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Final Fantasy Mafia- GAME OVER, Town Wins


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Scum should never aim to go for Kingmaker, that's just leaving it up to chance and the whims of the remaining town, which isn't a good idea. j00 could easily have won LYLO if she'd tried harder, and I have no idea why Snike was deemed confirmed town after proving Persuader (since when is Persuader a regularly town role?). I was expecting the showdown at LYLO to be between Snike and j00, not Xinny and j00.

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Well he was dead I never thought about it in that way lol.

Still I don't think Mancer's post ever did anything cuz Nori was a dead man y'know

It is the principle of the matter, Marth, and Shinori DID try to argue Mancer's post to his advantage. Which he is not supposed to because living players cannot take info from the dead after they die. I am still baffled that you told Shinori that Ammy was the one who messed up before he was lynched ;/

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just a note: if the SK was nightkilling, at it was 1/1/1 and pretty obvious as such because of constant unexplained nightkills, towns best interest is to NL and hope the antitowns cross kills

not the case here but yeah

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It is the principle of the matter, Marth, and Shinori DID try to argue Mancer's post to his advantage. Which he is not supposed to because living players cannot take info from the dead after they die. I am still baffled that you told Shinori that Ammy was the one who messed up before he was lynched ;/

True, I thought it wouldn't make a difference, my bad. That and hey when he aske if it was a mod error that kidna slipped lol/

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I just want to state.

I knew Ammy had fucked up.

I could see that 100% from her flip boron.

Suspecting that a player had fucked up from what you can see and deduce =/= the mod saying so. You can be as damn certain as you can be, yeah, but a mod telling you so just gives 100% confirmation. It would be akin to me telling people the specific reason their actions had failed when I'm not supposed to.

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No I mean with her flip I knew 100% that she did something wrong.

I mean I would have known had I been redirected or blocked.

So uh. YEAH. Off her flip I knew 100% that she either fucked up. Or it was a mod error and I wasn't told something that I was supposed to be told.

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If I am not mistaken, in my Skype conversation with Marth he told you specifically that the fault was on Ammy's end and not yours. I mean, if you ask if he made a mod error and he tells you yes or no it's one thing. But he shouldn't be telling you anything about anyone else's results, unless it's important enough to say in the thread itself.

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I can understand reprimanding Mancer for posting as he did, but IMO Marth's comment to Shinori really didn't affect anything because there is literally no other explanation if you are town in that situation than to know that the other person screwed up somehow.

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If I ask if it was a mod error and he says no then that means I 100% know that Ammy did something stupid.

Considering I would have known if i was blocked or redirected considering the name of my target is stated in my results.

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I can understand that, BBM. But my point is that no matter how much you suspect something, there could always be something else. Shinori knows that he was town and Ammy has just flipped town, so the logical explanation is that Ammy screwed up if Shinori knows he did not. But I honestly think that merely suspecting this fact (no matter how certain you are) is nothing compared to the mod actually telling you that another person screwed up while you're still playing the game. It takes a 99.99% certainty and turns it into an absolute. I'm being such a stickler for this because sometimes there ARE other explanations besides the simplest explanation. (Like an arsonist in FR mafia, you know?)

EDIT @ Shinori: There is a difference between the mod saying, "there was no mod error" and "no, ___ fucked up".

Edited by Sangyul
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1.Shinori: Shinori's play was actually fine in this game- he figured out Scorri could be anti-town as early as D1 but didn't vote because *numbers*. Well that's a good start. Him claiming for no reason was meh but I didn't think it was THAT bad and I usually know him as a highly paranoid person. D3 came to bite him after Ammy screwed up. His ED4 play was terrible because all he ever did was whine and threaten to modkill himself which just kills the mood. I know its frustrating to play in your situation but dude, its a game, don't ruin the mood man. Still think his lynch was kinda dumb especially after j00 effin claimed BBM as a REDIRECTOR AFTER THE BUS DRIVER FLIPPED! All in all apart from his tantrums Shinori's play was pretty decent- too bad his night actions didn't give him any idea about the roles in the game.

2.Elieson: I might need to ISO Elieson again but the tl;dr version I got was "Very forgettable, not scumhunting enough." I suppose he semi-redeemed himself D2 but Shin vote was somewhat lackluster. Guess his reads were just wrong and he couln't nab scum but its ok you weren't alone Eli. <3

3.Helios: Inactive wtf. When he did post he just didn't really do much except say SK exists. I guess me modkilling him was harsh so meh he probably should go alongside town and 'win'. What he did was at least not Psych levels of stupidity. His day action was sensible- he decided to protect Prims. Too bad eclipse is a namekill, hm? XD

4.MancerNecro: Well, I have a lot to say about you. First, your D1 play just sucked. There was a reason I gave him the blacksmith role- originally he rolled Persuader but WE ALL KNOW HOW POPULAR OF A LYNCH MANCER IS RIGHT? I was hoping with this role you'd maybe avoid that situation and it kinda DID work in your favour fortunately. Your argument in Jb was kinda unwanted and yes, I'd like it for people to not bring personal arguments/problems with each other into a game. The hate calling was uncalled for, but we've already had a talk about that so I hope you've learnt your lesson.

D2 Mancer was a big improvement from his D1 version and I guess he kinda coasted on his claim as well. He did figure camtech out so props for that.

5.Prims: Prims' play... well he got a role he likes and a char he actually knows, so that kinda motivated him a bit? He looked very much pro-town but in terms of reads he failed hard, much like his mason buddy, Elieson. I guess there wasn't more he could do? By D3 it had become inactive gallore >_>

6.BabyBowserMonster: BBM's play was decent in this game. He figured out Kay's play as off very early, and he kinda suspected eclipse and scorri so props for that! I wanted t see what he'd do with his role- it had some interesting potential. He rolecop'd Darros N1- if BBM remained alive things would've been pretty interesting IMO. I didn't think BBM was really scummy or anything, although his Lucina vote towards LD1 was somewhat meh I suppose.

7.Bizz - WREN- Idk why Bizz thought her role was scummy-yeah UB is a scum fake but that's not really why one should go all "hey guys my role is scummy as fuck."

WREN kinda just coasted and never did anything- he got lolrogue as his new role which was kinda dumb I suppose. On n1,2 and 3 he kept thinking Cam was the one who was going to kill him and therefore 'prepared' for that. When he claimed that in thread scum thought he was faking it and was SK- except a rogue doesn't exactly visit his 'supposed-to-be' killer. In a hilarious twist of events- WREN thought j00 was going to kill him on N4- too bad j00 was roleblocked that phase, eh? If he had just 'prepared' for Kay Iguess it'd have been more hilarious.

8.Darros: Darros' play was pretty good too. He guessed Scorri and j00 could be scum, which was pretty good for D1 standards. I thought he was kinda obv!town? Played well as long as he had existed.

I thought Psych followed up well and his play was pretty good actually. I think this player has more potential. I'd like to see him play in more games and modkill himself for my entertainment.

But really dude, READ THE FUCKING RULES!

9.Xinnidy: Not much to say about Xinnidy. Another one of the less active townies, his reads were kinda meh. He was somewhat scummy and was about to be lynched but claimed commuter, which saved his skin. Shinori kinda got more screwed up by that though.

10.Serious Baninjas: Dude. just. What. the. fuck. First you claim in-thread you have a scummy role, but then you don't out WHAT IT IS? You were a kidnapper man, if your actions went through people would probably lynch you at massclaim time! I don't understand it, you should've claimed kidnapper IMO right at the start but maybe my view on this thing is different.

Your original night action would've screwed town anyway. Helios was SB's original target, so if Helioes wasn't modkilled, town would've just had their day doc MIA. He got himself modkilled though, totally a different story. And lol. SB ended up being intercepted.

11.JBWCK - Shin: JB is just some kid who just likes to troll, swear the crap and whine at mancer.

But srsly, you subbing out because Mancer was throwing tantrums really annoyed me. As is I was short on subs and getting another inactive on the list didn't help me at all. I don't really even remember if you did anything else besides arguing with mancer- first, I saw in the FR mafia thread how you were criticizing mancer. There is something called constructive criticism, learn how to use that. It makes it easier for both parties involved.

Shin just didn't really do anything. He didn't even claim, didn't bother to be much active, and he protected j00 N1. Meh.

12.Areox - Ammy: Areox?Who is this Areox you speak of?

Ammy trolled the town hard- their attitude towards the game sucked, and their action result claim sucked too. They made sure another townie went down along with them for no reason because they just didn't even care. Nothing else I can say- I suppose tracker actions were fine, but what's the point when you confuse between your results?

13.Lucina: Another player who just doesn't really care about playing properly and gets mislynched.

14.Snike: Snike somewhat coasted I guess? No one really bothered about him until LD3/D4. His night actions just failed because they ended up involving people who died on those nights. I kinda didn't really decide what to do with LYLO and his role. Call me disorganized, but I guess I do think that role's pretty useful during LYLO as town and OP as scum I suppose. He once again failed N4 and then I told him not to use his action N5 for balance sake. Idk, scumreads sucked like the majority of town.

15.Paperbro: Paper kinda got frustrated with the game and I can sympathize with that. His reads failed too lol. I guess he was pissed with his role- I suppose it wasn't a great role, I honestly just wanted a filler role and made that one. Originally it was supposed to be a survivor+ RB bomb. IMAGINE HOW DUMB THAT'D HAVE BEEN!

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I can understand that, BBM. But my point is that no matter how much you suspect something, there could always be something else. Shinori knows that he was town and Ammy has just flipped town, so the logical explanation is that Ammy screwed up if Shinori knows he did not. But I honestly think that merely suspecting this fact (no matter how certain you are) is nothing compared to the mod actually telling you that another person screwed up while you're still playing the game. It takes a 99.99% certainty and turns it into an absolute. I'm being such a stickler for this because sometimes there ARE other explanations besides the simplest explanation. (Like an arsonist in FR mafia, you know?)

EDIT @ Shinori: There is a difference between the mod saying, "there was no mod error" and "no, ___ fucked up".

In a situation where I KNOW if I'm redirected or roleblocked and I KNOW that I'm town and I saw that she flipped town then there is literally nothing I don't think that could have explained that she didn't fuck up.

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Parts of that were IMO unnecessarily harsh, but w/e. Don't really agree with a lot of your comments but I guess everyone has their own bias?

I pretty agree with this, even as a cohost. If I can be bothered I'll think up some stuff for people so

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Wasn't d2 the day Mancer went against the mason claims? Not sure that could be considered an improvement in play. :/

Also, possibly the last time I play walless, since I apparently am not memorable in that format.

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Well he was dead I never thought about it in that way lol.

Still I don't think Mancer's post ever did anything cuz Nori was a dead man y'know

Wren used it to conclude Shinori was clear... if Snike or scorri had reached the same conclusion Shinori may have escaped, and even though they didn't, I still had to basically out myself to ensure his lynch.

Scum should never aim to go for Kingmaker, that's just leaving it up to chance and the whims of the remaining town, which isn't a good idea. j00 could easily have won LYLO if she'd tried harder, and I have no idea why Snike was deemed confirmed town after proving Persuader (since when is Persuader a regularly town role?). I was expecting the showdown at LYLO to be between Snike and j00, not Xinny and j00.

It's like I said earlier; a scum persuader that was allowed to act in lylo is too broken to be plausible. I had actually decided Snike was SK until Wren claimed Rogue who "visited" me.

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Well the only players I'm aware of being quite harsh on were Psych, mancer, JB and Ammy. The latter 3 really got me annoyed at one point so i had to let it out there, and well Psych... hey I find getting himself modkilled to be hilarious regardless, no really I didn't feel angry when he posted at night, I was sadistically happy. XD

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