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Rate the Unit, Fire Emblem Awakening Version, Day 1


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You knew it would happen


Votes are from 1-10, decimals are aloud

The order the units will go is Gen 1, Gen 2, Spotpass.

All ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode.

Rate Gen 1 Units based on their potential as a CHARACTER, NOT A PARENT!

When rating Gen 2 Units use your preferred pairing as the mother/father

You can give/take away 1 bias point for each character, no more.

At the end of the day the average of all the tally votes will be the characters score.

So ya, Day 1: Chrom. Go nuts voting now.

Edited by Garteam
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Is it okay to post like i want it to be?


Class sets wise, he has Cavs, Lords, and Archer. One having amazing skills, one being Cavs, and lolarcher

He can solo quite a portion of the game as GL, thats pretty huge but its a favoritism

He can cheat the marriage, which is pretty nice i guess

The Pair up bonus, while leave something to be desired is pretty nice

His base class has perhaps one of the best overall skillset so thats a plus, and his class sets screams "jack of all trades"

Rapier for Lords is pretty amazing

Also Infinite Iron Swords

Overall a solid character, a good main unit in its own right, but with acess to Cavs line, he feels better as a Pair Up fodder.


-1 bias because i hated his character


Edited by JSND
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I have no idea what I'm doing, but what the heck.

Class Rating: 8/10 - Lord is a pretty good class overall with its mountain of speed and decent other stats. Javelins after promotion are a huge plus over, say, swordmasters. (EDIT: Also Aether. But otherwise there's not a lot of great things about Lords. Chrom has really generic stats for his class...)

Relative Class Rating: 6/10 - Chrom only beats your other maingame Lord in terms of availability; when the other one comes around, it takes hardly any effort to have an invincible powerhouse for half the game.

Weapon rating: 10/10 - Swords don't seem all that special in general here, but Falchion is the best weapon in the game, period. Chrom is one of 4 units you get early on that can tear through those dracoknights, and the only one that does it with WTA. Then it gets upgraded, and...Nothing compares. Nothing comes close. Even if it sucked forever, infinite uses without Armsthrift is beautiful.

Class Set Rating: 5/10 - Unfortunately, Chrom has a kinda average class set. There's not much to be had in the Archer tree, especially when only one of those classes gets him the aforementioned sword of light. Cavalier class tree helps him get Javelins faster, plus Luna and Aegis are nice skills, but he doesn't get anything I see fit for a spectacular build.

Availability Rating: 8/10 - What? He has perfect availability! Yeah, but annoyingly so. True, he has the entire game to do stuff, but you're forced to make him do stuff aside from, like, the Golden Pack. Later on when he gets outclassed by the other Lord, he's still required, which makes him kiiiinda dead weight when I want someone else to fill a different role.

Support Rating: 7/10 - Chrom has a nice variety of supports with earlygame units, but only half the females can support him, which hurts him compared to other Gen I characters.

Hopefully now that I'm done beating that dead horse, I give Chrom .5 bias points. He's cool and stuff, I guess(and 7.3 seems too low for him), but HNNNG HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A BATH TENT IS. YOU SUCK AT TALKING TO ME. So +1, -.5.

So overall 7.8/10. He's good but not great.

Edited by 47948201
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Chrom gets an 8.5/10

He's a pretty good unit in ordinary circumstances, but he can pretty much solo the game with a pair if you feed him EXP (instead of dividing it out between several units). I know its "favoritism" but the ability to invalidate the entire game on his own is fairly impressive nonetheless. Rightful King + pair up actually makes Aether activate semi reliable, so he can somewhat sustain himself on his own. His pretty much set once you turn him into a Paladin and nab Aegis.

The bias system is stupid btw

Edited by PK Gaming
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1: why do we have to do this again

My thoughts exactly. You and I both know how this'll end up... (read: a shitstorm breaks out sooner or later.)

You couldn't wait for a while after the game's release in Europe and Oceania/Australia? FE13 isn't even out at those regions yet.

Or better yet, not do it period. I mean, geez, RTUs only bring out the worst in people.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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well fuck

Thanks for doing this, I guess. Less migraines for me.

You couldn't wait for a while after the game's release in Europe and Oceania/Australia? FE13 isn't even out at those regions yet.

This was what I was waiting for, but oh well.

Or better yet, not do it period. I mean, geez, RTUs only bring out the worst in people.

Arguing over Sonic Sword!Mia sure brought out the worst in everyone, huh. Someone was called stupid.

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Arguing over Sonic Sword!Mia sure brought out the worst in everyone, huh. Someone was called stupid.

The Tellius RTUs were by far the worst of the lot, you know.

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Not denying it. It was my FE9 thread that got locked, remember?

And ever since that debacle, I've convinced myself that this one will be no better. I can already see Donnel in particular being one character that'll spark a lot of arguments.

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Great, these again. It would be really swell if all RTU shit stayed in a single thread. It is no harder to administrate.

Yes this. There's already 90 threads in this forum a day. Spotpass is pretty pointless, too. Maybe you could do them as a single bonus round.

Unless this is an April Fool's joke in which case you're great.

Not rating.

Edited by Liquid Snake
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Oh god, I can't wait for the Donnel thread. That one is going to be fantastic.

Anyway, I think Chrom's an all-around great unit. Falchion is a useful sword for those pesky earlygame wyvern riders, the Rapier is great for KO'ing horseback units despite being kinda weak, and the Lances he gets upon promotion are really useful. Javelin, Beast Killer, Finn's/Ephraim's Lance... they're all very useful for Chrom. As for reclass, his options are pretty neat: Cavalier gives him access to Discipline which is a WONDERFUL ability that allows him to quickly raise his weapon ranks, Luna is available through the Great Knight class (which, if I may add, is a damn cool class) and is pretty neat for high DEF enemies. However, I think that the Paladin route is better for Chrom seeing as he gets the useful Aegis ability, an ability that fixes his bad RES somewhat. His other option is the Archer class, a class that I personally have not tried. Archers have never been very good units so I'm assuming that this route is pretty bad for Chrom. Plus, the Archer route doesn't give any particularly good skills to Chrom so, uh, yeah... He's better off as an awesome Cavalier or Great Lord.


+Falchion and Rapier.

+Neat stats.

+Neat skills.


-Limited support options.

I give him an 8.5!

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My thoughts exactly. You and I both know how this'll end up... (read: a shitstorm breaks out sooner or later.)

Or better yet, not do it period. I mean, geez, RTUs only bring out the worst in people.

This really says lot about the people on this board if you can't even have a simple discussion about character ratings

Edited by Sw3Et
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This really says lot about the people on this board if you can't even have a simple discussion about character ratings

Well, you can't blame me for my misgivings about RTUs. I've seen things get rather rowdy in some of the other games' RTUs (Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn especially, but others were also pretty bad).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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