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If you really need to beat it now and don't care about exp, it's a kill boss chapter and the boss is stupid enough to attack you before any of the enemies move (even to kill Villagers), and you can get someone into his range pretty easily on turn 1.

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Thats not a bad idea, i might consider that. Storywise i'm at Ch.17 so training Brady up may be tricky outside of staff abuse. I prefer not to use DLC too, so i may have to ditch my original plan of class changing to mage and just lvl his priest to 20 and promote to sage.

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I'm not sure going Cav is a good idea on Ch. 17 when all units are promoted, and his str and def are horrid. But his Res is great so if i can pit him against a few valks, he can get some exp all around. But i'll definitely take that into consideration in future runs when i'm debating reclasses and such.

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Well I went ahead and killed the boss on turn 1 and recruited Brady, and it turns out staff abuse is pretty effective. I kept a Silver Axe War Monk alive and let him beat on an unequipped Chrom in one of the chokepoints and spammed heals till his axe broke, then got the last few levels via rescue and a few more hits from the valkyries behind the left-hand door. After reaching 20 Priest, i went ahead and used a Master Seal and made him a Sage. I had meant to squeeze in a bit of tome exp hitting the valks over the wall, but i forgot to unequip Lucina, (who is quite strong at this point) and of course she woudl dual strike on both of them. Regardless, Brady is looking to have some potential. His magic is already even with Maribelle at 27, and his Def is higher by 3 as well. With a few more careful chapters of picking off some enemies and staff abusing, he'll get up there.

I kind of feel like i didnt know what i was doing with Brady on this run, aside from going with strong magic mods and having Henry be the father. I kind of had no clue what to pass down to him, and ended up saying "well he has good luck so lets make Henry a barb and pass down Despoil." Yea, silly idea really, especially since i have over 40k gold... In any case, if there are some good tips for raising Brady right in a future run, I'd love to hear them.

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I don't have much experience with bringing him up "right" since he's a pretty suboptimal child and generally I have to do something suboptimal just to get him. So you should probably just go with whatever isn't blatantly a bad idea, see what happens, and take note for next time.

You can't really farm single enemies for Wexp though, since on Lunatic(+) they stop giving it after five hits.

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I never used Braidy because I always got him too late game to really care to use a lv 10 unit who cant attack. I would promote him instantly so he can attack but that's just impatient me. You really can't do much to get EXP as a priest and if he is attacked he can't fight back. so you can only get one EXP boost a turn as priest. I would do a mage of sorts because I imagine his magic is rather high. I don't know your units states either. Or promote to Sage or whatever he promotes too.

Edited by ultmatelifeform
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Oh god has anyone had this mu before, I think I picked the general class by accident

L10 +Def -Luk

11 Str 7 Mag 7 Skill 7 Spd 7 Lck 15 Def 5 Res

Hopefully I don't get doubled by anything important in the next few chapters. (vanilla lunatic)

edit: In ch2 you can't even double the hill barb even with a pair-up, what would people do in this situation in lunatic+ lol. (besides re-roll to low luna+ concentration)

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I don't think I've ever had a Robin with Spd that was quite that bad (I think I had a +Def one who got stuck at something like 9 for quite a while, though), but I've been there a few times with that Mag and with very low Def. Even if that Robin could double, the damage output won't kill much without significant help. It certainly wouldn't kill the Mountain Barb. I have a strategy (that I outline in my topic) that draws C2 out more so that it's not gambling the whole map on killing the Mountain Barb right off, but it also relies on Robin having decent offense. The few times I've run into serious offense issues going in, it's basically come down to Chrom Dual Strike RNG. That particular Robin could probably tank a fair bit, but with counterattacks that weak, there would also be a high reliance on Chrom Dual Strike RNG to help clear enemies out in a reasonable time frame (otherwise, Luna+ will very likely cause loss through attrition).

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Well since you're on Vinila Lunatic I would say to restart. If your only on chapter 2 you're not that far and you may as well get a decent speed. Especially on L+ your speed is probably your most valuable stat in the beginning. ( My opinion )If you're doubled your kinda screwed most of the time.

Now that Im able to play again. (I haven't been able to play for a while for various reasons)Im going to try to do my vanilla lunatic relentless run on tuesday around noon. Again my name is TheWindwak3r.

Run rules: 3 bonus box/ avatar logbook characters

No bonus box items/ renown items except the bullon.

Limited DLC ( I only intend to do two or three golden gaffs.)

Obviously no saves and going for little to no deaths ( I wont restart over most people dyeing)

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I have recently decided to do a proper Lunatic run, but have recently hit a small snag. I'm on Chapter 5, going for no deaths, and I as of this post I don't know how to really save Maribelle and Ricken without exposing my other squishy units. For the most part, I have a strong Avatar (male avatar with Frederick support), but I really have no one else available to use, even as a distraction.

Any tips for this? I have yet to complete Donnel's paralogue, and may be able to do the second and third "Champions of Yore" DLC chapters (read the rules for more details) for EXP.

[spoiler=As for experience...]My first playthrough of Awakening was Hard Classic, no deaths. However, I ran into some trouble during the Valm Arc (likely due to using too many characters as I like to max out on deployment slots), so I had to back off and grind for a bit. I returned to wreck everything thereafter with a Male Robin and Female Morgan combo. This was originally my "main file" for postgame content, but then I decided to upgrade to Lunatic+ for postgame.

So, I rushed through Lunatic and Lunatic+ (doing the first four chapters with no deaths, on Lunatic I felt like a man, on Lunatic+ I felt like a legend), but afterwards I called reinforcements from the Avatar Logbook to speedrun the rest of the game. Lunatic+ is now my main postgame file, but the skirmishes are not as enjoyable as I thought they would be (and I still need to finish the secret path of Apotheosis, but that is for another time).

Regarding other Fire Emblem games, I cleared 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 on Normal. I have beaten Radiant Dawn twice and have an archived Sacred Stones Hardmode run. I have not cleared Sacred Stones postgame (Tower and Ruins).

[spoiler=Detailed Information]Rules:

- Lunatic Classic, No Deaths (Reset if someone dies)

- Renown Awards (up to 10000) allowed. (Stat boosts used on Chrom)

- Bonus Box, Shiny Tiles, and Barracks are available.

- DLC maps are allowed for one playthrough. Gold, EXP, and Rare Item DLC are banned from play.

Character Plans:

- Male Avatar x Frederick (Temporary setup until I get Lucina. Using Frederick for extra defense from Pair Up.)

- Male Avatar x Lucina (Set to be my main wrecking crew.)
- Morgan (Morgan is rigged, and I say more so when Lucina is the mother. However, I don't know who to pair Morgan with.)

- Chrom x Sumia (The usual pairing)

- Lissa x Frederick (Lissa for heals, Frederick is regulated to Lissa later when Lucina arrives.)

== I plan to have Avatar and Morgan as Grandmasters for endgame, with the other characters staying within their default class trees.


- Male Avatar (+SPD, -LCK // Level 19 Tactician -> 6 Dark Mage = HP 40, STR 16, MAG 15, SKL 15, SPD 24, LCK 11, DEF 14, RES 12)

- Chrom (Level 4, Used Renown Stat Boosts // HP 28, STR 10, MAG 3, SKL 12, SPD 12, LCK 10, DEF 9, RES 5)

- Frederick (Level 3 // HP 30, STR 14, MAG 2, SKL 14, SPD 11, LCK 6, DEF 14, RES 3)

- Lissa (Level 5 // HP 18, STR 3, MAG 5, SKL 6, SPD 5, LCK 11, DEF 3, RES 7)

- Sumia (Level 1 // Base Stats)

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Any tips for this? I have yet to complete Donnel's paralogue, and may be able to do the second and third "Champions of Yore" DLC chapters (read the rules for more details) for EXP.

There's your problem right there. Donnel's Paralogue has a rescue staff that the upper thief will never steal. The other thief might, but he's trivially easy to stop in time even if you want to go slowly because he doesn't move until you get close to him and prioritizes attacking you over getting the chest.

Edited by Alastor15243
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If, for some reason, you're adverse to beating P1 before C5, your other options are to wait around to see if an Anna shop spawns with a Rescue or path Robin hard up the centre. The latter will probably have to split up the Robin/Fred pair, because you need to be able to deal with the left side too and Fred's probably your best bet. Basically, something like Robin/Kellam going north, Fred/Sumia or Fred/Chrom to the right of the leftmost Woods (equip the Orson's so he can fight both the Dark Mage and one Barb), then Lon'qu/whatever in the leftmost of the Woods at the very bottom of the screen (he can hopefully insta-blick the Barb with the Killing Edge). Then they and any leftovers can gang up on the remainder of the left enemies to clean them up. They just have to watch out for reinforcements after that. Robin has to be highly aggressive with a lot of killing power (enough to reliably off any enemy on the map he engages) in order to make enough space for Maribelle to ride down the pass.

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Yeah your best bet is a rescue staff after pairing up ricken maribelle. You could pair the two up. Go as south but as close to your other units as you can, without being in the danger zone. Than maby on turn 2 with some good RNG you could get them. A third option is to put ricken in the spot out of the danger zone that I just mentioned. Put marible as far south as you can, fly up as sumia as set them next to each other (Not paired up). On turn 2 you may be able to pair ricken up with somebody. Pair maribel up with sumia and fly back down. I normally go for the third option myself.

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Now that Im able to play again. (I haven't been able to play for a while for various reasons)Im going to try to do my vanilla lunatic relentless run on tuesday around noon.

Timezooones, bro. Noon to you could be any time of the day to me.


I have recently decided to do a proper Lunatic run, but have recently hit a small snag. I'm on Chapter 5, going for no deaths, and I as of this post I don't know how to really save Maribelle and Ricken without exposing my other squishy units. For the most part, I have a strong Avatar (male avatar with Frederick support), but I really have no one else available to use, even as a distraction.

Any tips for this? I have yet to complete Donnel's paralogue, and may be able to do the second and third "Champions of Yore" DLC chapters (read the rules for more details) for EXP.

I really do recommend doing Donnel's paralogue first for the Rescue staff and more exp. Saving Paralogues for Lucina is nice, but the benefit of doing Par.1 early is usually much greater.

Save Pars 2, 3 and 4 for Lucina, as well as the Seed of Trust from Renown. In the first two you do, give all the Event Tiles to those two, and whichever Par you don't get support on, use the Seed. Unless you get no support in either of them, you can be at B in two maps and halfway to A from the third. That won't delay Morgan for too long, even without Par.1.

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Seriously, the second I recover from falling off my skateboard I get more orthodontic crap. Just my luck. Or rather bad timing. So i'll postpone until thursday and I'm on eastern time.

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If you still have the file, a fully ground +Mag Ricken!Laurent!Morgan is capable of OHKOing Lunatic(+) Grima with a crit of Mire. Since you spent the time getting him, you might want to try it out.

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Really? It can OHKO? My Grima always had Aigis + and dragonskin so I did about 9 hp per hit with a 43 magic. I guess a crit will help that though and 4X attacks could make it posible. I also spose a few rallies and good Magic suport is a huge help.

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Grima has Pavise+ and Dragonskin, not Aegis+ (that's only in FP3, iirc). S/he's also got 53 effective Res, which is around three times what other enemies have (even on Lunatic) so your magic attacks will be doing very little always- a capped Sage with a +0 Mag mod, unforged Celica's Gale, A Tomes, a Mag tonic and a +0 support will be doing 0 damage.

But Morgan can do it. To get an OHKO, you need to do 33 damage prior to critting, which is 66 real damage and requires 119 Atk.

Morgan's Atk: 44(Sorc base) +10(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +9(Sage support) +5(TF) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +2(Special Dance) +4(Barracks boost) +12(Mire) =120, which is enough to do the deed. You should use the lase skillslot for Wrath to help with crit (Grima has 45 Lck).

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Wow never thought about that. I'll have to try that.

Great. Just, Great. My parents ground me for the stupidest things. This time I was watching a movies. My mom had a huge absudley larege box of candy. She eats it in the privews. She takes my dads. She didnt even ask but he really didnt care too much. ( I learn now to always keep a reserve stash in your pocket in case of this ) she askes for mine which was a third of the size to begin with and I said that you already had your own which was more than I had to begin with. She get mad makes a huge scene in the theater and starts taking the bag out from my hand and throwing it at me. After that Im grounded for three days for not shareing. If your going by preschool rules than fine. If you had 3000 dollars in your saving and some person who already had 4 million dollars asked you for a thousand dollars does that make much sense to say yes. No it dosent.

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I've been (very slowly) playing through a no-grind vanilla!Lunatic file and I'm about to start Chapter 19 but I have a couple units at level 15: Lucina is a level 15 Paladin and Maribelle is a level 15 Valkyrie. I'm used to automatically reclassing them to continue learning skills but I'm not sure either will make it to level 15 again at this point (the only paralogue I have that I haven't done yet is Nah's) so it may not be worth it, since both units are doing really well in their respective classes. Robin is Lucina's mother so she does have a lot of options available, but is it worth it for me to reclass at this point? Basically, I'm worried about losing a lot of utility now for a minor gain later.

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Raw stats are generally enough to get through the majority of vanilla Lunatic. So, aside from some fairly obvious poor choices (such as putting Lucina in a magic class), there's not really a wrong choice so long as you keep gaining stats. If you're looking for safe suggestions that have similar combat utility to your current classes (barring Move, I guess), Lucina as a Hero and Maribelle as a Sage shouldn't change things too drastically.

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