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How about, "no". I don't know what you're playing, but that experience does not line up at all with the vast majority of what I've been hearing.

Actually, I don't think it's a complete joke, but this mode was overhyped. I honestly think so far this mode=FE10 Hard Mode, or maybe slightly harder, but not that much harder. Frederick actually stays good for quite a while too.

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Several chapters towards the end of the game can be somewhat annoying if you don't have a really tanky team. In Chapter 24, Wyverns Lords will be all over you, and because they all have Swordbreaker, Falchion users can be defensive liabilities if not deployed carefully (even Avatar has problems taking hits from the Wyvern Lords, many of whom also have the Hit+20 and/or Tantivy skills); Tiki with several levels under her belt was pretty clutch for me. Chapter 23 is not as challenging, but still annoying because of the high enemy density.

Frederick drops off sharply in usefulness once you hit Chapter 17, though he remains a nice support partner.

Edited by Redwall
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All enemies in Ch24 on have Accuracy +20, actually.

The fixed skills were interesting; I really wish they'd worked them into Lunatic+ a bit better. Such as having one of the Lunatic+ skills set based on class, so it wouldn't be completely random.

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The fixed skills were interesting; I really wish they'd worked them into Lunatic+ a bit better. Such as having one of the Lunatic+ skills set based on class, so it wouldn't be completely random.

I very much so agree with this statement. Lunatic having all the enemies in Chapter 24 and 25 with boosted accuracy skills because it's nearing Endgame was a completely fair design decision.

Lunatic+'s take on it, is definitely not. At least they had some mercy and prevented the random skills of Counter and the Half Damage reduction skills until AFTER you got to Chapter 3.

I hated some of the skillset combos just because your RNG luck sucked.

Raimi with Counter and Holy Shield+/Aegis+ and that defense.

Or that Hammer fighter in Chapter 1 with Absolute hit/Hawkeye AND Luna+.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I hated some of the skillset combos just because your RNG luck sucked.

Raimi with Counter and Aegis and that defense.

Or that Hammer fighter in Chapter 1 with Absolute hit/Hawkeye AND Luna+.

Wait, didn't you wind up beating Raimi with that skillset? I watched part of your video the other day and remembered a "Stage Clear" displayed towards the end. Either way, all it means is that the boss fight lasts longer (well, unless you run out of magic tomes).

My winning attempt on Ch 1 Lunatic+ featured the Hawkeye Hammer guy. Don't remember if it had Luna+, but it probably did since I decided to kill it early without incurring any damage by chipping with Virion and finishing with a Silver Lance hit that took out over 20 HP. At least with this particular enemy, all Luna+ w/ Hawkeye really means is that you can't kill it with a Robin/Chrom pair (which is what you'd normally do if it had Hawkeye without Luna+), nor can you run away from him for long since he and the boss can combine to control a lot of space (incidentally, the boss on that winning attempt had both Hawkeye and Luna+, but thankfully Fred had enough max HP to survive two hits with 1 HP...).

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I'm stuck on chapter 3 in Lunatic.


Went through Chapter 1 and 2 breezily.

Chapter 3 = Oh god the horror.

I'm surprised you find Chapter 3 harder than chapter 2, tbh. There's less of a OMFGSOMANYENEMIESATONCEOMFGMYFACEMYPRECIOUSFACE thing going on, which is the best way I can describe chapter 2.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Chapter 2 wasn't even hard for me. Chapter 1 imo was harder because of enemy placement.

Plus, I guess I had some good rngs on my side for that one.

Fred almost died on chapter 2, but none too serious with outrunning the shortaxe baddie.

It's just for the chapter 3, I needs to preserves some decoys for the next group, so I can micro.

There is no placement for the first group for me to micro effectively. Nor tank off.

Edited by Ubel Engel
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Chapter 2 wasn't even hard for me. Chapter 1 imo was harder because of enemy placement.

Plus, I guess I had some good rngs on my side for that one.

Fred almost died on chapter 2, but none too serious with outrunning the shortaxe baddie.

It's just for the chapter 3, I needs to preserves some decoys for the next group, so I can micro.

There is no placement for the first group for me to micro effectively. Nor tank off.

Mainly I 4 turned it and killed the boss before I could get killed by the enemies from the other side. However, if you can't swing that, then you can clear the left side first to save Kellam, wait for the right side to come, clear that, open the door, clear the top left side, wait for right to advance, kill it then (making sure hammer guy dies on PP), and then crush the boss. A bit longer, but I think it'd work. At least, that's how I'd approach it.

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I beat lunatic+ a couple days ago, its not an experience i'd like to partake in ever again

randomly assigned skills are a pretty lame way to ramp up difficulty. I'd rather have seen enemies with more set skills instead.

Edited by General Horace
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It gets a lot easier because you get so many good units after that point and avatar is completely broken. Plus, you get stuff like Str tonics, forging, PANNE and Anna.

Yes things exist that help mitigate the difficulty, but it's still nowhere near "joke" level. To me that implies you can go into any given chapter blind, without prep, and beat it without having to restart.

Now maybe you /can/ do this if you're just avatar solo, but I don't consider that standard play.

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Yes things exist that help mitigate the difficulty, but it's still nowhere near "joke" level. To me that implies you can go into any given chapter blind, without prep, and beat it without having to restart.

Yeah it's really easy if y-

Now maybe you /can/ do this if you're just avatar solo, but I don't consider that standard play.


Personally, I find Lunatic sort of like Part 1 of RD. It's hard if you don't use all the broken shit handed to you, and otherwise it's kind of challenging but there's too much RNG.

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I WANT to do Lunatic and Lunatic+...but I'm terrified. Hell, I'm having a bit of trouble with HARD MODE. This is my first time ever actually doing Hard Mode.

Stick to Hard and then do Lunatic. Lunatic is a fricking mess if you don't get used to the mechanics of this game. Trust me, The Doubling system is unfortunately ABSOLUTELY necessary for Lunatic mode. However, don't be afraid to play Lunatic mode your second play-through, it's fun.

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Personally, I find Lunatic sort of like Part 1 of RD. It's hard if you don't use all the broken shit handed to you, and otherwise it's kind of challenging but there's too much RNG.

I must be doing something wrong, then, because I never had as much of a problem with RD HM part 1 as I'm having on Lunatic. And I'm using everything at my disposal. I've just gotten to Chapter 5 and have basically had to turtle every map. For chapter 2 I basically had to memorize RNG strings to get the appropriate crits and dual attacks just so I could keep everyone alive. (I'm playing Casual but I still like to keep the classic mindset of not letting anyone die)

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(Ubel Engel)

No one has advice for me for chapter 2?

Don't mind me, just trolling DLV for his avatar and sig selection, and my name change came back up :D

There's plenty of advice for Chapter 2 earlier in the thread, but if you find it unclear, you can just go on YouTube and see other peoples' winning attempts.

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