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My top favorite character should be obvious lol, but I'll go ahead and do what Silver Lightning did and list my favorites from each game that I've played (not counting Shadow Dragon since I barely played any of it).

The Blazing Sword

Sain - My favorite GBA character EVER! I love Sain to bits. He's a scoundrel at times, but he's also hilarious and very kind-hearted. He's a real hard worker too (he works himself so much that he collapses from illness in his support with Fiora for crying out loud!) and he's actually much more serious than he lets on. I also think Sain's quite charming when he wants to be and handsome too. ^^ Not to mention he's hella strong. I think he works out regularly, I swear. Also, I always seem to like green horse knights...lol.

Eliwood - Yeah, I think Eliwood's cool. He's kinda cute too. I like his bravery and passion. ^^

Fiora - I really like Fiora's design. She's so pretty and her hair is just my color. Also, she is so brave to go on battling after all her comrades were killed. And she's like Kent, only better, imo. I love her relationship with Sain too, their support is adorable. She takes care of him when he gets ill! And then her dialogue at the end of the A support. Just wow. x3

The Sacred Stones

Ephraim - OMG, this guy rocks. Ephraim is awesome and I love his lancing skills. He's my second favorite lord after Ike. I like how he's not so into being a royal like the other lords and he's a hell of a leader. He took a whole castle with just a few men!

Seth - Ahh, I find Seth to be cute AND rather charming. I just wish we'd have learned more about him though. You never get to find out much. I also thought his support with Eirika was very adorable. He's the only knight I'd pair with a princess (if you don't count Frederick and the female Avatar in Awakening) in this series.

Kyle - I don't exactly know what it is about Kyle that I like, but I find him really cool for some reason. He's also kinda hot and he seems like one tough guy. I like men like that. :3 And as I said before, I always seem to like the green horse knights.

Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn

Ike - Anyone here knows why I love Ike to bits! He's my favorite of all! He's got a lovable character, he's hot, he's got epic skills, and he's unique among the lords for not being of noble/royal birth and having disdain towards nobility in general. There's almost nothing I don't love about him!

Kieran - One of my two second favorite FE characters! Kieran's enthusiasm and flamboyance is just omg hilarious. And he's got to be one of the bravest guys I've ever seen. He also has an astounding amount of loyalty and dedication (which I like because I'm like that myself). He has a kind heart too, and he's pretty attractive. Kieran's a true knight in shining armor. <3

Boyd - OMG, this guy is hilarious. And he's damn strong. One of the top damage dealing units in the Tellius games. I also like the backstory of the three brothers in general. It was so touching and kinda sad. I felt for them.

Ranulf - I don't like cats much, but Ranulf is so awesome. I love his character and he's a BLUE cat! Also, heterochromia is so cool. That's having two different eye colors. And Ranulf has one green eye and one purple one. Ranulf's kinda cute too, and he's a great unit. ^^

Elincia - Oh, Elincia is so cute. I totally adore her interactions with Ike (they ARE my top OTP) and she's a sweet girl. I like her design too. She's pretty!

Oscar - Yet another green horse knight, see? XD Anyway, I adore Oscar cause he's always so calm and collected, he can cook really well, and he's funny in his conversations with Kieran (as is Kieran himself lol). Also, he's cute with Tanith!

Marcia - I just find her hilarious and cute!

Zihark - Zihark is my second favorite Myrm in the series (juuuust behind Lon'qu)! I like how he cares so much for the laguz (cause I think they're awesome!) and he's a damn good unit. He's got a pretty neat design too.

Shinon - I find him hilarious lol, despite his hate for Ike. He also has one of the best lines in the whole series. "Gatrie, I swear you'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt! Tell me I'm wrong!" XD


Frederick - This one's another obvious one lol. Frederick got me almost from the beginning of the game. I absolutely adore his character, I think he's almost as hot as Ike (whom I find really hot), and I think he's hilarious and charming. <3 It's a shame Freddy Bear doesn't get much love. He's really a pretty complex and multi-dimensional character, especially compared to past Jagen knights. Fred has a sexy voice too. <3 He's my other second favorite FE character along with Kieran and I can't decide who's more of a true knight in shining armor! DX

Cordelia - I honestly think she gets too much unnecessary hate for her love for Chrom. Unrequited love is not easy to deal with at all, and I know this from experience. I can relate a lot to Cordelia too. She's basically me with red hair and a Pegasus. I'm told I'm talented and pretty, I'm painfully lonely, I play a musical instrument (though not a harp), and I've had to deal with unrequited love numerous times. I'm not a perfectionist, though I do try to get SOME things to be perfect. xP I think Cordelia really has a good heart and I feel for her. And she's very pretty.

Gaius - OMG, he is so lolzy. And the only thief I've ever really liked in the series. Gaius's obsession with sweets is hilarious and he has all awesome critical lines. I find myself laughing quite a bit when he talks. lol

Stahl - Again, the green horse knight! Stahl is so adorkable, what with his fondness for food and just with some of his dialogue. XD

Virion - Another lolzy character! Virion reminds me of Sain too, just more fancy-pants. He also has an awesome French accent. ^^

Lon'qu - I just think he's plain epic and imo, he looks like a good friend of mine. And his character makes me think of an OC that belongs to said friend. I also love his deeep voice.

Donnel - He's too cute! I love his accent and some of the things he says. XD

I think I'll really like Inigo too (cause he's another Sain-like dude and all), but I haven't recruited him yet, so yeah. Aaaand, that's pretty much it for me. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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I would have never guessed. :)

That was the intention (?)

I would go more detailed because I like, but I think that would take time (although not by having to write a lot)

Edited by Troykv
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While my favorite character in the series is Leif I'll list my other favorites:

FE4: Sigurd, Lex, Azel, Quan, Finn (also in FE5), Raquesis, Arvis, Altena, Larcei, Ulster, Shanan, and Ced (also in FE5).

FE5: Finn, Fergus, Lifis, Orsin, Olwen .Mareeta, Galzus, Ced, Homer, and lol Shanam. (I give him scrolls and get him to level 20 in the arena for shits and giggles)

FE6: Dieck, Clarine, Gonzales, Marcus, Alan, and Lilina.

FE7: Matthew, Eliwood, Sain, Erk, and Hector.

FE9/10: Boyd, Shinon, Nolan, Edward, Pelleas, Kieran, Mist, the Black Knight/Zelgius, Tibarn, Naesala, Elincia, Stefan, Jill, and Soren.

FE11/12: Luke, Marth, Ogma, Navvare, Cain, and Merric.

FE13: Cordelia, Severa, Owain, Virion, Inigo, Cynthia, Gregor, Lissa, Gangrel, Noire, Brady, Gerome, Cherche, Lon'qu, and Morgan.


A lord with actual flaws is far, far more interesting than "I'm a super awesome leader that saves everyone and friendship prevails and yadayada" douchebags like Chrom.

Actually when I think about it, Chrom is my least favorite character in Awakening follwed by Lucina. (I only use Chrom because I have to and Lucina because she's a good unit) I mean, honestly to me Chrom felt like a FE9 Ike rehash done poorly.

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FE4: Sigurd, Ayra, Finn, Larcei, Shanan, Ced

FE5: Finn and Ced again, Machua, Olwen, Mareeta by sheer virtue of proccing 12 move twice

FE6: Marcus, Machua, Miledy

FE7: Marcus again, Farina, Vaida, Isadora

FE8: Seth, Gerik

FE9/10: Titania, Soren, Mordecai, Tibarn

FE1/3/11/12: Abel, Minerva, Malice

FE13: Sully, Flavia, Basilio, Lucina, Owain

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I could make kissy faces at Soren all day long. He's not just one of my favourite FE characters, he's one of my favourite characters ever. He's pragmatic but he's still fiercely loyal to the Greil Mercenaries and values everything good that's ever been done for him. The contrast of Soren and Shinon versus Titania and Ike makes the Greil Mercs that much more compelling as a group.

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Going with 5 per game/set of games here pretty much. Also It's hard for me because I love just about every character in the series. Hate is much too strong a word I merely don't like others AS much




















Eyvel [yes I can cheat and say her twice]



































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Devdan, for he has the strength of ten men. Also Sain and Saul are pretty bro and have by far the best lines of the womanizing archetype. They also show something deeper at times, which I never really felt Gatrie did (Gatrie also had far fewer supports). I'll round off the list with Sety, Jill, and Ephraim. As far as villains go, Lyon. 'Nuff said.

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Uh since when did adorkable become a word?

Anyway there are so many characters that I like so choosing is hard, but these ones are my personal favorites.




The orphan twins







Titania: I like her motherly personality and I think she's the best looking fire emblem character.


Richard: He was a nothing to me in shadow dragon since hardly anyone had personality there, but I thought he was pretty funny in fe12.




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Uh since when did adorkable become a word?

I only see it used on TvTropes.

If I had to pick a "top" favorite it'd be one of these two:

Nephenee- Not a particularly "original" choice but her armor design is great, her personality is moe in a way (being shy of her accent and good looks)

Elincia- I've always wanted to see the development of how a "naive" princess character would have to slowly become a good queen and I thought Elincia showing that development in Radiant Dawn was really good. Kicking butt with Amiti is always great.

Other Characters I really like for various reasons:

Cynthia- Reminded me of Amelia from Slayers quite a lot; both are quite amusing.

Gonzalez- He's a nice guy but hated for being "ugly. That sucks I would totally be his bro.

Amelia- A new recruit that worked really hard after bandits pretty much destroyed her life. A pretty inspiring example of what someone can do when their life sucks: to work hard to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone else. And I like her relatively optimistic-ish personality in general as well.

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Heath, only because of the great effort I put into training him on my first run of FE7, and it was the 2nd time I ever played an FE. However, Lucina, Jill, or Sigurd may replace him, but I can not play FE7 without using Heath. Wyvern Riders #1, always.

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Eyvel [yes I can cheat and say her twice]

This is illegal you know. :P:

That aside...
















Elincia (mainly for RD and her character development in that game)






Practically the entire cast, though mainly Stahl, Sumia, Cynthia, Lissa, Maribelle, Tiki and Anna. anna.gif

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For being hilarious, L'Arachel. For being adorable, Stahl. For how spectacular they have always turned out for me, General!Amelia (the strongest woman in Magvel!). And in terms of all the crap that happens to them, Nino.

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There are so many characters that are so awesome, I can't list them all. So if I had to pick one from each game I'd say are "favorites" I'd have to say:

Lyn. She is my favorite Fire Emblem character of all time. She always turns out to be a great unit for me. And I like her personality, I like how she has the nobility of other main characters, but also basically says "screw you" to the enemies.

Ephraim. He is way up there in competition with Lyn. I like how tactical he is, and he's a great unit. I also like that he uses lances instead of swords.

Brom. I like his simple personality. I also like how his appearance is different than the majority of other characters. And I think Brom is really underrated as a unit, he always turns out to be an awesome unit for me. In my most recent playthrough of Radiant Dawn, he was my MVP.

Marth. Honestly, he's the only one who gets enough characterization in his game for me to like or dislike him. And even then, I like him as a unit, and I like his personality.

Stahl. I don't know why, but I like how average his personality is compared to everyone else. He's just a normal, everyday guy. And as a unit, he's one of my best in Awakening.

I have never played any of the Japan-only games, but from the research I've done I'd have to say I really like Sigurd, Leif, and Roy as well.

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This is illegal you know. :P:

That aside...

Hehe. What we don't need is CDI Emblem :P:

Also darn it I forgot to put L'Arachel. I love her espcially her supports with Ephraim xD

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My most loved characters are the following:

Florina: She just is so cute to me. I just love her and how she goes from "omfg....everything is scary especially dudes..." to "Im gonna like, kick some ass! Omg!" I love her supports with Hector, so goddamn adorable. Plus she always ends up a flying lilac haired murder death kill machine for me.

Soren: This guy knows whats up. Hes a cynical snark master and i can kinda relate to him. Plus i loved his reveal in RD. He gets a little too much favoritism from me and ends up in the top five in both games he appears. Without fail.

Virion: I just adore this dude. I like hidden depths and Virion has a few. Plus hes downright hilarious most of the time and seeing him get out-snarked is great. (one reason i love Cherche) Like the others ive mentioned, unfair favoritism abounds! A cravat wearing, tea sipping, long hair murder machine.

Libra: I love me some Libra. I love his sublime attitude but he harbors a lot of hidden pain. He tries not to let it show and i like that. His supports usually have him coming to terms with this low self-esteem when so many people accept him the way he is. In battle, hes pretty useful and i like tweaking him to make him extra god fairing.

Im fond of a lot of characters in the series, but those guys are my Ultra Faves.

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