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Why is S ranked higher than A?

Gold Vanguard

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Think of it like grade school. F-A, but then add "S" for "Special" or "Superior" ranking. That's how I imagine it.

I also think this. You have A 'Awesome', and S 'Supreme' or whatever S could be.

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FE5's rankings have it. They go up to AAA in the original version, then the later version added more rankings through SSS.

Also, it seems FE6 offers an SS ranking for perfect scores on Hard Mode.

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Because the standard for doing a great job in academics and in general is an "A"; everything else kind of revolves around this, the way I see it. However, an "A" isn't perfect, and so a ranking higher than that is needed to exemplify the idea of "perfect" or at least "without error", for instance perfect mastery in a weapon (S rank weapon) or a top-speed error-less (S rank) run of a level in a Sonic game. "S" is that rank, standing for Superb or Supreme (standing above all others). While stuff like "AA" or "A+" is possible, the former is a bit odd given that all others rankings are one letter and having two letters may suggest other things (for instance, two separate rankings >_>') and "A+" is more of an academic thing and again can be misleading, though as this topic indicates, some may even question the "S" ranking, so no solution to this "issue" of finding a way to give a ranking higher than "A" is perfect it's an A-ranked solution

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I find it odd to see that so many have come up with "supreme." I always took it for obvious that it would stand for "super", or more recently, "superb", as in "superb execution all around." Granted, the difference is minimal and trivial, but I've never even thought of it possibly meaning "supreme", which is why it kind of took me off guard.

I suppose not being native does that sometimes.

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Generally a hard A+ is regarded as the best possible. "S" probably came about because of the high cultural attention to "super" anything. And "S" in something then means that something is even above an A, meaning it's pretty amazing.

I've never seen it used outside of entertainment, but I'd be willing to bet a good 6-7/10 people you find on the street would be familiar with it.

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I'm not sure why they felt they needed one more/less ranking in instances such as this,

But S stands for "Superfine."

(Please add rainbow colors, glitter, disco, underlines, flashing/blinking and Arial to superfine as you see fit.)

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I have played games where there is an M rank that is higher than S. Really hammers in the idea that masochists > sadists > all other preferences.

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