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Least Favorite Pairing(s)

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I'll be honest, I don't really like any of Sumia's pairing options and she mostly just gets paired with some spare character for the sake of character recruitment completionism. (Although I do find it amusing how Cynthia is the only child you can lock yourself out of recruiting even on Casual mode by marrying Chrom, Frederick, Gaius, Henry and, if applicable, a male Avatar to other girls)

I know it's cliche, but I really don't like what they did with OliviaxHenry in the English translation.

I don't really like InigoxMorgan, although that's maybe just because I got their supports right after Inigo's parent supports and I really wanted to chew out Morgan for being such a jerk to him about his flirtatiousness, which personally doesn't bother me at all. (Probably because he strikes me as the type to respect girls and actually comply when they request for him to back off, although I haven't gotten his supports with any of his other potential love interests so I can't say for sure. Well, that and being flirty has never struck me as something that is inherently disrespectful).

...Personally, if there was a pairing for Inigo where his love interest sort of goes along with his flirting in a playful, eventually-affectionate way that would be adorable and I'd be totally down with it.

Panne and Ricken. I thought it'd be cute but it was just kinda bland and... unromantic. (I like Panne better with Vaike or the Avatar)

I don't really like the idea of Tharja with someone other than the Avatar because she has shown herself on multiple occasions to be the type to not let such things go, but at the same time, her confession scene death threat is a turnoff, as well as how she treats her future child(ren). In a weird sort of way, though, I actually kind of like her as the Avatar's love interest, since she's just so... nonstandard for that role. (Well, that and I also have a huge soft spot for requited crush romances, but that's probably just me.)

Cordelia's pairings, as well, I don't really enjoy much, if only because in a lot of them her character "flaw" comes off as her being too hard working and devoted. I actually kinda like her pairing with the Avatar if only because her character flaw is revealed to not be the aforementioned but rather low self-esteem as a result of various factors.

I actually have a sort of odd thing to add that only sort of goes here, but I tried AvatarxNowi once and the S support confession scene actually made me a little sad, since Nowi says something along the lines of "Think of all the wonderful cent- er, years we'll have together!" I realize that this same element of sadness would be present in all her other potential romances as well, but that confession just sort of... hit me in the face with it. I think it probably has to do with her being less mature than Tiki, since I didn't have the same problem with those supports, but it just seemed to me like there'd be this underlying tone of sadness to their relationship, since Nowi would watch her husband age without her, being constantly reminded of how he'll die long before she even looks like an adult.

I realize some of these seem kinda... wimpy, compared to the other opinions in this thread, but it's really hard for me to get so passionately invested in such things that I hate even the thought of certain outcomes. If I can have them not come to pass in my playthroughs, regardless of what others, even the creators, do about them, I'm cool.

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The Chrom X FRobin support is funny but obviously is meant to appeal to fan girls who love the guy despite who little personality he has so I don't like it for that reason

Chrom X Sumia haters only don't like the pairing because they want Chrom for themselves "WHY ONLY PIESGDGDKGDAFIA!?!?!?!?"

there are much more boring supports than that for more reasons

Laurent is just a observer trying to make the army more efficient not a creep

Finally somebody points out Chrom's faults, instead of bashing on the female characters.

I personally dislike Chrom X Sumia for other reasons though. Cynthia irritates me so I don't like making her a good unit by giving her Chrom for a father.

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Finally somebody points out Chrom's faults, instead of bashing on the female characters.

I personally dislike Chrom X Sumia for other reasons though. Cynthia irritates me so I don't like making her a good unit by giving her Chrom for a father.

thanks Cynthia makes makes a good falcon knight any way with heal touch

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Also, Chrom is actually pretty terrible with women as shown in the support with Female Avatar. He even feels he's messing up his confession to Sumia, now that I look at their S support again. He's just a dunce in these situations. This is probably why he never charmed me the way Frederick did. <3 (yet ironically, Chrom is the one that gets a skill called Charm. Talk about a mismatch...lol)

Frederick really knows how to make a girl feel special, imo. I'd marry a man just like him in real life if I got the chance!

Edited by Anacybele
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Being awkward when confessing your feelings to someone you love isn't a bad trait, nor is being a dunce in those kind of situations. It just goes to show you that you're human. I would really love to see a person who is not arrogant as fuck who can confess their entire heart out without feeling awkward, knowing that their feelings could be crushed at any minute.

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I hate Nah/Morgan with an intense passion too. :/ The "get a room" bit really turned me off to the pairing. No virtual son of mine is gonna bang a loli dragon. Blah, I wish that didn't happen.

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I hate Nah/Morgan with an intense passion too. :/ The "get a room" bit really turned me off to the pairing. No virtual son of mine is gonna bang a loli dragon. Blah, I wish that didn't happen.

You're a terrible virtual mother.

Getting in the way of his love and all that.

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The Chrom X FRobin support is funny but obviously is meant to appeal to fan girls who love the guy despite who little personality he has so I don't like it for that reason

Chrom X Sumia haters only don't like the pairing because they want Chrom for themselves "WHY ONLY PIESGDGDKGDAFIA!?!?!?!?"

there are much more boring supports than that for more reasons

Laurent is just a observer trying to make the army more efficient not a creep

Except I didn't find it funny. Well, okay, it was somewhat funny when I first read it but then when I watched (and then read) the confession scene that occurs after Chapter 11, that is so much better. In fact, I think I like Chrom's supports a lot better as the Chapter 11 Confessions than the S ranks.

For ChromxSumia, I did not dislike that pairing simply because I wanted Chrom for myself. I would not have even thought of Chrom/Olivia as an alternative, lol. I know you weren't directing this to anyone in particular, but just adding that too. XP and I actually...do not hate or dislike this pairing anymore.

As for boring supports, I'm sure there are. I don't know about Gerome/Lucina, but I'm gonna find that out one way or another because of their support bonus, I guess.

Being awkward when confessing your feelings to someone you love isn't a bad trait, nor is being a dunce in those kind of situations. It just goes to show you that you're human. I would really love to see a person who is not arrogant as fuck who can confess their entire heart out without feeling awkward, knowing that their feelings could be crushed at any minute.

Entirely this, lol. Chrom's oblivious, but that's nothing to fault him for... and you pretty much explained it. Plus, confessing is NOT easy lol.

I hate Nah/Morgan with an intense passion too. :/ The "get a room" bit really turned me off to the pairing. No virtual son of mine is gonna bang a loli dragon. Blah, I wish that didn't happen.

lolol loli dragon. I kinda found it cute before the last part. That was just kinda funny when I first read it. However, I think I'm still going back to Morgan/Severa... but this isn't for favorite pairings so I'll grab this out.

I don't think I mention I also do not like Nah/Inigo. That poor boy! I felt so bad that I S-ranked those two... and I'm never making that mistake. But honestly, I have no idea who else to pair Nah with. It's kinda hard because her personality is kinda.... I dunno, not that friendly, I think. Then again, I haven't read a lot of her supports so there might be a better one out there.

Edited by Shirley
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I only hate Chrom x Sumia because it means Inigo doesn't get dat blue hair

I literally don't care about the pies thing, and I guess I kinda welcome the romantic undertones of it given most others just jump from "random action" -> "ima put a ring on that"

but Inigo without blue hair isn't cool

dat blue hair

Edited by PKLucas531
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Chrom doesn't only blunder in his confessions. He blunders before then too in his support with the female Avatar. And I don't doubt he'd have reacted the same way if it were another one of the girls he accidentally saw in the women's bathing tent or accidentally saw him while he was bathing.

It's not a bad trait. Just a flaw that made me go "uh...wow, Chrom. Nice idiocy there" and facepalm. Yeah, I'll stick with Freddy Bear. <3

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I haven't seen their support, but yeah, I adore Lon'qu and Cherche too much to pair them with anyone else. And Stahl and Cordelia's harp duet was just dawww.

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My dislike of Chrom x Sumia is because it's badly written. Couldn't they do better than "I like your cooking, woman"?

They could have done a lot of things better.

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My dislike of Chrom x Sumia is because it's badly written. Couldn't they do better than "I like your cooking, woman"?

There is a lot more than "Oh you're cooking is good". What I really like about their supports is that it's less about some romantic moment between them, but them simply bonding and growing close over everyday life. That's my favorite type of ship, to be perfectly honest.

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There is a lot more than "Oh you're cooking is good". What I really like about their supports is that it's less about some romantic moment between them, but them simply bonding and growing close over everyday life. That's my favorite type of ship, to be perfectly honest.

Which is not my favorite type. Doesn't mean I'll get on your case about it. :):

(my personal favorite so far is Lucina/Gerome - just awkward enough to be believable)

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I agree with eclipse. The pie thing was kind of amusing, but I don't really believe in that saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Although, FrederickxFemale Avatar puts an awesome and ridiculously cute spin on it. lol

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Morgan/Severa? You keep that little snot away from my kid or else someone is losing appendages!

What. D: But I actually like that pairing! Might seem awkward to others, but I thought it was cute. Though it was still one that involves cooking leading to marriage... still, I liked it.

Chrom/Sumia... the supports are definitely not for me, but the confession scene is what I liked, if you can say I 'liked' it.

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I agree with eclipse. The pie thing was kind of amusing, but I don't really believe in that saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Although, FrederickxFemale Avatar puts an awesome and ridiculously cute spin on it. lol

Like I said, the food is little more than a back-drop and a set-up for some ridiculous 1-liners in S support. The supports were showing how A: their personalities work well together and B: that they were slowly growing a bond through repeated interaction.

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Like I said, the food is little more than a back-drop and a set-up for some ridiculous 1-liners in S support. The supports were showing how A: their personalities work well together and B: that they were slowly growing a bond through repeated interaction.

And like I said, I agree with eclipse. I don't like the support, you won't change my mind about that. Also, "slowly growing a bond through repeated interaction" is basically how supports work in general. So it's hardly a reason to say Chrom x Sumia is good.

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And like I said, I agree with eclipse. I don't like the support, you won't change my mind about that. Also, "slowly growing a bond through repeated interaction" is basically how supports work in general. So it's hardly a reason to say Chrom x Sumia is good.

I'm sorry, I only reiterated that because of how you replied to my comment, it seemed to me you misunderstood.

And to elaborate on the comment I made, I meant you actually see the 2 of them grow significantly more comfortable with each other over time. Lot's of supports do this, but a lot don't as well. Not to mention i think Chrom and sumia is one of the better examples of it, that's why I thought it was noteworthy.

But, like you said, it's not your kind of support, I can understand that. It is rather uneventful, and their characters don't get much development over the course of it. That's just not as important to me as the overall chemistry of the 2 characters.

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