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A Higgs Boson walks into a church,


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Who drew that and what is it supposed to represent? I'm assuming the original isn't the artist showing Jesus twisting some guy's arm (literally) and the guy threatening to slap him.

You know what they say about assuming.

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Who drew that and what is it supposed to represent? I'm assuming the original isn't the artist showing Jesus twisting some guy's arm (literally) and the guy threatening to slap him.

Given the fact that they are in water, its probably some baptism thing.

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Who drew that and what is it supposed to represent? I'm assuming the original isn't the artist showing Jesus twisting some guy's arm (literally) and the guy threatening to slap him.

I don't know who drew it, but I believe it's a depiction of Jesus healing a man ailed by leprosy.

iirc he told the israelites to dip themselves into the Jordan River and told them that they would be cleansed

Edited by Esme
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I'm disappointed in the population here.

You have a particle physicist on staff, who spent a significant portion of his graduate career on Higgs searches (mainly the H->WW->μμ channel), and you can't figure out who might have pinned this topic?

I'm not actually disappointed, I don't remember how public knowledge I made everything, tbqh. It just sounds funny if I fake outrage.

wait what? you're a particle physicist? i thought you were a mathematician for some reason. :/

you could have made my life so much easier!!!!!! dah! oh well, i can still hound you for answers to my questions and whatnot :D

actually, just to get this off my chest now, as a particle physicist, what do you recommend for me, an undergrad, as a resource material in order to understand all the fancy topics in quantum mechanics, particle physics and such? i will love you forever if you can help me with this :D

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Yup! I was in DSCoders for a short time ' u '

I uhm, I drew it I suppose haha. It was for a Persona forum that I went to.



I was the admin that wasn't retarded. Do you remember no of course not perchance

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wait what? you're a particle physicist? i thought you were a mathematician for some reason. :/

you could have made my life so much easier!!!!!! dah! oh well, i can still hound you for answers to my questions and whatnot :D

actually, just to get this off my chest now, as a particle physicist, what do you recommend for me, an undergrad, as a resource material in order to understand all the fancy topics in quantum mechanics, particle physics and such? i will love you forever if you can help me with this :D

Haha, yeah. Sorry about the misconceptions.

Anyway, as far a simple resource material would go, I'm not sure I can come up with something just off the top of my head. However, as far as undergraduate level textbooks go, I was really, very impressed with the approach in Townsend's A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics. It begins with a firm basis in an introduction with the Stern-Gerlach experiments, the bra-ket notation, superposition, matrix notation and the like. A few chapters in it went on to discuss the EPR Paradox, the Bell inequalities, and the failure of a local hidden variables theory, which I found absolutely fascinating. I never actually took a particle physics class until grad school, to be honest, but a lot of folks have told me that Griffiths provides a solid undergrad experience. If you're incredibly ambitious, Peskin and Schroeder had an excellent graduate level text on Quantum Field Theory, imho.

Something tells me that a list of me telling you which textbooks were awesome, and which sucked, from my point of view (I was really not impressed by Abers, though maybe that was the fault of the instructor who was teaching from it), isn't quite what you had in mind, though.

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Haha, yeah. Sorry about the misconceptions.

Anyway, as far a simple resource material would go, I'm not sure I can come up with something just off the top of my head. However, as far as undergraduate level textbooks go, I was really, very impressed with the approach in Townsend's A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics. It begins with a firm basis in an introduction with the Stern-Gerlach experiments, the bra-ket notation, superposition, matrix notation and the like. A few chapters in it went on to discuss the EPR Paradox, the Bell inequalities, and the failure of a local hidden variables theory, which I found absolutely fascinating. I never actually took a particle physics class until grad school, to be honest, but a lot of folks have told me that Griffiths provides a solid undergrad experience. If you're incredibly ambitious, Peskin and Schroeder had an excellent graduate level text on Quantum Field Theory, imho.

Something tells me that a list of me telling you which textbooks were awesome, and which sucked, from my point of view (I was really not impressed by Abers, though maybe that was the fault of the instructor who was teaching from it), isn't quite what you had in mind, though.

well, anything you can provide helps. my nuclear physics professor, although an incredibly smart guy who has like my total respect, is kind of an abysmally poor professor. so anything to help me with this is awesome really haha

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I haven't been in DSCoders in a really long time. My memory of the members is pretty fuzzy... Sorry ;;

That's probably for the best

[stuff about grad school]

What if I wanna go to grad school huh? It's not fair I want college money too

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To be honest, I wonder who get hard from watching Incestous Sex?

Suppose in a hypothetical situation a little boy found some mango about a couple of sisters lusting after each other and ultimately having a mattress-bound business meeting to discuss internal affairs.

Do you think I he would not at least take a peek? Wouldn't YOU?

I sure did

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it's true, it's irritating out of sheer misnomerhood

also rehab we can just sit in the corner and hate fun together i guess

literally like a week late, but yes, I like this plan

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If you two were sitting together and sharing an activity for mutual amusement

would you not then be hating the very thing you're doing

We all know there's some concupiscence involved.

Edited by Solais
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