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Do you want weapon weight to return?

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I don't. It did little more than hurt units with low STR who, for the most part, were the ones who needed the stronger (and thusly heavier) weapons in the first place. The only units, least in PoR, whom it was a 'decent' mechanic for was the mages who didn't use STR for offense beyond negating the AS loss. It would have been just as easy to simply remove STR for them and make siege tomes (the only ones even semi-broken) just strike once. If this mechanic exists it should serve a purpose beyond hurting units with low STR or CON, especially the latter since it's very hard to fix.

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The only game I honestly feel that weight worked was FE5, and that's mainly because of stealing and lol con growth.

Maybe for the male units, but in general it has the same issue of the GBA Fire Emblems with many of the females having lower starting build(con), A good example is Lara compared to Lifis and Pahn, but also lower build growth So female units start with much lower build and gain it at a slower(or equal at best) rate than the male characters in similar classes so the gap widens as you play through the game.

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I'm not a fan of weight at all. D8 And I hate CON, too. I can't think of a single woman in FE8 who had a CON higher than 6, which is utter BS. Good riddance to both, I say. They don't need to come back. "OTL


D8; I-Is that possible without hacking?

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I prefer weightless weapons.

I think the higher cost of better weapons offsets their higher might. You'll go broke if you load everyone down with higher ranked weapons all the time. I only use them in situations that call for it (i.e. going from not 1rko'ing with iron to 1rko'ing with a better weapon) because they drain the army's wallet quicker and less usage is gotten out of them.

A lot of units got a pretty bad deal from taking weight penalties too.

D8; I-Is that possible without hacking?

I think body rings can be purchased at one of the secret shops, so it may very well be. xD

Edited by Pikachu
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I, for one, quite like the idea of expensive, rare weapons actually being better than cheap, common weapons. Even if upgrading your weapons isn't "strategic", it's fun.

For me it really did alter the game.

One of the reasons units like Hector were so remarkable is that his huge Con made him stand out- even if most people never realised that was why he was so good.

But it really wasn't because of his huge CON. It was because of his great STR/DEF and having the best PRF weapon, which gave him a ridiculous 29ATK against Cavaliers and Knights (as much as Marcus with a Silver Lance!). It's not like his CON even let him double a lot of units. If anything, it was actually a weakness because it makes him difficult to rescue after promotion.

Now that con is taken out 'heavy' units like Knights, Great Knights and Warriors have lost a major edge they used to have.

But Knights, Great Knights, and Warriors all sucked in FE6/7/8.

It's also made Pegasus Knights way too OP, especially when you factor in their access to Galeforce.

Not having a weak con to balance them out just made them death machines, and nerfed Wyvern Knights and Lords

into pointlessness.

Except that Wyvern Riders are still one of the best classes in FE13.

Then there's the issue of how OP all the dark magic spells are now, especially Nosferatu. I always liked that Dark Magic was

the strongest the heaviest and Light the weakest but lightest. Now that both the magic triangle and the constituion and weight system

have been taken out Dark magic has no drawbacks other then only being accessible by one or two classes.

Light magic wasn't the lightest: anima was. Light magic was only lighter in FE10. In FE9, it was the heaviest, and in FE6/7/8, it was heavier than Anima, but lighter than Dark. Edited by Anouleth
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There is no need to force in weapon weight to discourage players from using higher MT weapons over lower MT weapons.

IS could simply make buyable ones much more expensive while making money much more scarce even with a map and leveling system like Gaiden.

Edited by The Void
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Hector's Con compensated for and enhanced his slightly mediocre speed though, particularly given his use of (usually heavy) Axes. Had Hector had less con he would have been a lot less versatile and capable- sure he would have hit hard but it allowed him to actually use the speed growths he did get- rather then it being gobbled up by his axe's weight.

The rescuing aspect is a fair enough point but again that simply adds another layer of complexity to the weight issue- lighter con units gaining an advantage in being easier to rescue and mounted units gaining the biggest advantage due to their mounts. I can see why people might find this annoying but again I quite like it.

re; Other Units

The issue of Knights, Wyvern Lords etc is of course debatable and depends to a large extent on play style.

I found Wyvern Lords to be a lot less impressive and unique then in previous Fire Emblems. Losing the contrast between light Pegasi units and heavy Wyvern units made the two types of Unit too similar for my taste. Given the Pegasus Knight line also gained OP abilities like Galeforce made them a clearly better choice for me, rather then having each type of unit cover the other's weaknesses.

re; Light Magic

My mistake, but my point stands that the varying weights of the magic triangle factored into tactical play in earlier games.

Also taking out weight has made Dark Magic too OP, there simply aren't enough drawbacks to it.

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If they add back weight in the series, I'd hope they could also expand on it by being able to equip armors and shields too and have them weighed.

But since that's not going to happen anytime soon, I'm fine with the system we have now.

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re; Light Magic

My mistake, but my point stands that the varying weights of the magic triangle factored into tactical play in earlier games.

Also taking out weight has made Dark Magic too OP, there simply aren't enough drawbacks to it.

Only in FE4, really, since in FE6, most tomes weren't that heavy, except Apocalypse, and in the other GBA games, high rank tomes in general were too heavy to be worth wielding for the most part.

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i think that my hack implements weapon WT fairly well :plug:

for basic weaponry, they should more or less be easily wield-able by more or less all characters with 1-2 AS loss at maximum. effective weapons, ranged weapons, etc. can weigh more to discourage constant use. an iron blade clearly weighs more than an iron sword, and the game should reflect that.

Edited by dondon151
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i think that my hack implements weapon WT fairly well :plug:

You need to explain exactly what's different for that comment to have any worth.

Of course you could simply edit it afterwards making me look like a fool in the eyes of people who don't put much thought into reading comments. My quote int his comment means I would had to manually remove any additional information to get that one sentence claiming you don't have said information.

Edited by Jotari
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Hector's Con compensated for and enhanced his slightly mediocre speed though, particularly given his use of (usually heavy) Axes. Had Hector had less con he would have been a lot less versatile and capable- sure he would have hit hard but it allowed him to actually use the speed growths he did get- rather then it being gobbled up by his axe's weight.

Right, because not taking a speed penalty from um, Swordreavers is so crucial to Hector's utility.

Hector doesn't double. Even with weapons that don't weigh him down. Hector really really doesn't need to have 13CON. It's not "why he's good". Dorcas has 14 CON (which is more). Yet Dorcas is shit. Why? Because he lacks STR/DEF. Because he doesn't have an amazing PRF weapon.

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Right, because not taking a speed penalty from um, Swordreavers is so crucial to Hector's utility.

Hector doesn't double. Even with weapons that don't weigh him down. Hector really really doesn't need to have 13CON. It's not "why he's good". Dorcas has 14 CON (which is more). Yet Dorcas is shit. Why? Because he lacks STR/DEF. Because he doesn't have an amazing PRF weapon.

I think that's more due to Dorcas having a 20% Speed Growth whereas Hector has 35%. Dorcas may have 1 more point of CON but that's pretty useless without a decent speed stat to use it with.

Dorcas also has exactly the same base Strength and Strength growths as Hector (Base 7 with 60% Growth). I doubt the major difference in their utility is entirely down to Hector's better Defences and his Wolf Beil.

My point is that Hector is unique because his good CON allows him to use his high Attack/ Defence and his decent Speed to the maximum. It also allows him to wield heavy axes without taking a speed penalty, such as the Wolf Beil.

Likewise, during the late game, when Hector promotes to Great Lord and hits 15 CON, it means he can be using the Tomohawk and Armads without any speed penalty.

We might have to agree to disagree here though, since I found Hector double hit pretty often in my play throughs, particularly during the mid to late game.

If your experience is different then I can understand where you're coming from.

Edited by Talvisota
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I agree a lot with the notion of expensive weapons simply costing more compared to cheaper weapons (thusly making it harder to outfit an entire army with them). I've always hated the idea in games, RPG's especially, of just heading into a town and replacing all your gear at the shop, especially since it robs it of almost all of its meaning. Same goes for here.

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D8; I-Is that possible without hacking?

It is.

If you get really lucky, because monsters can drop swiftsoles, she can also have all that and 15 mov. Consider that for a minute.

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I doubt the major difference in their utility is entirely down to Hector's better Defences and his Wolf Beil.

it actually totally is

hector does not double enemies on average until they switch to steel weapons and weigh themselves down to ~7 AS, and even then hector needs to be on his speed average and close to L20 in order to double them

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I would say that there simply shouldn't be a CON value to negate the effect of weight.
If I may give a few examples on how Tear Ring Saga handled things.

Most grunts in the game can reliable be doubled by moderately weighted weapons like Iron Lances and Steel Swords.

But then there are enemies with a certain kind of lance that is more powerful then a Silver Lance while still being moderately accurate. But it butchers the users speed, so they can quickly be annihilated by slow and powerful attacks before they can do much damage.

It's similar when dealing with Gatling Bow, which gives the user four attacks in a row. But it forces Agility all the way into the negative double digits, so heavy weapons work like a charm to take them down. And they are often needed, because the heavy armored Wood Shooters are particularly found of them.

Catapults and Undead Dragons have absolutely devastating attack power that turns Defense effectively meaningless.

But they have absurdly low hit, so anything that helps to keep the penalties to avoid as low as possible, makes a massive difference.

Shields can make even regular enemies near invincible: So one might want to destroy that destroy the shields, using weapons that are light and get a lot of attacks in, even if those weapons wouldn't do any damage without the shield. The bigger guns can be used once the shield is out of the way.

Most monsters are actually quite speedy. Light weapons might actually be needed in order to merely avoid being doubled... but they might be frail enough that a more powerful weapon can actually take them down in one blow.

So it is very possible to have plenty of varied situations were Weight can have a huge impact on how you approach obstacles.

Edited by BrightBow
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My point is that Hector is unique because his good CON allows him to use his high Attack/ Defence and his decent Speed to the maximum. It also allows him to wield heavy axes without taking a speed penalty, such as the Wolf Beil.

Wolf Beil is 10 weight. Hector has 13 CON. I'm not trying to suggest that even if Hector had 5 CON, it wouldn't matter. But if he had 11 CON (which is quite low for an axe user), he probably wouldn't be any worse. And if he had 12 CON he'd probably be outright better. And if he lived in a world where CON didn't even exist, he wouldn't care at all.

Also, Hector isn't "unique" for having good CON. There are multiple axe users with the same or better CON. He's unique for having good defense and a bitching PRF weapon.

Likewise, during the late game, when Hector promotes to Great Lord and hits 15 CON, it means he can be using the Tomohawk and Armads without any speed penalty.

That might be useful for all of one chapter! Edited by Anouleth
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Hmm maybe I need to replay FE7, my impression of Hector was always that he had decent speed and his CON helped with that.

Edited by Talvisota
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