unknown, and the two stalwarts captured not a week ago could be anywhere on the continent by now...

-The group, buffered by Frelian forces on the other side of the fort, attack Border Mulan in a stunningly successful siege. Literally from the clear blue sky, Xenah arrives! Accompanied by three Pegasus Knights, no less. Further, Felix finds an old friend among the enemy's ranks, and convinces him to join the cause. One can only wonder what could stand up to these fine men and women, especially after being joined by a small handful of Frelia's finest: Prince Innes and his adviser, General Cesar.

-The inside of the fortress, however, is much better-defended. Incredibly powerful armored knights patrol the halls, and traps and other trickery are the name of the game... claiming even the almighty General Seth. Rumor has it that a beast beyond our ken lurks in the tower's keep--after seeing a handful of Bonewalkers imprisoned in the tower and hearing its ferocious roar, those rumors became more credible by the minute.

-Finally, the tower falls. Several elite troops escape, but the rumored royal prisoner, Princess Tana, was rescued unharmed, without any further casualties! The human shields used, young though they may be, were led out safely. Our noble team, victorious over the mighty cyclops, retreat to the Frelian capitol to regroup and consider where to go next.

-At Frelia's capitol, our team discovers that Prince Ephraim, in fact, survived his foray into Grado! His attempts to destabilize their military were foiled, however, by the treachery of General Orson. Ephraim's right hand took his left, along with his finest soldiers, sending the prince fleeing. Even so, he's alive, and with the pressure off Frelia, this war is far from over! Nelon, Xenah, Elaine, Felix, and Lann, along with two allies, venture towards the Tower of Valni, to eliminate a Grado task force and retrieve the sacred Vidofnir.. They part ways with Miron, Ruby, and Eirika's party for now... but only for now.

-However urgent and important their mission to the Tower of Valni is, our team cannot resist the siren call of villagers, claiming to be assaulted by bandits! They venture into the fort under the cover of night, hoping to end the attacks... but what if the bandits see them coming!

New and Revised Mechanics
-Character generation is fundamentally different; this has its own section committed to it. You should read it.
-Horses and wyverns now have 20 AID; pegasi, 15. Furthermore, mounted units can no longer be Rescued.
-Unmounted units can Shove other unmounted units who have less than 2 more Con than them. Myrrh, should she make an appearance, can shove anyone she wants, because she is Myrrh, and she can turn into a tremendous dragon.
-Many weapons are modified; check the pertinent section for details. In addition, I have taken the liberty of adding several weapons, the specific stats of which I'll keep mum on for now. Namely because I'd like the flexibility to change them when I implement them
-Supports aren't turn-by-turn, but by my discretion. You'll get a base as I deem appropriate, and somewhere between 0 and 20 support points per chapter depending on time spend together in combat and general amounts/quality of RP interaction.
-Out-of-combat activity is, in fact, a thing! Magic-users will have access to utility magic (prestidigitation and such; I'll spot-rule on various uses), people with thief abilities will have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves, all sorts of characters will be privvy to information based on their backgrounds... you get the idea.
-Death may not be permanent. It is, however, a tremendous pain in the ass, at the very least, so do everything you can to avoid it.
-Luck isn't just Luck anymore; it's also luck. The more Luck you have, the luckier you are--woe be to those who try to dump this stat!
-There is no longer any limit on how many weapons can be S-ranked.
-You may now refrain from counterattacking on the Enemy Phase against any given unit. Now you -don't- have to pull your hair out if you want to spare a unit.
-Magic is now its own stat, separate from Strength.
-You may voluntarily dismount (or re-mount) at the beginning of the map, provided you have the requisite ability; this does not change your main statistics, but it does change your movement type, Mov, Aid, and vulnerabilities.
-Everyone has a personal purse and inventory; you may freely give items and/or money to fellow party members, NPCs, and even some enemies, but that doesn't mean that they will return the favor. Furthermore, you may put money and/or items into a communal pot, freely accessible by all PCs.
-Individual purses are capped at 20,000G.
-Individual inventories are capped at five items, with another twenty being stored in a pack of some sort (which acts like a one-man Convoy, accessible only by the owner).
-Staff EXP is scaled downwards, as in Shadow Dragon, then doubled.

-Slim weapons are now armorslaying, and their value has been increased to that of the corresponding Steel.
-Poison weapons are now D-rank across the board, and they have been assigned values of the corresponding Steels.
-Short Bow is now Armorslaying.
-Lances have their Wt reduced by one across the board.
-Axes have their Wt reduced by two across the board.
-Tomes have their Wt reduced by two across the board.
-Light Brand now has 2500 Worth
-Wind Sword now has 6000 Worth
-Devil Sword will be making an appearance: D rank, 15 Mt, 65 Hit, 0 Crt, 13 Wt, 30 DUR
-Spear now has 2400 Worth
-Flame Lance will be making an appearance
-Devil Lance will be making an appearance: D rank, 17 Mt, 60 Hit, 0 Crt, 15 Wt, 30 DUR
-Hatchet now has 20 uses and 400 Worth
-Tomahawk now has 2000 Worth
-Bolt Axe will be making an appearance
-Devil Bow will be making an appearance
-Aircalibur now has 4 Wt and 1650 Worth
-Fimbulvetr now has 4000 Worth
-Aura now has 5000 Worth
-Flux is now E rank
-Luna now has 65 Hit
-Fenrir now has 6000 Worth
-Rescue now has 3600 Worth

-Eclipse now reduces enemy HP to 1
-Any Prfs purchased by players will make an appearance, obviously
-Shops will have much better variety for purchasable weapons; almost every shop after the beginning of the game will feature something fun!
-Longbow is now C rank
-Greatbow (a higher-powered Longbow) will be making an appearance

Character Generation: Welcome to Special Snowflakes Incorporated!
-You have 35 POINTS; these points can be spent on weapons and abilities, or on bases and growths. For bases, you have (35 - POINTS spent on specials + 5) points to spend; for growths, (35 - POINTS spent on specials) x 10% growths to distribute. More on each of these later.
-You start out with as a 5-Move foot unit, with movement costs akin to Fighter movement type (except across Desert and Mountain; 2 and 4*, respectively) and no weapons to speak of. HP caps at 60; Str, Mag, Skl, Spe, Def, Res, and Con cap at 20; Lck caps at 30.

-Wyvern use: gives you a Wyvern, which has 20 AID, gives you the "Flier" movement type, increases your Move by two, and bestows vulnerability to arrows.
-Pegasus use: gives you a Pegasus, which has 15 AID, gives you the "Flier" movement type, increases your Move by two, and bestows vulnerability to arrows.
-Horse use: gives you a Horse, which has 20 AID, gives you the "Knights A" movement type, increases your Move by two, and bestows vulnerability to horseslaying weapons.
-Staff use: grants you Staff E, and a few other ambiguous benefits.
-Thievery: gives you Steal as Thief, perfect hidden-item find rate, and the ability to use Lockpicks. Lockpicks are not required for promoted units with this ability.
-Personal Weapon: gives you a personal weapon, either at the beginning of the game, or a far more powerful one near the game's end. You and I will negotiate the details if you're considering this purchase; in other words, you will have a sizable bounty of information on this weapon, should you purchase it. This may be bought as many times as you desire, for different personal weapons.
-Sword use: grants you Sword E, and a few other ambiguous benefits.
-Lance use: grants you Lance E, and a few other ambiguous benefits.
-Axe use: grants you Axe E, and a few other ambiguous benefits.
-Anima use: grants you Anima E, and a few other ambiguous benefits.
-Light use: grants you Light E, and a few other ambiguous benefits.
-Dark use: grants you Dark E, and a few other ambiguous benefits.
-Farsight: grants you +5 vision squares in darkness or fog.
-Desertwalk: reduces the terrain cost of Desert to 1 (applicable on foot only)
-Waterwalk: reduces the terrain cost of Rivers to 2, and Lakes/Seas to 3 (applicable on foot only)
-Easywalk: if your movement type is Armor, change it back to base type; if your movement type is base, change it to Lord; if your movement type is Knight (A/B), change it to Horse (A/B).
-Bow use: grants you Bow E, and a few other ambiguous benefits.
-Mountainwalk: reduces the terrain cost of Mountains to 3, and Peaks to 4 (applicable on foot only)
-Adept: Add one rank to a weapon proficiency; can only be bought twice for any given weapon.
-Armor: You wear heavy armor! Thanks to your elite training, consider that 35 to be 40. However, you can't take the armor off. Why? Because I said so. The armor inflicts a -1 penalty to Move, and changes your movement type to Armor if you're on foot. Your Con counts as 3 higher when you are being Shoved, Rescued, or carried by a mount.

Base Assignment
-As denoted by the previous formula (35 - POINTS spent on abilities + 5), you have a certain amount of POINTS to spend on bases (remember the Armor bonus, if applicable!). They start as zero, unless previously denoted otherwise, and are awarded as follows:
+4 HP are awarded per POINT spent; HP base has a random variation up to +/-2.
+1 Str is awarded per POINT spent.
+1 Mag is awarded per POINT spent.
+1 Skl is awarded per POINT spent.
+1 Spe is awarded per POINT spent.
+2 Lck are awarded per POINT spent; Lck base has a random variation up to +/-1.
+1 Def is awarded per POINT spent.
+1 Res is awarded per POINT spent.
+1 Con is awarded per POINT spent. (Remember, Con base is 6!)
+1/3 Move is awarded per POINT spent. You may only purchase +1 Move. (If you purchase Move here, you cannot do so upon promotion!)

Growth Assignment
-As denoted by the previous formula ((35 - POINTS spent on abilities) x 10), you have a certain amount of POINTS to spent on growths (remember the Armor bonus, if applicable!). They start as zero, and are awarded as follows:
+1.333...% HP growth is awarded per POINT spent.
+1% Str growth is awarded per POINT spent.
+1% Mag growth is awarded per POINT spent.
+1% Skl growth is awarded per POINT spent.
+1% Spe growth is awarded per POINT spent.
+2% Lck growth is awarded per POINT spent.
+1% Def growth is awarded per POINT spent.
+1% Res growth is awarded per POINT spent.

-All player characters promote with a Master Seal; other promotion items may appear, but player characters cannot use them.
-I would advise you to hold off on promoting until it's absolutely necessary (read: level twenty). Just trust me on this one.

-Your Con cap increases to 25.
-If your movement type is (Horse/Knight) A, it changes to (Horse/Knight) B.
-Your caps are increased to promoted values as is appropriate to your strengths.
-You are given 12 POINTS to distribute among your non-Lck stats; all are bought on a one-for-one basis, with +1 HP given for free. Mov purchase is capped at 1 (0 if purchased at initial character generation); the rest of the purchases are capped at 3 (note that this means HP caps at +4, not +3).

-You may choose from one of the following options:
-+40 WEXP, and a special bonus depending on the weapon, detailed below.
-Another weapon, at D rank. If you select Staff, you must already have a rank in Anima and/or Light and/or Dark, and the base is E.
-Two more weapons, at E rank. Staff may not be selected.
Weapon Specials
-Sword: Vantage (Always initiate combat when wielding a Sword)
-Lance: Expert Spacing (+10 Avo when fighting at one-range with a Lance)
-Axe: Clearcutter (+15 Hit for Axes)
-Bow: Deadeye (+15 Crt for Bows)
-Anima: Nature Surge (+3 Mt for Anima magic)
-Light: Divinity (Immune to Poison, Sleep, Stone, and Berserk when wielding Light magic)
-Dark: Daunt (-10 Hit to one designated enemy within 3 squares when wielding Dark magic)
-Staff: Expert Healer (+6 effective Magic for the purposes of healing staff use)

-You may choose one of the specials below.
-Armor: Gives you heavy armor, complete with -1 Mov, change in movement type, and armor vulnerability. You also receive six additional points to spend on promotion gains, an additional rank on any weapons received at promotion, and an additional special. Your Con counts as 3 higher when being Shoved, Rescued, or carried by a mount.
-Great Shield: (applicable defense)% chance of negating any attack. Requires heavy armor.
-Pierce: Skl% chance of negating up to 20 points of enemy Def.
-Rewarp: Allows the player to Warp [Mag/4 rounded down] spaces in lieu of their ordinary Move. For magic and staff users only. Usable on foot only.
-Sure Strike: +20 to physical weapon Hit. Does not apply to magic weapons' magic attacks, but does apply to their physical attacks.
-Summon: Summon Phantoms with one weapon type, chosen at promotion. For magic and staff users only.
-Slayer: All weapons have x2 effective bonus against monsters.
-Warmonger: +15% crit, plus a free "walk" skill. For non-mounted units only.
-Silencer: All critical hits with physical weapons are instant OHKOs.
-Nihil: Negate all effective bonuses against you.

-???: Each player will have one additional option, tailored to their character's personality and abilities. Who knows what it would be...?

-Even with the loss of Esme, I am not seeking another player. Six was a tad too large.

-- Jedi*
-- Serious Bananas*
-- SHIN*
-- Xinnidy*
-- Refa*

Edited by Terrador
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So the game is only for six players, yet you have 8 signed up and you posted a sign up on this board?

I do not understand the logic. If no one who knew about it before the topic here can play, then why is the topic here? xD

Are you going to kick people off that list if some random person posts a sign up first?

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aside from the fact that there is a massive infodump thread for a campaign that needs -2 slots filled... what's the deal with limited signups anyway, unless the preplanned story is so entirely locked that any more will cause problems (hint: this is already a turn-off in and of itself)

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None of those people are set in stone; first come, first served is only partially in effect. Mind, they'll have somewhat higher priority, but...

So it's a competition for who can make 'better' characters in your eyes?

If that's what you really want, people trying to one up each other for a special spotlight...

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I'm just looking for an active set of players that will fit well with the game and each other. Might that include somebody who signs up later? Yes, but earlier people have precedence. Besides, infodump is kind of necessary (since combat will be by relay, not in-person). And, as for the fixed number of players: six is the cap I want to deal with trying to get together; it has no special story-railroading significance.

In all honesty, I didn't expect any serious signups after I put the thread up, but I don't wanna close that off if there's a really good fit who's interested.

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By the way 4-5 (maybe 6?) of those people are more like "oh this sounds cool, I'm busy and stuff and don't know if I'll have the time to commit if the game starts recently but if you need sign ups then add me in.".

So really, if you show any big interest in taking part don't be afraid to ask in.

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Name: Nelon

Age: 27

Affinity: Anima

Post: Renais Lance instructor

Apperance: http://gyazo.com/3f3....png?1360612592 but with RED armour

Personality: Strict but fair, Nelon's dedication to his teaching had earned him quite a reputation amongst the squires - although not always a positive one. Whilst confident amongst colleagues and students, Nelon is very easily flustered in the presence of authority or women.

Backstory: Nelon has served Renais since his youth, just like his father before him. His lancework was such that he was commisioned to train new recruits, although some found his teaching a little strenous.

Nelon had been on a training run with several squires at the time of Renais' invasion, which unfortunately ran into an enemy party. Knowing too well that his group would be defeated, he ordered them to flee - using himself as a decoy. Unfortunately, the plan failed and killed off most of his trainees, and scattered the ones who did manage to survive.

HP: 22 (80%)

Str: 6 (45%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 4 (35%)

Spd: 5 (40%)

Lck: 3 (30%)

Def: 4 (40%)

Res: 0 (15%)

Con: 9


I am the best character.

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So I guess this is a signup. Hope I get in, after all of the effort (...you can judge for yourself the validity of that) of making my character.

Name: Rapha

Age: 19

Affinity: Fire

Post: Former Grado border guard, now traveling mercenary

Appearance: This, but ostensibly with more armor.

Personality: Carefree and entirely self-interested, she's known for being easy to get along with and helpful, if not rather unsympathetic to the plights of others. Being a mercenary, her desires begin and end with gold, for the most part.

Backstory: She's the daughter of a well known general who died evacuating civilians during one of Grado's many earthquakes. Due to this (in addition to being trained with lances and inheriting her dad's wyvern), she was pressured into joining the Grado army at the young age of 14. Later resigned due to an injury (not permanent) and lack of interest in serving the country; became a mercenary, yadda yadda yadda.

Abilities: 11 points

Wyvern use (7 points)

C Lances (4 points)

HP: 30 (40%)

Str: 4(50%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 4 (30%)

Spd: 7 (40%)

Lck: 0 (80%)

Def: 5 (40%)

Res: 0 (10%)

Con: 7

Move: 8

My bases are universally worse than Shin's! So are almost all of my growths! But those aren't everything...right?

Edited by Refa
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Alright, I thought about it, and figured I might as well give a try. My schedule this semester is light enough to warrant the attempt.

Name: Jeremiah

Age: 21

Affinity: Dark

Post: Renais Intelligence Division

Appearance: Tall with a slim build. Short black hair and eyes. Wears a brown tunic, white pants, shoes, and a hooded cloak.

Personality: Calm and collected, but can occasionally loosen up a bit, especially when off-duty. Nevertheless always keeps a constant vigilance to his surroundings.

Backstory: His origins lie on a village from northern Renais. His father, a retired soldier, wanted him to join the army as well, and although reluctant at first, he eventually accepted. Still, the idea of being in the frontlines didn't appealed to him, so he took pursuing a different approach, becoming a spy. Since then, he has taken of a sort of roles such as scouting, lock-picker, and the occasional sniping.






Bow Use


HP: 16 (54%)

Str: 5 (40%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 6 (50%)

Spd: 7 (60%)

Lck: 6 (50%)

Def: 1 (10%)

Res: 1 (5%)

Con: 7

Bow Rank: D

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hi guys

I'm back with my glorious mary sue!

[spoiler=MARY SUE]Name: Trinket

Age: 23

Affinity: Light

Description: A short, stocky girl with an ever-present smirk. She has short, curly hair and light brown eyes which match the color of her hair. (Her outfit is similar to an Fe13 Trickster, except the color scheme is Violet / Gold and she lacks the feathered hat.)

Personality: A cheery and carefree soul with an eye for treasure and a pair of hands for picking the locks which hide away these beauteous "trinkets". Her brash tongue tends to get her into trouble.

Backstory: Trinket is the first-born daughter of a flippant merchant and his wife, a humble performer. Due to his demanding trade, Trinket's father and his wife had to tirelessly ride through Magvel on their caravan, toting around their "trinket" as they rode across the continent. Other than a run-in with a few money-hungry bandits (An experience in which Trinket picked up her first blade in self-defense.), Trinket's life was mostly full of comfort. Eventually, as the flippant merchant and his wife aged they decided to settle down in Serafew and spend their days in solace. Trinket's lust for shiny things and her talent for the blade led her to pursue the dashing life of a thief.


Assets : Abilites

Thievery (4)

Staff-Use (4)

Sword-Use (2)


Assets : Bases

HP -- 20 (54%)

STR -- 5 (40%)

MAG -- 3 (40%)

SKL -- 3 (30%)

SPD -- 6 (50%)

LCK -- 7 (40%)

DEF -- 5 (20%)

RES -- 0 (10%)

EDIT: Spoiler is fixed. Yay!

Edited by Esme
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Oh boy it's time for sue powers isn't it.

[spoiler=I seem to go on and on more than I need when writing]

Name: Xenah

Age: 26

Affinity: Ice

Description: Of average stature and olive complexion. Xenah has faded brown, wavy, shoulder-length hair with a single braid branching off down to her bust from her right. In contrast, her eyes are a deep shade of green, her thick eyelashes mashes well with her thin eyebrows, and she is always seen with a crimson red bindi. Her normal wear is somewhat frilly in design, but noticeable comfortable garments (White, long-sleeved tunic with a gray waistcoat and beige pants) that may look courtly at first, but are made of lower-quality material. In rare occasions, she is found wearing a blue, hooded robe along white pants simbolically adorned to follow her 'religious ties'. Her shoes are a clean shade of pitch black. A woman that doesn't hide her taste for vanity.

Backstory: Born and raised in the Theocracy of Raustein, her family was of simple background, if somewhat talented on archery, and dogmatically tied to the culture of Raustein. Xenah's father, however, brought much pride to the family as a part of the Pontifex's holy guard, even if only as one of the many lowly soldiers. Xenah loved to indulge in theology from an early age, discussing with sages and often bringing up more liberal, expansive ways to interpret the word of the gods. Such indulgence and ideals gave Xenah a mixed, uneasy reputation in the scholar's social communities, and that slowly reflected on her father's income and mission assignments. Having to step down from her ideals for her father's sake, Xenah picked up the basics of light magic from the holy men, and took up many fake names and disguises, going around Raustein as a performer of sorts, showing magic tricks and questionable fortune telling at pubs or social gatherings for profit. It was an awkward phase of her life that all but tainted her name in the scholar community.

It did not last much, however, as her father was selected for a small group of soldiers on a mission to escort an ambassador to parley with Emperor Grado over Grado's recent acts of hostility towards the other factions. No news about the group was given for the longest while, and only after Grado was told to have sent troops to attack Jehanna, Frelia, and Renais it was informed to Xenah's family that the whole group, along with her father, were no longer.

Shaken with the news, Xenah stopped her activities, and spent a lot of time disdraught, barely talking even with relatives. Until the day came that she overheard a conversation from one of the holy soldiers from her mother: "I heard as much from scouts, they were attacked by a bloodthirsty madman on a pale wyvern, without so much an order from the Emperor... I've heard of him, Valter, a wretched name even among his own brother-in-arms, they say he'd kill his own Emperor if he was on a bad day... it scares me that such a man wasn't put on jail ages ago --rather, he's jumping through ranks like some sort of hero! I pity Renais and their army, with such a beast ready to claw at them..." . Pondering shortly after the information she gained, Xenah took action, and, with a recently-bred grudge on Grado, and a personal disdain for Raustein's treatment of her father, quickly packed for a long journey. Xenah set her eyes on slaying the man that robbed her of her father, even if that sounded like madness. Slaying the beast and putting a dent on Grado's army... that was the goal she set herself with. As much, she took among her father's self-crafted bow, as a reminder, and departed for Renais --where she heard the beast would appear again.


Light use - 2

Farsight - 2

Bow use - 1

Personal Weapon - 3

27 left + 5 = 32

20 hp (64%)

3 str (30%)

4 mag (35%)

3 skill (30%)

7 spd (40%)

9 luck (60%)

3 def (25%)

3 res (32%)

6 con

E bows

E light

Also I agree that there could be some thought into admitting more than 6 people but up to you Terra.

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I think it's more-or-less time to close signups. I'm going to close registration and decide who's in and is not once five of the six interested, but not fully prepared players submit characters. However, if you haven't signed up, you can still get in-- it's just that 1 of those 6 won't.

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Name: Jared Enoch

Age: 23

Affinity: Dark

Post: Frelian Soldier

Appearance: Tall with sickly pale skin and dark black hair that covers his eyes in a fringe. His face is covered in small scars. He is slightly thick-set. In battle, imagine this, but with an axe.

Personality: Psychotic and murderous, he holds grudges for a long time and will do anything to kill those who defy him.

Backstory: The Glass Sword


Pegasus (-6)

Armor (+5)

Prf Weapon (-3)

Axes (-2)

35 - 6 + 5 - 3 - 2 = 29 points left for growths and 34 for bases.

HP: 24 (100%)

Str: 7 (60%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 4 (30%)

Spd: 8 (55%)

Lck: 4 (30%)

Def: 4 (40%)

Res: 0 (15%)

Con: 9

Edited by BBM
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Name: Felix Bloom

Age: 18

Affinity: Thunder

Post: Grado Deserter

Appearance: Fairly short, and perilously thin, with blonde, wavy hair.

Personality: Quick to judge, unwilling to change his views without reason. Eagerly jumps into a fight without realizing if he's hopelessly outmatched. Has an overwhelming urge to survive, caring not what others think of him for it.

Backstory: While his family before him had all been priests, Felix had always found that threatening someone with an axe had been more effective in an argument than words. His father tried to train him as a priest while he was young, however he pushed the training away, failing to master even the basics of the staff. Once he'd decided he'd had enough of his dad's priestly ramblings, Felix went straight into the Grado military, becoming a firm, manic believer in Grado, becoming fiercely patriotic, believing the emperor's every word like it was law. This all changed when the war broke out, however. Felix was assigned to Fort Rigwald, under the infamous Grado tactician, Gheb, who proved his outlook on Grado being a flawless, perfect nation was a sham.

There had been rumours of Gheb's cruelty, and willingness to sacrifice his own soldiers if they irritated him, Felix had just dismissed them - they were rumours, nothing more. When Felix made a mocking comment about Gheb's size, Gheb retaliated by sending him and a few others he despised on a suicide mission, for which they would be hunted down and executed if they didn't carry it out. When time came to carry out the mission, Felix slipped away during the battle once he realised that his group were being slaughtered like cattle, being branded a deserter in the process. His aggressive nature almost cost him his life on several occasions, in which he had underestimated those searching for him, and while he had managed to save his life, everytime he lost some other possession. Not that an ordinary rank and file soldier had that much, mind. With little in the way of food, and with soldiers and fiercely loyal citizens hounding him wherever he went, Felix had little choice but to flee deep into Renais, with the hoped his past could finally be put behind him.


Axes (-2)

33 points for growths and 38 for bases.

HP 30 (80%)

Str 6 (55%)

Mag 0 (0%)

Skl 7 (65%)

Spd 8 (65%)

Lck 4 (50%)

Def 5 (45%)

Res 1 (15%)

Mov 5

Con 8

Edited by Serious Bagels
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I've done RP's like D&D and stuff but never on a site.. regardless here is my submission I may have derped on my stuff.. haha

Name: Elaine Silverwind

Age: 19

Affinity: Wind

Appearance: This bright girl has very feline like eyes, they are even yellow in hue. Extremely messy mid-length red hair. Her build is slim and her height is average, skin is just a simple white with some tan, she wears a tattered light brown cloak at almost all times typically with the hood up, with yellow slacks/pants whatever. her hands are often covered up by simple brown fingerless gloves. She almost always seems to have a curious expression on her face as she gazes in wonder around at the world.

Personality: Wide-Eyed and curious about everything, especially if its magic or merchant related, not very open to those she doesn't know much and very wary of those who would find her to be a bad omen but friendly and energetic to annoying points sometimes around those she considers friends. in the most serious of moments when she becomes almost eerily quiet. Also loves to help others in times of need.

She is also totally uninterested in romance of any sorts at this time of her life

Background: The Omen - May be Revised

Weapon Levels/Stats/Etc

Dark D (-3)

Desert Walk (-2)


HP: 20 (-5)

Str 0 (0)

Mag: 6(-6)

Skl: 5 (-5)

Spd: 7 (-7)

Lck 4 (-2)

Def 4 (-4)

Res 5(-5)

Con 7 (-1)


HP (54%) -40%

Str (0%) -0%

Mag (55%) -55%

Skl (40%) -40%

Spd (65%) - 65%

Lck (50%) - 25%

Def (40%) -40%

Res (35%) -35%

Edited by Maverick Hunter Jedi
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Name: Zane

Age: 17

Affinity: Dark

Post: Renais Soldier

Appearance: Tall and muscular, with medium length blond hair and the growings of a beard. He looks perpetually angered, and not too intelligent. He wears a bandana and a red necklace with the ornament in the shape of a flame, the only keepsake of his mothers. He also wears clothes because nude fighters are no.

Personality: Zane is a distant person; placing his own interests first and formost. He tends to only talk to others when they approach him. He spends a lot of his time training, trying to better himself.

Backstory: Zane grew up in a Renais orphanage, his parents being killed when Zane was 6. He was left only with his mother’s necklace. Growing up, Zane was an outcast among the other orphans. They were joyous and carefree, and all friends, while Zane tended to stick to himself. He showed personal ambition to improve, so he could be a Renais Soldier when he came of age. He trained himself to use an axe. He joined the Renais army when he was 16, and has been with them ever since.



Axe use ((2 points)) +2 ranks ((2 points))

Mountainwalk ((2 points))

This leaves me with 34 for bases and 29x10% for growths

BASES ((34))

C Axes

HP: 20

Str: 7

Mag: 2

Skill: 3

Spe: 5

Lck: 4

Def: 6

Res: 0

Con: 6 Base + 4

Mov: 5 Base

Totals to 34

GROWTHS ((29x10%))

HP: 53.3333333 ((I was told 54 though))

Str: 55

Mag: 35

Skill: 35

Spe: 45

Lck: 30

Def: 50

Res: 15


290 total

formatting may be screwy because copypasta from Word is cruel!

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Jedi (Elaine Silverwind)

Serious Bananas (Felix Bloom)

Shin (Nelon)

Xinnidy (Xenah)

Esme (Trinket)

Refa (Rapha)

Thank you, everyone who signed up! First map will begin in a couple of days, once we get some RP stuff out of the way and I work out base inventories/enemy placement.

Edited by Terrador
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Profiles, for my reference.


[spoiler=Elaine]Level 1.20

0/20 HP (54%)

0 Str (0%)

6 Mag (55%)

5 Skl (40%)

7 Spe (65%)

5 Lck (50%)

4 Def (40%)

5 Res (35%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Dark EXP: 33 (D)

Sp: Desertwalk

Affinity: Wind

Supports: None


Flux (43/45)*

Vulnerary (3/3)


[spoiler=Xenah]Level 1.10

11/20 HP (64%)

3 Str (30%)

4 Mag (35%)

3 Skl (30%)

7 Spe (40%)

9 Lck (60%)

3 Def (25%)

3 Res (32%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Bow EXP: 1 (E)

Light EXP: 2 (E)

Sp: Farsight

Affinity: Ice

Supports: None


Hunting Bow (Prf) (45/45): 7 Mt, 70 Hit, 0 Crt, 7 Wt, 2 WEXP, 2-3 range

A bow made for hunting. Used by a skilled archer.

Lightning (34/35)*

Vulnerary (3/3)


[spoiler=Nelon]Level 1.30

16/22 HP (80%)

6 Str (45%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (35%)

5 Spe (40%)

3 Lck (30%)

4 Def (40%)

0 Res (15%)

7 Mov

9 Con

6 Aid

Sword EXP: 4 (E)

Lance EXP: 31 (D)

Sp: Horse

Affinity: Fire

Supports: None


Steel Lance (30/30)

Iron Sword (44/46)*

120 G

[spoiler=Rapha]Level 1.00

30/30 HP (40%)

4 Str (50%)

0 Mag (0%)

4 Skl (30%)

7 Spe (40%)

0 Lck (80%)

5 Def (40%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

7 Con

6 Aid

Lance EXP: 71 ©


Affinity: Fire

Supports: None


Iron Lance (45/45)*


[spoiler=Trinket]Level 1.00

20/20 HP (54%)

5 Str (40%)

3 Mag (40%)

3 Skl (30%)

6 Spe (50%)

7 Lck (40%)

5 Def (20%)

0 Res (10%)

5 Mov

6 Con

5 Aid

Sword EXP: 1 (E)

Staff EXP: 1 (E)

Sp: Thievery

Affinity: Light

Supports: None


Iron Sword (46/46)*

Heal (30/30)

Vulnerary (3/3)


[spoiler=Felix]Level 1.30

27/30 HP (80%)

6 Str (55%)

0 Mag (0%)

7 Skl (65%)

8 Spe (65%)

4 Lck (50%)

5 Def (45%)

1 Res (15%)

5 Mov

8 Con

7 Aid

Axe EXP: 4 (E)

Affinity: Thunder

Supports: None


Iron Axe (43/45)*

Vulnerary (3/3)

500 G

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Starting positions of the players, in those black boxes (using the character's first letter, so X is Xenah, R is Rapha, etc.):





To the northwest! Elaine says that you all can be hidden there, at least for now. You've got to Escape while you can; if you're defeated, capture or worse await you. And... Bandits? Maybe if you warn the villagers, they can be protected!

A note on turn order: you can post in any order you want! However, there is an initiative list below; if you wish to make an order that conflicts with one already made, you may only do so if you are higher on the initiative list than those you conflict with. Hi-ho!

1. Nelon

2. Felix

3. Elaine

4. Trinket

5. Rapha

6. Xenah

[spoiler=Enemy Data][spoiler=(2,1) Armor]Knight (M) Level 10

23/23 HP

11 Str

2 Skl

4 Spe

2 Lck

12 Def

1 Res

5 Mov

13 Con

16 Wt

A Lance

23 Atk

75 Hit

1 Crt

10=>25 Avo

4 AS


!!Spear (15/15)!!*

Vulnerary (3/3)

[spoiler=(12,6) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1

6/20 HP

5 Str

2 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

E Sword

D Lance

10 Atk

94 Hit

1 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Sword (45/46)*

[spoiler=(11, 7) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1

6/20 HP

5 Str

2 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

E Sword

D Lance

13 Atk

84 Hit

1 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Lance (44/45)*

[spoiler=(3,6) Soldier]Soldier (M) Level 1.00

20/20 HP

3 Str

0 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

E Lance

9 Atk

65 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS


Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=(12,7) Mercenary]Mercenary (M) Level 1

18/18 HP

4 Str

8=>4 Skl

8=>4 Spe

0 Lck

4 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

9 Con

D Sword

9 Mt

98 Hit

4 Crt

8 Avo

8 AS


Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(4,7) Soldier]Soldier (M) Level 1.00

20/20 HP

3 Str

0 Skl

1 Spe

0 Lck

0 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

6 Con

E Lance

9 Atk

65 Hit

0 Crt

0 Avo

0 AS


Javelin (20/20)*

[spoiler=(10,7) Archer]Archer (F) Level 1

17/17 HP

3 Str

3 Skl

4 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

5 Con

D Bow

9 Atk

91 Hit

1 Crt

8 Avo

4 AS


!!Iron Bow (44/45)!!*

"I KO'd a PC, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" shirt

[spoiler=(6,13) Bandit]Brigand Level 1

20/20 HP

5 Str

1 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk

77 Hit

0 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Axe (45/45)*

[spoiler=(10,14) Bandit]Brigand Level 1

12/20 HP

5 Str

1 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

3 Def

0 Res

5 Mov

12 Con

D Axe

13 Atk

77 Hit

0 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Axe (44/45)*

[spoiler=(10,1) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1

20/20 HP

5 Str

2 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

E Sword

D Lance

10 Atk

94 Hit

1 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Sword (46/46)*

[spoiler=(11, 1) Cavalier]Cavalier (M) Level 1

20/20 HP

5 Str

2 Skl

5 Spe

0 Lck

6 Def

0 Res

7 Mov

9 Con

E Sword

D Lance

13 Atk

84 Hit

1 Crt

10 Avo

5 AS


Iron Lance (45/45)*


Special thanks to Xinnidy for making it look like we have an actual map

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Since terrador wants suggestions from us..

Elaine looks around

"the cover of some trees.. it would probably be best for me to take cover here until we can move forward.."

She points to Rapha and Felix

"Lance Girly! Thin Dude! Try to take out the 2 behind us eh? It'll make our way out of here a bit easier!"

Edited by Maverick Hunter Jedi
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[10:55:48 PM] RayFae: shin kills bandits refa visits top villages

[10:56:02 PM] RayFae: jedi drawns in chumps and feeds kills to not jedis

[10:56:15 PM] RayFae: and someone chokes that point in the right corner

[10:56:24 PM] RayFae: because it's there

[10:56:26 PM] RayFae: to be chocked

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