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Anyone ever encounter a shiny Pokemon?


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I've found two shinies before, and caught both of them~

One was a Shiny Rhyhorn in the Safari Zone in Sapphire, which I caught but deleted the file without trading it .-.

And then in Fire Red I found a shiny Pidgey looking for Suicune, which I trained up to a Pidgeot and I still have on one of my DS games.

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Oddish (caught)

Dunspace (caught)

Pikachu (caught)

Tentacool (caught)

Teddiursa (caught)

Sentret (killed)

Cascoon/Silcoon (don't remember which one, but I caught it)

Kyogre (reset because it had the most horrible nature possible, I kinda regret that olol)

Rayquaza (died from ice beam critical)

Ho oh (caught)

I also vaguely remember catching a shiny legendary bird. It may just be Ho oh I'm thinking of again.

I haven't run into any shiny pokemon in 4th or 5th gen unfortunately.

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Most recent non-guranteed one was a Shiny Ponyta that was Adamant nature in my Platinum version. Then I sold the game. Hopefully another player was happy to have seen and possibly used it.

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Let's see...


Shiny Elekid (hatched from free egg from daycare)


Venonat (caught at the Safari zone)


Trapinch (caught)


Kricketune (caught)

Floatzel (caught)


Geodude (caught)

Ditto (caught)

Not a bad haul, but I've never found anything other than the scripted/event shinies in gen 5. I have like three each of the shiny legendary dogs.

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I HAVE A SHINY PALKIA. I also have encountered a shiny machoke, shinx, psyduck(ran away in safari zone, I rage quitted emerald for a long time). I know I have a few others, I can't think of them right now.

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Gastrodon in Diamond

Electrode in Emerald (which I regret not cloning before I migrated ;_;)

Geodude in Diamond

NidoranM in SoulSilver, Safari Zone

Arbok in SoulSilver

And of course, there are other shinies I've traded for.

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i found a red gyarados once but it wasn't in johto

i've also caught a golden mightyena which I traded for something else (i forget what) in my Emerald run

On that very same file, Wally's Ralts was shiny.

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Well, back in Silver, I encountered a shiny Ho-Oh.

Unfortunately it was the first shiny I encountered, so rather then using the Master Ball to secure this rare catch, I restarted in order to find out what I did differently from all my catching attempts in order to cause this. I had no idea that it was entirely random.

I also encountered a shiny Meowth. That one got caught, though.

Edited by BrightBow
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So brave. No one said they were useful. Hell, they're trophies more than anything... and trophies are not very useful.

Oh, but sometimes you may get lucky and the shiny you got has the perfect nature or it's one of your favorite Pokemon or favorite shinies. Like my Aggron in Emerald, which was once that Aron I mentioned. It falls into all three categories for me. :D

Bold nature, Aggron is one of the few gen 3 Pokemon I'm a huge fan of, and I LOVE its shiny form! That blue is SO my color. It's been on my team since. I plan to transfer it to a DS title if I ever get around to beating Emerald.

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My first was Lotad in Emerald. I cloned it twice at the Battle Tower to obtain a shiny Lombre and Ludicolo. My second was Golett in Black. I traded Golett away for something...a shiny version of one of my favourites, but I can't remember which favourite. It will have been either Scyther or Sneasel. Or maybe it was Dratini...hm... If it was Dratini, then I got horribly ripped off because my shiny Dratini turned out to be crudely hacked. I had to edit it in Pokégen just to make it look legitimate. Silly hackers. If you're going to break the rules, at least try to do it properly.

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Shiny Nuzleaf (10 ultra balls wouldn't work and all my Pkmn where in mid 40's)

Shiny oddish (no balls)

Shiny ponyta (caught, but lost firered)

Oddly enough, I remember seeing a shiny poocheyana in one of the battle facilities in emerald when I was younger. I believe its the one where you have no control over your Pkmn)

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Oh, but sometimes you may get lucky and the shiny you got has the perfect nature or it's one of your favorite Pokemon or favorite shinies. Like my Aggron in Emerald, which was once that Aron I mentioned. It falls into all three categories for me. :D

Bold nature, Aggron is one of the few gen 3 Pokemon I'm a huge fan of, and I LOVE its shiny form! That blue is SO my color. It's been on my team since. I plan to transfer it to a DS title if I ever get around to beating Emerald.

You could always get a Pokemon with the ability synchronize, for 50% of getting the wanted nature. I also find it amusing when people think they found a shiny when they encounter one of N's Pokemon. Or when the shiny sprites look almost identical to the normal sprite, like Gible and its evolved forms.

And I swear, there must also be some lucky soul who caught a shiny Pokemon with Pokerus.

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And I swear, there must also be some lucky soul who caught a shiny Pokemon with Pokerus.

You know that also reminds me! White also gave me my very first encounter with Pokerus! Well, not like it matters though because I don't really EV train or anything orz

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Well, back in Silver, I encountered a shiny Ho-Oh.

Unfortunately it was the first shiny I encountered, so rather then using the Master Ball to secure this rare catch, I restarted in order to find out what I did differently from all my catching attempts in order to cause this. I had no idea that it was entirely random.


You just made me remember encountering a shiny Lugia in Silver only for one of my pokemon to critical it to death when I was just trying to weaken it. sadlnlnvnadlknvlksdbvlskdjvbc

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  • 4 weeks later...

I caught a shiny Gloom on my uh...Crystal maybe?

And I caught a shiny Magikarp while training my Eevee in Pearl. (Lol, red Gyarados that wasn't a freebie.)

And I ran into a shiny Meowth in a trainer battle of some sort on one of the older games, because it felt like taunting me apparently.

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I once caught a brown zubat in Ruby. Not sure how, seeing as shiny zubats are green... Unfortunately, I have long since lost that game. But I am quite sure it was brown, as I remember being confused as to how it could have existed at the time.

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Non-hacked shinies I've seen:

Shiny Tentacool in FireRed - mine - deleted.

Shiny Whismur in Ruby - mine - deleted.

Shiny Magikarp in Pokemon Pearl - my brother's - game got stuck.

Shiny Gastrodon in Pokemon Diamond - a friend's - killed by critical hit (Waterfall).

Shiny Magneton in Pokemon FireRed- my other brother's - deleted.

Shiny Ponyta in Pokemon Pearl - my brother's (not my other brother's X3) - caught (and I still have this one...)

Shiny Golduck in Pokemon Black- mine - caught (I still have this one, too.)

Shiny Butterfree in Pokemon HeartGold - mine - caught (migrated to Pokemon Black.)

And of course there's the red Gyarados we all have. Well, all of us that have G/S/C or HG/SS, that is.

And I've seen non-hacked Pokerus, too, before.

Edited by FranticforFreeFruityFruit
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