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Fire Emblem Awakening Confessions!

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Really? I've bumped into about 10 other male players around my university, and I seem to be the only one who paired myself with Lucina. I've seen at least three paired with Cordelia, a couple paired with Panne, and even one paired with Nowi and one with Miriel! Eh, I guess I just happen to have players with more...varied tastes in characters near me.

Oh, that's actually pretty cool! I'd kill for some variety... But on a funny note, some guy from one of my lectures found out I was "the purple girl with the hellspawn Morgan" (55 skill, Sol and Lethality).

Edited by Perlia
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I dont like Severa but i end up using her anyway because despite that nasty attitude, she can be a murder machine. I also really like Kjelle because dat defense. I usually make her a swordie so yeah.


"I like Sully as a character because shes kinda cool, but she has a vag, so TO THE BENCH WITH HER!"


Well it's just Stahl's always turned out better for me mellow.gif And I guess it depends on the way you look at it. I just didn't spend time leveling up characters like Sumia or Maribelle when there were so many other units that carried the game perfectly fine.

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Proof that my conviction of ambivalence isn't all that great mellow.gif He's definitely convenient for efficient runs.

I will argue that I was somehow able to marry Lon'qu and Stahl before Chapter 10 with little grinding though.

Whenever you do get Basilio, you have my applause for your patience.

Streetpass metagame at my university is interesting, and probably a source of my feelings:

Male avatars will have Lucina as wife about... a third of the time, from the blue Morgans I see. I think Cordelia or Sully are popular wives also, there be lots of redheads.

Female avatars... different story. I've passed four different teams with Ignis Lucinas and Rightful King Morgans. The one with the Chrom!Inigo!Morgan gets a cookie.

... People must see my Lon'qu!Morgan and wonder if I take this game seriously. Eh...

You should create a team on Normal/Casual, hide your difficulty so no one realizes what you've done, and unleash a team with a Kellam!Nah!Morgan on it. After this thursday too, so you can Limit Break that, and troll with too much defense.

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Oh, that's actually pretty cool! I'd kill for some variety... But on a funny note, some guy from one of my lectures found out I was "the purple girl with the hellspawn Morgan" (55 skill, Sol and Lethality).

Oh god..... I hate lethality... except for when I'm running it! Hypocrisy? No, I'm just crazy(down, sword hand)! Trust me!

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My only shame in Awakening is that I cannot bring myself to play Lunatic at all because I would have to use Fred, and I completely steer myself from using Jeigan/Oifey characters. Since Fred is required on Lunatic, I might never play past Hard. It's a shame, too, because I've beaten FE5, a much more punishing game, and I still can't bring myself to go through a few hours of Fredrick Emblem.

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Oh boy...

  • I find Nowi kinda cute
  • I originally was planning on having my 'main' Avatar marry Tharja, but then I saw Miriel's confession image from somewhere
  • I find the male confession images in general better than the female ones
  • This is the first FE where I upgrade straight away to Silvers and whatnot, instead of using Irons/Steels throughout 90% of the game
  • Noire is my second choice for a wife for a file I want to mess around on, following Miriel
  • I'm saddened by a lack of Spotpass Jill
  • I dislike Ch17
  • I compare the Valmese general-people and Walhart to the 4 Daein Riders and Ashnard
  • I think that the game likes to summon skirmishes to the places where tonics are in Lunatic
  • I am confused on why the boxes cost a random 4800 gold in Hard mode and above
  • I think the Missiletainn (or however it's spelled) should've been in the lower left village in Owain's paralogue
  • Something about Paralogue 17 seems a bit odd to me
  • I don't really like the generic soldiers' voice clips, especially, "Sire!"
  • Nah is also kinda cute

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Oh boy...

  • I find Nowi kinda cute
  • I originally was planning on having my 'main' Avatar marry Tharja, but then I saw Miriel's confession image from somewhere
  • I find the male confession images in general better than the female ones
  • This is the first FE where I upgrade straight away to Silvers and whatnot, instead of using Irons/Steels throughout 90% of the game
  • Noire is my second choice for a wife for a file I want to mess around on, following Miriel
  • I'm saddened by a lack of Spotpass Jill
  • I dislike Ch17
  • I compare the Valmese general-people and Walhart to the 4 Daein Riders and Ashnard
  • I think that the game likes to summon skirmishes to the places where tonics are in Lunatic
  • I am confused on why the boxes cost a random 4800 gold in Hard mode and above
  • I think the Missiletainn (or however it's spelled) should've been in the lower left village in Owain's paralogue
  • Something about Paralogue 17 seems a bit odd to me
  • I don't really like the generic soldiers' voice clips, especially, "Sire!"
  • Nah is also kinda cute

How is not liking one of the worst missions in the game a confession?

Ch 17, Fort Steiger is bad.

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My only shame in Awakening is that I cannot bring myself to play Lunatic at all because I would have to use Fred, and I completely steer myself from using Jeigan/Oifey characters. Since Fred is required on Lunatic, I might never play past Hard. It's a shame, too, because I've beaten FE5, a much more punishing game, and I still can't bring myself to go through a few hours of Fredrick Emblem.

Jeigan Emblem.


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1. I cannot for the life of me beat the endgame paralogue where you recruit Walhart. People kept telling me that the Aversa one was the hardest, but I didn't have too much trouble with that one.

2. I am stuck in 2007 and never change a character's original class. I never paired my units up until I started my hard/lunatic runs.

3. I'm paranoid about money, so my entire team used iron weapons and basic tomes all the way up to the endgame map. I haven't used a single stat booster because I'm saving them for god knows what, the exception being beefing Chrom up with Dracoshields.

4. I thought that I was going to hate this game before it came out.

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My lame confessions are lame, and I thought up of a whole batch. I'll spoiler-group 'em to be safe and prevent people from getting angry at me, since it looks like a longer post than the others.

[spoiler=I Feel Like I'm Ranting or Something]Despite the Japanese voice track, I still couldn't go through with marrying Libra in the initial playthrough. I chose Gerome "Wright" "Nightwing" Lon'qusson instead.

I wish NOA kept God in, and centered that around said War Monk like in the Japanese version, or-so-I've-seen. Christian gamers need more love here. Though I still do the "mental replacement"...

I hate Walhart's guts. Or maybe how they localized him? He came across as a secular humanist to me. Still hate Tharja, still hate Severa, like Bokkuko!Sully better, and wonder why the frip people like Henry so much.

First Fire Emblem game without using any Tomes for 99.7% of 3/4 playthroughs. I didn't regret it.

This is my first actual Fire Emblem game (I played FE7 and 8 on an emulator before I had a job).

I love the Bride class.

Old Hubba [read: localization] annoys me and makes me want to throw a Hand Axe at him.

I was close to crying during A Hard Miracle.

I like Male Morgan better, because Alan Walker VA.

I sometimes refer to this game as Resident Emblem.

I can't listen to Inigo's English confession without picturing Baldren Gassenarl saying it.

"Monstrosity" is my favorite boss music, "Chaos/(Ablaze)" my favorite field~regular!battle music.

I level-and-Support-collect in Origin Peak because I have time constraints.

I was glad to hear many veteran VAs were hired to do the voices.

I think Sumia's pretty cool; ditto for Cordelia. I was sad to see the latter couldn't even friendship support with Chrom.

"Minervykins" and "such a cutey-poo!" made me want to hug Gerome. I even laughed at the Lon'qu-Gerome support convos.

Libra/Tharja ticked me off, because I just don't see it. It doesn't make much sense to me, even with the in-character stuff. Pega-Pony Princess is no longer alone. :D

I'm starting to warm up to Priam (pre-Spotpass chapter), Gaius, Kellam, and Stahl, in the "marry X character" sense.

I see Nowi being paired as bad no matter how it's done (Appearance and age-wise), but I also find young!Female Avatar and Walhart just as, if not more, disturbing.

I also thought of Gregor as the Heavy, with Virion as Edgeworth and Gerome Lon'qusson as Phoenix Wright. I was almost going to do a little mini-crossover comic with Phoenix Wright and FE13.

I'm thinking about doing a final Female AvaMoo playthrough, Japanese voices, marrying Libra. Feels stupid not marrying a character because of a company's policy.

I thought about doing a playthrough with marriages based off one Old Hubba "reading run", but decided against it.

For ten minutes, I considered being a jerk and spoil Lucina, the children, or even THE SPOTTIES to the unfortunate people who StreetPasses me and has the game (which is, what, two, three people in my city?). Decided I wasn't that cruel.

I always type "MU" as "Moo". Because humor.

Every day, I feel like I'm four parts Sumia, one part Japanese!Libra, one part Nah, and a teeny part Gerome. To elaborate: klutzy, apologizes, brown curly hair, and low self-esteem (Sumia); devotion towards God (J!Libra); mature for my age (Nah), which led to an awkward conversation; avoidance of others (Gerome), but because of self-esteem issues and klutziness. Slowly getting out of the last part.

Hoo boy, I really need to get home. Time flies.

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[spoiler=I Feel Like I'm Ranting or Something]Libra/Tharja ticked me off, because I just don't see it. It doesn't make much sense to me, even with the in-character stuff. Pega-Pony Princess is no longer alone. :D

bless u Tiaramaki

I sorta think Kellam is depressing. Especially if you mentioned his backstory, when he's just like, abandoned in purpose. 2nd most depressing character, only losing to Libra(don't even get me started why Libra is so depressing...).

Virion's English voice somewhat bugs me yet it is hilarious at the same time.

I found most of the generic parent supports amusing. Sure it's generic, but some of them is pretty hilarious.

Edited by Pega-Pony Princess
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I was close to crying during A Hard Miracle.

Oh seven hells, yes. Especially at the end of the chapter. Manly tears.

Virion's voice acting (English) makes me all swoony. And i usually dont like the French accent sound. Maybe its because of the octave and the fact its not a super thick accent.

I refer to the dress the Brides has not as a wedding dress. But as a jellyfish Tron dress. Srsly, look at the movements of that dress and that it has frikken TRON LINES.

Aversa is sexy as all get out and i regret nothing in having my last male Avatar get with that. Despite the slight awkwardness of the support.

Walhart has been re-nicknamed to Stannis Khan. Because Walhart reminds me of Stannis Baratheon from ASOIAF but also with a severe Genghis Khan edge to him.

The fact that characters refer to their underpants as "smallclothes" makes me the smiley happy.

The localizers had to be ASOIAF fans. They just had to be. If someone argues otherwise, they can eat my smallclothes!

Aversa's crit quote of "Still clinging to hope!" is so awesome.

I thought about pairing Owain and Lucina but i just...cant bring myself to do it. Its just too awkward.

My last female Avatar run had Lucina and Inigo paired. This latest run has them as siblings. Talk about FUNKY! lulz

Libra is awesome and so underrated it hurts.

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Aversa is best troll. Smash Brethren 3, she has a conversation with Sephiran and it is GLORIOUS! Shes like "Oooh what a man! I bet youre a screamer! Only one way to find out!" Im like "omfg, Aversa i love you!"

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1. I cannot for the life of me beat the endgame paralogue where you recruit Walhart. People kept telling me that the Aversa one was the hardest, but I didn't have too much trouble with that one.

2. I am stuck in 2007 and never change a character's original class. I never paired my units up until I started my hard/lunatic runs.

Two actually explains 1.

If you don't change out of your classes, then your characters won't have many skills, which makes fighting large armies like Walhart's harder but fighting yourself easier.

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