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What does this mean? :<

It's a list of enemies and relevant info about them. I'm sure that most here know this, but for those that don't, it's lesson time. :newyears:

[spoiler=None of you are interested in Japanese why am I typing this out]The meaning of many words in Japanese are tied to Chinese characters, kanji. Unfortunately for Japanese, and for people who don't want to learn kanji (read: everyone), the language is packed to the brim with homonyms. Let's take a look at the following sentence rendered without kanji, in first hiragana and then romaji:

「きしゃのきしゃがきしゃできしゃした」 or "kisha no kisha ga kisha de kishashimashita." Look at all that kisha. It would suck to be a translator for Japanese if kanji didn't exist because without perfect context it would be a massive pain in the ass to translate something like this. "Something's something did something at or on something," would be as good a guess as any.

But with the magic of kanji (imagination hands here), everything's happy again:

貴社記者汽車帰社した」The same thing, but with kanji for all of those pesky kisha.

貴社 = kisha = (your) company

記者 = kisha = reporter

汽車 = kisha = (steam) train

帰社 = kisha = (to) return to the office

So now we know exactly what they're saying. "Your reporter's returned to your company by locomotive." THANKS KANJI, NEVER COULD HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU

When Eclipse referenced that Kujura's attack was Ouka no Mai, it could mean lots of things. But the page here lists it as 桜花の舞, which can be translated as "Cherry Blossom's Dance," or "Dance of the Cherry Blossoms".

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Sometimes I wonder if this is taken way too seriously... oh wait, FftF, my bad. Meanwhile I remain clueless regarding mine...

You're obviously Yukimura. Go on, make short work of your foes with your spear while riding your Charizard into battle. Don't forget to destroy those pesky towers and fences.

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You're obviously Yukimura. Go on, make short work of your foes with your spear while riding your Charizard into battle. Don't forget to destroy those pesky towers and fences.

Pft... I suppose that's one way to look at it. lol

I should probably add to that, "While being backed up by 6000 arquebuses behind a fortified barricade", now that would be very cool.

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*Throws a Spiny at Dandragon01 from on high*


His HD jacket might be high tier... but remember, to become a Trueblade, he used his FACE as his shield when put up against hand axes.

Are you prepared to go through that pain?


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Dammit I miss this place. That I am at.

I am something that spliced itself into a remake of Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff (panel # t-shirt).

I thought you were attending to real life. Is this visit a permanent thing or you just trollin by?

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Vhy do zee people alvays start zees threads vhen I am not looking?

Oh, hey buddy! Sorry, I forgot to tell you.... actually now that I think about I have somewhere I need to be....... bye.

Phew.... wonder if he knows we're all avoiding him...

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Hmm...I'm the badass king wielding a f*cking long sword that can shoot a laser beam or spears of light out of said sword. That and my voice is change to a certain character that runs after his wife with some weirdly baked bread in his mouth screaming "I LOVE IT!"

I can do that.

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