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My mother thinks I'm a cold person

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She thinks I'm cold because I never visit my grandparents. And that the sentiment has to be born in me rather than feel forced...but I say to myself "I am not cold, I am like this".

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Of course I know them, I just don't feel like taking a small trip and I hate going outside.

Why u hate going outside?

The great outdoors are awesome man and you're missing out by not going outside.

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Buenos Aires sucks. Don't help that I'm rather paranoid and absolutely hate it when it isn't cloudy and grey.

...I don't understand how it's possible not to enjoy places like beaches and parks.

And cloudy and grey? Seriously those are the worst times to go outside...

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Eww, those places are terrible...unless- Unless they're gray and cloudy, of course.

I love gray days. They're the most beautiful and I tend to feel well those days. (=

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Buenos Aires sucks. Don't help that I'm rather paranoid and absolutely hate it when it isn't cloudy and grey.

A man after my own heart.

Although I still like it when it's not cloudy out, I just like it most when it's overcast and windy, maybe a bit of rain.

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Some grandparents can be right cunts so it's ok to ignore them.

But if they treat you with respect (especially during Christmas and Birthdays) then you have no excuse to make an effort once in a while.

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Cloudy weather = Rainy weather >> snowy weather? > [insert an infinite number of "Greater than" symbols because I don't have it on my keyboard] sunny weather

I've only seen snow like, once in my life. I was 9.
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you people are missing out snow is great (though i like to be inside when it snows since i despise cold and also my region of pa (though that's mainly due to the fact that people other than me live there)

Edited by Formidatus
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Hmmmmm yeah I do think it's fine if there's snow out and I'm inside~

But I also get kinda tired of the all white

Mostly I just think it looks neat when it's night and it's covered in snow and there's cloud cover, because then it doesn't look nearly as dark =o

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How do all of you hate sunshine?

Are you like cursed with the perpetual inability to tan and thus feel a deep and poorly restrained hatred of the sunlight that improves the appearances of others?

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Maybe they all are secretly vampires. The classic kind btw...

I don't mind cloudy days, but I like sunny ones better. Summer dry and sunny days with 40+ C temperatures, ah, that sure can hit the spot...

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How do all of you hate sunshine?

Are you like cursed with the perpetual inability to tan and thus feel a deep and poorly restrained hatred of the sunlight that improves the appearances of others?

Ewwww tans.


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Maybe they all are secretly vampires. The classic kind btw...

I don't mind cloudy days, but I like sunny ones better. Summer dry and sunny days with 40+ C temperatures, ah, that sure can hit the spot...

A man after my own heart.

Ewwww tans.


You're just jealous of us tan studs.

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How do all of you hate sunshine?

Are you like cursed with the perpetual inability to tan and thus feel a deep and poorly restrained hatred of the sunlight that improves the appearances of others?


All the other kids would go to the beach and leave with tans. I used to go all the time and all that would happen is I would get majorly burnt and stay white. I've had some pretty nasty burns that involved bubbles of skin in the past, and I'm still white as milk. Dx

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All the other kids would go to the beach and leave with tans. I used to go all the time and all that would happen is I would get majorly burnt and stay white. I've had some pretty nasty burns that involved bubbles of skin in the past, and I'm still white as milk. Dx

Bubbles? That sounds pretty tasty...like chicken skin left on a baking pan.

I was cold to my mother and even other family members for a while because I'm a jerk, now I'm nicer because I'm less of a jerk, p-probably.

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How do all of you hate sunshine?

Are you like cursed with the perpetual inability to tan and thus feel a deep and poorly restrained hatred of the sunlight that improves the appearances of others?

I wonder too. :/ Except... I don't exactly go tanning because ...well, my skin isn't exactly all that pale nor is it all that dark.

Maybe they all are secretly vampires. The classic kind btw...

I don't mind cloudy days, but I like sunny ones better. Summer dry and sunny days with 40+ C temperatures, ah, that sure can hit the spot...

I think this is the best explanation.

All weather is nice though, especially snow. EVEN when you have to go out in it., but preferable if you go out when it's all sunny out. :D although I do get some minor skin allergies when it's really hot outside... /bestreasontokeepmyACworking.

But for visiting grandparents... well, you should make some effort to see them every once in a while before they leave this earth. You don't have to all the time or anything, but... at least once in a while should be good. But I'm not one to talk about this soooo..... besides I only have one grandparent left. xP

Edited by Shirley
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Bubbles? That sounds pretty tasty...like chicken skin left on a baking pan.

I guess if you think boiling, bubbling human skin is tasty. I'll keep you in mind next time I get second or third degree burns. .______.

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at least not so many experience living on a place where the weather can be hot, sweaty and CLOUDY at once of all times, i mean.. sweating on a sunshine is ok, but sweating on a very murky cloudy days... duh>.< (and the cloudy lasts the whole day)

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