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What kind of character would you like the next new lord to be?

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Given how regal the Griffon's look and the fact that Griffons in many games are treated as regal/royal mounts I say have the lord start as basic Griffon riding unit. Perhaps a Griffon Archer with the aforesuggested shortbow(Royal Shortbow) with 1-2 range and unlimited uses. I would also give it staff use. And when it promotes it promotes to Royal Griffon. Perhaps we could go all the way and let the player choose the weapon gain upon initial promotion(i.e. player would be asked if the prince/princess wishes to master sword, lance, axe, or tome). That would likely be ideal play wise and would make people the happiest since they can pick their weapon. However, it isn't how I imagine it since I figure regardless of Lord we are likely to end up with a custom avatar unit(unless that is the lord) and pick your weapon would likely work better there.

My vision is this - First the Empire(known for its Mounted charges on both land and in the air) has been facing constant internal skirmishes(The nobles are squabbling and basically sabotaging each other and the Emperor) and some of the neighbors are beginning to think the Empire might be ripe for the plucking. In other words the country has been facing constant bloodshed and violence for several decades, but not outright war. The Griffon would be a female lord who from a young age wished to help out. Given that frontline combat would be seen as 'unladylike' as well as extremely risky she was humored by being taught to use a bow and staff(quarterstaff is rather handy) for self-defense and given a trusty mount that could easily get keep her out of danger. The father figured she may need to defend herself at somepoint, but in no way did he want her on the frontlines. Obviously the father always finds reasons to keep her and her brothers away from the combat. Anyways her starting weapons would be a bow(possibly the aformentioned shortbow) and a quarterstaff(physical striking 1 range staff with very low mt/crit but grants +5 avoid) with 30 uses.

Early in the story(probably chapter one) her brothers and her plan to take part in a skirmish wihout their father's knowledge. Some of the castle staff help them out. Unbeknownst to them their helpers are actually in cohorts with a noble looking to gain power. Thus, they walk straight into an ambush. The nobles plan was to kidnap the Emperors daughter and hold on to her for 'safe-keeping'(pretend he saved her, but her father would know the true meaning). The sons he was just planning to kill with the end plan being to marry the girl to one of his own sons(could be a confulted plan somewhere there). Anyways during that chapter the brothers realize their sister is the target and convince her to flee while they keep the archers off her. They are a trio of mounted ground units - 1 specializing in melee(B Lance, D Sword and Axe) like a Great Knight, 1 specializing in Axe and sorcery(C Axe and Tome) like a Dark Knight with an axe, and one using sword and bow(C Sword and Bow) like a bow knight. Why not all of them flee together? Well we all know Just how mobile flying units are and of course the ambush occurs in an area horrific for mobility(swamp or somesuch). Thus, with the enemy coming down on them the only one who can realistically get away before they are completely enclosed is the flying unit.

Afterwords she is greatly embittered and angry as hell and harsly goes after the Empire's enemies earning the fear and respect of the warriors, nobles, and neighboring nations. Her father was so distraught at his sons' demise that he mostly withdraws into himself effectively unleashing the Griffon since he no longer constatnly comes up with excuses to keep her away from combat. Her methods are to harshly and mercilessly put down those who take up arms against 'justice'. However, she doesn't execute captives without a trial. In other words she doesn't kill the lords/schemers outright but rather captures them and has them stand trial in the capital(her father and the highest ranked advisors are the justices). In addition she doesn't move against a noble until she convinces the majority of Justices agrees that so and so should stand trial(so her duty is to bring them to trial). In other words she views herself as the 'Enforcer of Justice and Executioner of Evil'. And she is merciless about it. For example the Empire's law is such that a traitor's entire immediate family is put to death. Which means that our hero does indeed cut the throats of wee babes. IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE!

Obviously the character development is that at some point she begins to wonder if that is neccesary. . . if perhaps that is only contributing to the skirmishes. And as such begins to feel remorse, however, the law is the law and if you are going to have someone executed you should do the deed yourself. In other words she believes as Eddard Stark does - "If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you can not do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die. [...] A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is."

Late midgame she when she breaks and captures a noble guilty of treason he begs her to spare them and let them go into self-exile. More precisely - "Please even if I deserve death my family does not. . . not the babes, please!". This causes her to hesitate while looking at his immediate family that her troops have assembled(including many young children and a set of baby twins). Seeing her hesitation he pushes once more - "I ha. . have information I could give you. Y. . . you could say that is what bought my life. E. . .even if it is of little value." Basically his info is that he had been contracted by a seedy character to supply men to the first chapter ambush. When his surviving men returned they said the plan had changed and that the princes had been taken alive. He doesn't know if they are still alive, but why kill them after going to the trouble of catching them? After hearing this the Griffon snaps and basically does your standard aggressive pick them up by their throat(as such the lady would have to be at least man sized). Standard angry where are they/what do you know. He doesn't know anything else and she eventually calms down and appoligizes for her outburst. The man and his family are given three days to flee into exile(the time it will take her to report to her father, who could easily over rule her call), and that if he or his ever return they will be killed on sight. Her father does not over-rule her and instead praises her for bringing hope back to him.

Obviously from that point the game goes into rescue the princes mode. Once rescued they are recruited and you get to use them, though by this point the Griffon has earned enough respect that she has effectively become Commander of the Armed forces while her brothers are merely princes/heirs(In other words she has more clout/plot importance even if the boys will inherit). The final leg could easily be that the noble who planned the ambush manages to escape before his trial and seeks aid from a cult. This cult worships other worldly horrors and summons one for him. That promptly devors him and opens a portal letting out no limit of untold horrors. The heroes have to fight through the horrors and have a group of magic users seal the portal. The last mission would effectively be a 'survive' for x turns while protecting the sages mission. The more sages that die the longer the sealing takes(as long as one survives it can be completed). Obviously the portal would continously spawn limitless reinforcements. But rather than many medicore ones it would only be a few VERY strong ones that would requre several units to down.

In the end she gets promoted to Chief Justice and proceeds a life long reform of the system so that fewer innocents are killed in the name of justice. Her Eldest brother if he survives becomes Emperor(and on down the line).

As for gameplay. Since the Empire is so well known for its reliance on mounted units(ground and air), obviously most of your units are such. In fact Griffons are particularly favored as 'royal' mounts. As are most of the enemies strongest units(since the enemy is within). However, the enemies know what your main reliance is going to be and they don't want to be traced and are using many non-elite units. As such the maps are constantly littered with units specifically trained/equiped to counter flying and mounted units.

Anyways the way the flying classes would work would be that the Pegasus would be the light/magic flying units. The normal Griffons would basically be midweight. Sort of like a Flying Cavalier with a promote option between a flying paladin or something similar to the current Griffon Rider that also has sword access. The Wyverns would obviously be the heavy class then. With the Wyvern Lord being as it is as and the other heavy version basically being a flying General type variant(in other words weak to anti-wyrm, anti-armor, and anti-flying). Maybe spread the movement out so that the heavier ones don't go as far as the lighter weight ones. I suppose though that is usually reflected in the speed growth.

The Lords Griffon class would go from Griffon Archer to Royal Griffon(also the nickname she earns as the story progresses). The Royal Griffon upgrades her weapon options. She basically goes from novice weapons to their advanced forms. More simply put as a Griffon Archer 3 range bows are blocked from her. However, as a Royal Griffon she has mastered the longbow. I am tempted to say her staff skill has been mastered and she can use lances. It makes sense due to the fact that polearm fighting styles can be based heavily on staff fighting depending on the school. But that gives her the bride's weapon set. However, evolving to lances would be easier than continuing the physical striking quarterstaff type line of weapons.

Skill wise I figure it could have Survival as a level one skill. This would have a (skl+luk)/2 proc chance and would avoid an attack that would otherwise have been fatal(different from miracle in that it avoids rather than leaving you with one hp). The level 10 skill would be Merciless. It would give her +10 attack when attacking a damaged opponent during the player phase, but would decrease her avoid by 20(so you better kill the dastard). Basically a nerfed Aggressor. It wouldn't work during the enemy phase which is good news since you don't lose 20 avoid! The promoted class would likely have Justice as its level 5 skill. Basically if an ally(including green npc units) falls in combat the 'murderer' is marked and she gets +5 attack/hit/crit/avoid/crit-avoid against that unit. Obviously wouldn't stack on one unit. Level 15 skill could be Staff-faire(strength +3 and magic +2 when a staff is equipped or somesuch).

And I think I got carried away. . . I must have been bored!

Edited by Usana
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Given how regal the Griffon's look and the fact that Griffons in many games are treated as regal/royal mounts I say have the lord start as basic Griffon riding unit. Perhaps a Griffon Archer with the aforesuggested shortbow(Royal Shortbow) with 1-2 range and unlimited uses. I would also give it staff use. And when it promotes it promotes to Royal Griffon. Perhaps we could go all the way and let the player choose the weapon gain upon initial promotion(i.e. player would be asked if the prince/princess wishes to master sword, lance, axe, or tome). That would likely be ideal play wise and would make people the happiest since they can pick their weapon. However, it isn't how I imagine it since I figure regardless of Lord we are likely to end up with a custom avatar unit(unless that is the lord) and pick your weapon would likely work better there.

My vision is this - First the Empire(known for its Mounted charges on both land and in the air) has been facing constant internal skirmishes(The nobles are squabbling and basically sabotaging each other and the Emperor) and some of the neighbors are beginning to think the Empire might be ripe for the plucking. In other words the country has been facing constant bloodshed and violence for several decades, but not outright war. The Griffon would be a female lord who from a young age wished to help out. Given that frontline combat would be seen as 'unladylike' as well as extremely risky she was humored by being taught to use a bow and staff(quarterstaff is rather handy) for self-defense and given a trusty mount that could easily get keep her out of danger. The father figured she may need to defend herself at somepoint, but in no way did he want her on the frontlines. Obviously the father always finds reasons to keep her and her brothers away from the combat. Anyways her starting weapons would be a bow(possibly the aformentioned shortbow) and a quarterstaff(physical striking 1 range staff with very low mt/crit but grants +5 avoid) with 30 uses.

Early in the story(probably chapter one) her brothers and her plan to take part in a skirmish wihout their father's knowledge. Some of the castle staff help them out. Unbeknownst to them their helpers are actually in cohorts with a noble looking to gain power. Thus, they walk straight into an ambush. The nobles plan was to kidnap the Emperors daughter and hold on to her for 'safe-keeping'(pretend he saved her, but her father would know the true meaning). The sons he was just planning to kill with the end plan being to marry the girl to one of his own sons(could be a confulted plan somewhere there). Anyways during that chapter the brothers realize their sister is the target and convince her to flee while they keep the archers off her. They are a trio of mounted ground units - 1 specializing in melee(B Lance, D Sword and Axe) like a Great Knight, 1 specializing in Axe and sorcery(C Axe and Tome) like a Dark Knight with an axe, and one using sword and bow(C Sword and Bow) like a bow knight. Why not all of them flee together? Well we all know Just how mobile flying units are and of course the ambush occurs in an area horrific for mobility(swamp or somesuch). Thus, with the enemy coming down on them the only one who can realistically get away before they are completely enclosed is the flying unit.

Afterwords she is greatly embittered and angry as hell and harsly goes after the Empire's enemies earning the fear and respect of the warriors, nobles, and neighboring nations. Her father was so distraught at his sons' demise that he mostly withdraws into himself effectively unleashing the Griffon since he no longer constatnly comes up with excuses to keep her away from combat. Her methods are to harshly and mercilessly put down those who take up arms against 'justice'. However, she doesn't execute captives without a trial. In other words she doesn't kill the lords/schemers outright but rather captures them and has them stand trial in the capital(her father and the highest ranked advisors are the justices). In addition she doesn't move against a noble until she convinces the majority of Justices agrees that so and so should stand trial(so her duty is to bring them to trial). In other words she views herself as the 'Enforcer of Justice and Executioner of Evil'. And she is merciless about it. For example the Empire's law is such that a traitor's entire immediate family is put to death. Which means that our hero does indeed cut the throats of wee babes. IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE!

Obviously the character development is that at some point she begins to wonder if that is neccesary. . . if perhaps that is only contributing to the skirmishes. And as such begins to feel remorse, however, the law is the law and if you are going to have someone executed you should do the deed yourself. In other words she believes as Eddard Stark does - "If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you can not do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die. [...] A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is."

Late midgame she when she breaks and captures a noble guilty of treason he begs her to spare them and let them go into self-exile. More precisely - "Please even if I deserve death my family does not. . . not the babes, please!". This causes her to hesitate while looking at his immediate family that her troops have assembled(including many young children and a set of baby twins). Seeing her hesitation he pushes once more - "I ha. . have information I could give you. Y. . . you could say that is what bought my life. E. . .even if it is of little value." Basically his info is that he had been contracted by a seedy character to supply men to the first chapter ambush. When his surviving men returned they said the plan had changed and that the princes had been taken alive. He doesn't know if they are still alive, but why kill them after going to the trouble of catching them? After hearing this the Griffon snaps and basically does your standard aggressive pick them up by their throat(as such the lady would have to be at least man sized). Standard angry where are they/what do you know. He doesn't know anything else and she eventually calms down and appoligizes for her outburst. The man and his family are given three days to flee into exile(the time it will take her to report to her father, who could easily over rule her call), and that if he or his ever return they will be killed on sight. Her father does not over-rule her and instead praises her for bringing hope back to him.

Obviously from that point the game goes into rescue the princes mode. Once rescued they are recruited and you get to use them, though by this point the Griffon has earned enough respect that she has effectively become Commander of the Armed forces while her brothers are merely princes/heirs(In other words she has more clout/plot importance even if the boys will inherit). The final leg could easily be that the noble who planned the ambush manages to escape before his trial and seeks aid from a cult. This cult worships other worldly horrors and summons one for him. That promptly devors him and opens a portal letting out no limit of untold horrors. The heroes have to fight through the horrors and have a group of magic users seal the portal. The last mission would effectively be a 'survive' for x turns while protecting the sages mission. The more sages that die the longer the sealing takes(as long as one survives it can be completed). Obviously the portal would continously spawn limitless reinforcements. But rather than many medicore ones it would only be a few VERY strong ones that would requre several units to down.

In the end she gets promoted to Chief Justice and proceeds a life long reform of the system so that fewer innocents are killed in the name of justice. Her Eldest brother if he survives becomes Emperor(and on down the line).

As for gameplay. Since the Empire is so well known for its reliance on mounted units(ground and air), obviously most of your units are such. In fact Griffons are particularly favored as 'royal' mounts. As are most of the enemies strongest units(since the enemy is within). However, the enemies know what your main reliance is going to be and they don't want to be traced and are using many non-elite units. As such the maps are constantly littered with units specifically trained/equiped to counter flying and mounted units.

Anyways the way the flying classes would work would be that the Pegasus would be the light/magic flying units. The normal Griffons would basically be midweight. Sort of like a Flying Cavalier with a promote option between a flying paladin or something similar to the current Griffon Rider that also has sword access. The Wyverns would obviously be the heavy class then. With the Wyvern Lord being as it is as and the other heavy version basically being a flying General type variant(in other words weak to anti-wyrm, anti-armor, and anti-flying). Maybe spread the movement out so that the heavier ones don't go as far as the lighter weight ones. I suppose though that is usually reflected in the speed growth.

The Lords Griffon class would go from Griffon Archer to Royal Griffon(also the nickname she earns as the story progresses). The Royal Griffon upgrades her weapon options. She basically goes from novice weapons to their advanced forms. More simply put as a Griffon Archer 3 range bows are blocked from her. However, as a Royal Griffon she has mastered the longbow. I am tempted to say her staff skill has been mastered and she can use lances. It makes sense due to the fact that polearm fighting styles can be based heavily on staff fighting depending on the school. But that gives her the bride's weapon set. However, evolving to lances would be easier than continuing the physical striking quarterstaff type line of weapons.

Skill wise I figure it could have Survival as a level one skill. This would have a (skl+luk)/2 proc chance and would avoid an attack that would otherwise have been fatal(different from miracle in that it avoids rather than leaving you with one hp). The level 10 skill would be Merciless. It would give her +10 attack when attacking a damaged opponent during the player phase, but would decrease her avoid by 20(so you better kill the dastard). Basically a nerfed Aggressor. It wouldn't work during the enemy phase which is good news since you don't lose 20 avoid! The promoted class would likely have Justice as its level 5 skill. Basically if an ally(including green npc units) falls in combat the 'murderer' is marked and she gets +5 attack/hit/crit/avoid/crit-avoid against that unit. Obviously wouldn't stack on one unit. Level 15 skill could be Staff-faire(strength +3 and magic +2 when a staff is equipped or somesuch).

And I think I got carried away. . . I must have been bored!

Can you get carried away more often then? That's an awesome idea, I love it!

I just want a lord like Soren, except they're less cold/ have a happier background in geberal.

Mage lord!

Wait, wait, wait. I think I made a mage lord. Sort of. It's somewhere in here...

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I would prefer not so much a noble lord but perhaps a mercenary prince. May have royal ties but more or less leads a sellsword lifestyle.

This offers the greatest flexibility in terms of a player's moral direction. Do you fight for the "heroes" or the "villains", or do you fight for the highest bidder and follow where the money goes to the point of switching sides in the middle of a battle?

This also offers a lot of variety in terms of what characters you can have join your team. Maybe you can even mix together a psychopath with do-gooders.

Or....failing that, having a lord that acts more like nobility in a Republic/Greek democracy instead of a monarchy/Empire would be nice too. Fuck the sword, take up the spear like a hoplite or the bow + 2-handed lance like a Steppe noble.

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i actually have this whole fantasy that the next fe will be about Gangrel 15 years ago, trying to win back Plegia. the Jagen is Mustafa, and Chrom's dad is trying to perform the awakening to use its power to take over the world. Walhart and Yen fey appear as playable characters, with Walhart being corrupted by never wanting war to happen again. Marribelle's dad is the first Camus to turn good, when his king threatens Marribelle. Validar is also present as the prologue bandit attaking Aversas village. so yeah, Gangrels the lord.

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One thing that I find to be annoying is the 'never leave anyone behind' tactic that Marth has defined for the series. I think it's good in some cases, but I would like more situations like in FE11 where you had to sacrifice some units to gain others or sacrifice units for the sake of the story. I want a lord who's willing to sacrifice a part for a whole.

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Fire Magic + Swords. Not the rest of anima, so if there is no magic triangle, or if it is like the gba magic triangle, it would be harder to implement. But I want just fire. Burn baby, burn. Along with unique fire specials that boost the weapon damage but consume lots of uses. So, like, 4 uses instead of 1 for some kind of fire sword attack akin to Magic Swordsmen in ff5. Only with extra damage to everything not just stuff "weak" to fire since there isn't anything in fe that works like that. Basically, the fire burns up a bit of the sword at the same time that the fire sword thing does more damage to the enemy. And Flare Sword, ignores defence but consumes like 8 uses or something.

And then throw on armsthrift to unbalance it.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Moral choices sound pretty cool, I think it was great that FE13 gave the Lord a personal unbreakable weapon. For me I wouldn't mind if the next Lord had something to bolster his or her troops, or giving him or her rally skills would be good, maybe if the lord commands an entire army let him or her call in reinforcement once or twice per map.

Other stuff like maybe be able to hire generics, or some sort of personality thing like on seize or defeat commander maps if you constantly kill all the enemies, some units wont like it and get a hit and evade penalty within 3 spaces of the lord.

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Two main characters: One is a middle-aged, brown-haired farmhand somewhat reminiscent of Titania in appearance, but of course without the red and the fancy armor. She'd wield axes and bows. The other is her boytoy - a feminine, light blond-haired young man who is terribly morose since his family was ousted and mostly executed during a popular revolt (French Revolution) and he wields magic and swords (he gets the rapier) and is stuck in hiding for the time being. The story follows the woman as she rises to power during a Reign of Terror like period. Her ultimate goal is to become Empress/Queen/whatever (Napoleon style) but then her lover's past is brought to light, creating a political scandal. Either she would abandon him, claiming to not have known, for her own personal political gain, or she would go on a bloody rampage, seeking revenge on those who destroyed their future. Either way, he ends up dead somehow, destroying her emotionally. Meanwhile, the ousted nobility have gathered outside support and return with foreign armies, returning the realm to the status quo

Edited for clarity. Brainstorming is messy.

Still something like this. I kind of want an FE that's just a flat out tragedy in the end.

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Moral choices sound pretty cool, I think it was great that FE13 gave the Lord a personal unbreakable weapon. For me I wouldn't mind if the next Lord had something to bolster his or her troops, or giving him or her rally skills would be good, maybe if the lord commands an entire army let him or her call in reinforcement once or twice per map.

Other stuff like maybe be able to hire generics, or some sort of personality thing like on seize or defeat commander maps if you constantly kill all the enemies, some units wont like it and get a hit and evade penalty within 3 spaces of the lord.

So basically Tactics Ogre's Chaos Frame and Loyalty systems?

I like Tactics Ogre btw so that's not a bad thing. Actually, I think the next lord should be more like Denam, especially if there's a moral choice system. You get to decide his actions (basically what path to take), and while his personality changes, it's still consistent and you have a say in it.

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Vyce's personality wasn't the same in the different routes though.

It was as if Law Vyce and Chaos/Neutral Vyce were different characters. I know he's supposed to be Denam's opposite, but still.

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I just want a lord like Soren, except they're less cold/ have a happier background in geberal.

Do you live in some parallel universe where Micaiah doesn't exist, or something? If so, can you please tell me how to get there.

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So basically Tactics Ogre's Chaos Frame and Loyalty systems?

I like Tactics Ogre btw so that's not a bad thing. Actually, I think the next lord should be more like Denam, especially if there's a moral choice system. You get to decide his actions (basically what path to take), and while his personality changes, it's still consistent and you have a say in it.

Ah, I haven't played an Tactics Ogre game before. I should give it a try.

That sounds good.

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Ah, I haven't played an Tactics Ogre game before. I should give it a try.

That sounds good.

It's a little different there from what your idea is. Basically every character, including generic enemies/allies, has an ethnicity assigned to them. If you kill a lot of members of an ethnic group, your standing with that ethnicity goes down (your Chaos Frame with that ethnic group) which, depending on your choices, affects your ending. There are decisions that raise your standing with the various races though. If you have a party member kill an enemy belonging to the same race, that person's loyalty will go down slightly (in the remake anyway, this isn't true in the original). So basically, if you care about having a high chaos frame, the main strategy is to gun for the leader every time, which isn't always easy (particularly true in the original which has FE style permadeath).

I know people hate morality systems here. Honestly, so do I in most games but it could work in Fire Emblem. The alignment scale however should not be on the Good-Evil axis but on the Lawful-Chaotic axis, and the various sides should be treated equally in terms of morality (meaning that the lawful side shouldn't equal good and chaos equal evil). Law-Chaos alignment scales tend to work far better from what I've seen in games such as the Ogre Battle and SMT series and they also tend to be more relateable as well. A moral choice system would also work well with an Avatar so the player feels more like he's in control and plays an important part in the story.

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I know people hate morality systems here. Honestly, so do I in most games but it could work in Fire Emblem. The alignment scale however should not be on the Good-Evil axis but on the Lawful-Chaotic axis, and the various sides should be treated equally in terms of morality (meaning that the lawful side shouldn't equal good and chaos equal evil). Law-Chaos alignment scales tend to work far better from what I've seen in games such as the Ogre Battle and SMT series and they also tend to be more relateable as well. A moral choice system would also work well with an Avatar so the player feels more like he's in control and plays an important part in the story.

I don't mind the morality system, if it's done right, like in Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre and SMT... so Law-Chaos all day. If you want to make the choices or do a battle in a certain way it could gear you towards whichever alignment it effects. I would also prefer it if the actions in battle or the choices you make weren't obvious

possibly the most basic example in these kinds of systems:

You see a straggler from the enemy forces, he is visibly frightened, but readies his sword when you approach, you:

1)Kill him

2)Ignore him

3)Talk to him/Let him go

Even if most people dislike the morality concept, you at least can't deny it makes you think, even if a little... I like when good stories appeal to my conscience since there is no clear good or evil, just beliefs.

Agreed that an Avatar would work best for a scenario like this, but a non-noble protagonist could work too

EDIT: Can you imagine what the chaos frame would've been like in PoR/RD?

Edited by Soledai
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