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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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If your character is indeed Roku, claiming it this early could draw too much attention from scum, which is why I think it's unlikely for such an important character to be claimed so carelessly.

Imagine if you were Katara Doctor or Aang Vig, where your character is definitely important, you wouldn't carelessly claim it, would you?

Roku is quite an important character which makes me think that one wouldn't carelessly claim it on D1. Especially when your only intention was to element claim alone.

Why are you making assumptions about my role based on my character.

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Element Cop is like the PR Cop role, to catch onto people lying about their elements for some reason, not to "catch" Fire players.

I need time to think things through clearly and gather my thoughts since I'm typing in a rush right now and you all know what happens when I post on impulse.

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I mean, seriously, did we NOT just go over telling Fear the Pika that importance of characters is not tied to role strength? How is claiming Roku going to tell anyone what my role is?

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Woops, just noticed that you welcomed me eclipse. Thanks! As for my silence: I don't have a lot of experience with mafia, let alone a game with such varied roles, so I'm furiously googling roles and jargon to keep up. A lot of people here go by names other than their display names as well.

##Unvote, ##Vote Mancer for many of the aforementioned reasons.

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I do see how Roles and Characters are not intrinsically linked.

My point is a bit premature, but it has some bases.


You don't have to "come clean" with anything unless you've lied about something like your element or character.

Give me 15 minutes to 1 hour to get a content post up with some more reads.

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Strege, don't forget to bold your votes. Also, in case you haven't found the meanings of the claimed roles yet,

Miller: Scans as Mafia when inspected by a Cop despite being aligned with the Town.

PGO: Anyone who targets them for whatever reason is automatically killed.

I don't particularly want to vote/lynch Mancer due to the Miller claim. IMO if the Vig thinks he's scummy they can shoot him.

Elie, do you have any reads other than "Mancer is scummy but also probably Miller"? I don't particularly like the Eclipse vote though I guess it could be RVS.

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I think this has more substance to it:

##Vote: Elieson

If your gut is on me, why should my Miller claim stop anything? Miller is a controversial claim and could be a scum safeclaim if there are no Millers around. If I claimed Doc, I might buy you accepting my claim but since I claimed Miller, which is not an extremely important role as well, I don't see why you're holding back your suspicions on me.

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I agree with what Mancer said. It kind of looks like Elie is pushing the lynch while still saying he thinks Mancer is town. This sort of pings me in comparison to others such as Boron who while pointing out the logical flaws in Mancer's reasoning, aren't actually pushing him.

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I highly doubt that, until proven otherwise. I mean, a character who has and demonstrates healing abilities in-game would reasonably be a doctor, but that doesn't mean all people of a certain element would be a certain subtype of a role. I will say that my role and my element by themselves have no logical connection to one another.

my point wasn't vey clear I guess. What I wanted to say is that there are 18 players, now since the avatar is air and assuming some form of third party with any other element(also could be the existence of some spirit),


Just throwing this out there before I go to bed, I wouldn't be surprised if there were some non-fire villains. Such as whatshisface head of the Earth nation secret service, as that would be a villain who's Earth instead of Fire nation.

like this could be an SK)

there should be something like 5 for each element also assuming there is more fire elementals than the rest.

I'm water and PGO is kind of self protecting so...

Since SB claimed Water and PGO and say another person claimed water with some night action (as in assume Psych is claiming water) now if everyone claimed elements, the mafia would have a small pool of water to choose from to get rid of the doc. Now assume the mafia also has a cop of some sort, and the doc will be dead by the satrt of D3 cause they will know who is actually water and who is not.

also, SB, do you know what would have happened if someone had targeted you N0?

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## Vote: Elieson

Don't like you talking about Mancer and voting someone else. That's pretty unnecessarily passive-aggressive.

I don't particularly like Mancer's vote on Boron either because that's so based on flavour but I'm not really going to pass any judgement's yet because lolMancerandD1.

I think I'm not going to character claim or element claim atm, seems unnecessary atm. More in a bit(or mahybe not cuz I'm short on time today : ( )

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It's been like three hours since phase start and Kiryn, Prims, Slayer, and Grassbridger still haven't posted. Come on guys, lives and timezones aren't an excuse. Look at SB staying up until 5 am to claim PGO; what a trooper.

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Wow I've effectively seen people mostly flavor spec and debate on whether to claim elements or not which means nothing to me as:

I'm assuming flavor claims mean nothing

I'm assuming element claims mean nothing

A miller claim means nothing at this point as well, so while I think Mancer's play is horrible, I don't think it's scummy. I think Mancer is telling the truth about his role, and I also think that he is using methods [albeit horrible] to try to hunt for scum. Based on what I've seen, I'd be up to lynchjng Mancer if he wouldn't stop pushing this idea, only to stop him from cluttering the thread with confusion, and that's not indicative of alignment, it's indicative of ED1 logic being generally weak.

My vote on eclipse was nothin more than RVS because nothing of value had been said up to this point, and I wasn't finding anything worth pursuing as the topics were "should we be stupid and claim meaningless info" and "lets see how Mancer contradicts himself this time".

Even blitz is Flavorhunting right now. God why is this still happening.

With a healthy amount of players having done absolutely nothing, my scumreads are weak. I'd like to see any form of interaction from Rein, as well as anything at all from Prims, Grass, Etc. considering game has been on for all of what like 5 hours I'm not filling my mind with assumptions on player alignment when not everyone has even posted yet. I'm not gonna build anything that could be blown into Bias. However I think that out of everything, I have more suspicion on BBM for his weird assumption that there's "antitown" concerned specifically with Elements. This is a strange idea to bring up, and so early, and out of all the element banter I've read, this is the weirdest.


##Vote BBM

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Also in case the sarcasm about lynching Mancer wasn't obvious; I was being sarcastic about lynchjng Mancer to shut him up.

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"My vote on eclipse was nothing more than RVS" when tonnes of things had already happened in the thread like my supposed horrible jump on Boron. You're trying to say your vote on eclipse should mean nothing?

My Miller claim means nothing but you believe me on that? Blatant contradiction here. Actually, I'm not really sure what you mean to say about me in that post. All that wishy washiness doesn't help.

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I said that it's a possibility that anti-town have an element-related role. That's it. That possibility, combined with the fact that element != alignment, is what I was trying to use to show why element claiming might not be a good idea. Also, if I were scum and we did indeed have an element-related role, why would I be discouraging element claiming? I would be encouraging it, because it'd help scum out.

Also, considering half of that post complains how nobody is doing anything other than flavourhunting, why does your vote against me relate to that?

Additionally, I don't like what you said wrt Mancer. You don't think he's scummy, but you'd be up to lynching him just to clear the thread of confusion? That's the sort of shitty logic that led to town lynching him in Folgore Rangers after he claimed Doctor. There's ED1 logic, and then there's bad logic.

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Woah I'm late.

Mancer where did that vote even come from? You have no idea on what characters were used in the setup and for all we know Aang and the gang are safe claims.

This whole element claiming thing doesn't affect me one way or another because it doesn't tell anything regarding my role.

My gut is on Mancer right now because that logic is so graspy, but I believe that Millerclaim.


##Vote eclipse

I think enough has happened that you shouldn't be random voting now. Do you have any other reads?

If your character is indeed Roku, claiming it this early could draw too much attention from scum, which is why I think it's unlikely for such an important character to be claimed so carelessly.

Imagine if you were Katara Doctor or Aang Vig, where your character is definitely important, you wouldn't carelessly claim it, would you?

Roku is quite an important character which makes me think that one wouldn't carelessly claim it on D1. Especially when your only intention was to element claim alone.

Oh, and Zuko isn't an important character?

A miller claim means nothing at this point as well, so while I think Mancer's play is horrible, I don't think it's scummy. I think Mancer is telling the truth about his role, and I also think that he is using methods [albeit horrible] to try to hunt for scum. Based on what I've seen, I'd be up to lynchjng Mancer if he wouldn't stop pushing this idea, only to stop him from cluttering the thread with confusion, and that's not indicative of alignment, it's indicative of ED1 logic being generally weak.

You said that you have a gut suspicion of Mancer, but believe his Miller claim, and now you're saying the Miller claim means nothing? Which is it?

##Unvote (Prims)

##Vote: Elieson

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Most of what Rein has said so far can be summed up as "I looked up character X on wikipedia and flavour makes sense gais".

Take your Mancer prod. Is it scummy that his logic with regards to Roku is wrong because Roku is kind of important, or is it scummy that he's basing votes off characters in the first place? Your prod against him seems to imply the former, but (IMO) it's the latter that's scummy, so I don't particularly like it.

Shinori, you've had over an hour to read the thread, and there hasn't been that much content yet. Thoughts?

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And Zuko had a role such as Miller which is quite important in a way. Roku is some kind of father/strong figure in the anime and claiming him might be hinting to something of such a magnitude. Which is why I think Boron is lying, but I'm not going to push that anymore until more stuffs happen.

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WRT to me claiming as Zuko, I already claimed my role, so claiming my character there wouldn't impact much else with it. The case with Roku claim is different (to me, anyway). The careless way with which she claimed such an important character was what caught my attention, and sadly, I am unable to phrase myself well on all Day 1s.

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And Zuko had a role such as Miller which is quite important in a way. Roku is some kind of father/strong figure in the anime and claiming him might be hinting to something of such a magnitude. Which is why I think Boron is lying, but I'm not going to push that anymore until more stuffs happen.

I should kick you for that >_>

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but I believe that Millerclaim.

these statements badly contradict,

A miller claim means nothing at this point as well, so while I think Mancer's play is horrible, I don't think it's scummy. I think Mancer is telling the truth about his role, and I also think that he is using methods [albeit horrible] to try to hunt for scum. Based on what I've seen, I'd be up to lynchjng Mancer if he wouldn't stop pushing this idea, only to stop him from cluttering the thread with confusion, and that's not indicative of alignment, it's indicative of ED1 logic being generally weak.

so take the time to start explaining why you believe the miller claim but think it means nothing

I know Kay already beat me to the punch, but I will do the same regardless


##Vote: Elie

anyways, moving on

Mancer, you need to shut up about this going after Boron "cause I do not like her character" issues

you have plenty of other things to do, like going after inactives and attacking people like Rein for complaining more than anything else and save your Boron issues for when they might matter like if she claims an absurd role for Roku or was playing scummy or something like that

WRT to me claiming as Zuko, I already claimed my role, so claiming my character there wouldn't impact much else with it. The case with Roku claim is different (to me, anyway). The careless way with which she claimed such an important character was what caught my attention, and sadly, I am unable to phrase myself well on all Day 1s.

and also, don't think I am going to believe even for a second that miller is your only role.(assuming you are a miller that is)

(and on a very unrelated note Avatar is NOT an anime.)

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While I was gone, this turned into "speculate over the character mafia", and "watch Elieson flail again". It's bad form to criticize one person and vote someone else with no logic behind it!

Now that there's a wee bit more to work with. . .Shinori, how did you manage to get into BBM's account, message me randomly, then somehow forget to post something meaningful?


##Vote: Shinori

I'm a bit iffy about Mar-mar (bluedoom) for handwaving Mancer's behavior as "it's Mancer's ED1". It may be important later. Also, Strege, if you need help with terminology/names, say something!

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