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It's tough to see her face more than 30 hit after Lucky Seven. Bearclaw just likes to sandbag any character that isn't named Nowai.

<_< I've never had her be able to level up enough to do well in Valm, that's just me. Also, Protip: just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean you need to say they do it wrong.

This is why you don't throw her up against lance enemies?

She has a severe lack of EP. I don't like units who are like that.

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Since Anna actually supports Tiki, I've used her all-game before with no problems, although without deploying her every chapter midgame. She does need access to spotpass Levin Swords or for you to get stupidly lucky with Anna shops, though, for her offense to keep up.

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I just have a quick thing to point out about Anna. At base she has 66 avoid against sword users. Depending on weapon ranks it can increase by no more than ten and decrease by no more than ten. So her avoid for the first seven turns of a map (given no level ups yet) is between 56 and 76. Now if she is paired up with let's say DLC seliph, just as an example, she gets plus 7 speed and plus 5 luck. That's another 13 avoid. Now I don't have the enemy stats so I can't say for sure what their hit rates are but to be getting fifty plus on Anna, with no terrain bonuses, they would have to have between 120-140 hit.

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On the Stahl stuff

I agree with Randa becase I like Sully + Stahl combo. Sully can double relatively early and that pairing owns stuff all the way throgh the game when I tried them.

But then again, I dropped them out of favoritism

Also, Cynthia > Severa. Severa's access to Merc means jackshit when she is likely recruited later, and.... yes this is not min maxing. As for Galeforce, it kinda depends on how much level lead can Sumia acquired during the timespan >_>

"Note that the routs that are tough are usualy 23 and 24, which Tiki is around for."

I dunno, personally I found Kjelle, Inigo, Severa if you recruit her, and 14 as the only tough routs(note that 3 of them are optional)

By 23, most of your team are gods >_>

Edited by JSND
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I've found Anna to be the better unit of her and Libra in the long run because she gets better skills and start with better stats (especially that Speed). (And only comes 1-2 Chapters late, depending on when you do her Paralogue map.)

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On the Stahl stuff

I agree with Randa becase I like Sully + Stahl combo. Sully can double relatively early and that pairing owns stuff all the way throgh the game when I tried them.

The thing is, having 2 units with similar roles is super counterproductive to one of the units. Inevitable, one of them will perform worse and there's no need to switch to the other ever because they're the same. Whichever of the 2 ends up best is the one doing everything and the other is forgotten. This happened to me in my "efficiency" log when I tried Paladin Chrom with Paladin Sully. Sully got screwed and was similar to Chrom, so why bother tagging her in? That is what I mean when I say Sully Stahl is a bad choice.

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The thing is, having 2 units with similar roles is super counterproductive to one of the units. Inevitable, one of them will perform worse and there's no need to switch to the other ever because they're the same. Whichever of the 2 ends up best is the one doing everything and the other is forgotten. This happened to me in my "efficiency" log when I tried Paladin Chrom with Paladin Sully. Sully got screwed and was similar to Chrom, so why bother tagging her in? That is what I mean when I say Sully Stahl is a bad choice.

^This sums up why I dislike it too.

Anyway, I still stand by my rating of Libra in the RTU, but I've found Anna to be better overall.

Right after comparing the base stats, I nabbed Libra a Bolt Axe from L'Arachel's shop and nabbed Anna a Levin Sword from the Renown. Because of the Bolt Axe's higher Mt, Libra did more damage with her attacks with it than Anna did with the Levin Sword, but Anna was more accurate, was better at dodging (thanks to Lucky Seven), and could double pretty much everything. Anna's healing ability, as I realize, is now higher aswell. The only flaw is that she's less bulky than Libra due to her lower HP.

I've got a few other points to make about her, but I'll save that for the RTU.

And regarding Cynthia vs. Severa, I still find the two to be equal. They've contributed pretty much the same amount with the effort I put into both of them; and Severa's paralogue isn't as hard as you imply it is, saying that you were talking about getting severa later (adressing dragon here). Drawing out the enemies over the walls with Nosferatu and the Avatar leads to a whole lot of mischief, and Rescue stops Severa from being a whiny bitch. The reinforcements all come from stairs so you can block them, anyway. Cynthia's paralogue was, in my opinion, about the same hard, because I tend to rout each of the 4 groups in one turn each, anyway, and even though there's a level difference, the open map makes it so that you're better off drawing out each one.

Edited by The Fush
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I actually only looked at bonus when pairing up, so ehhh that explains

As for Cynthia, granted im extremely biased because my experience with this game does not include tanking with Nosferatu and the such, so Severa's paralogues and its Assassin spam feels more difficult than it should be

As for Cynthia, IIRC my strategy was to have Sumia on the right, Frederick mid, and the rest on the left to wait for the squad.

Nab Cynthia turn 2 and Galeforce all the away for the next 2 Turns >_>

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I thought Cynthia > Severa was a fact.

Though, Cynthia existing earlier than right after Chapter 18 only occurs when Severa exists, but I don't think that can be a positive to Severa, since it doesn't judge the two as units. Reclassing Severa to Pegasus knight/wyvern rider would maybe allow the two to become more comparable, but eh, we'll see.

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Staffbot build their rank in an extreme ridiculous ultra slow speed kind of slow

I mean, in my playlog, Libra finished building up rank that he has been working on from CH. 14 during Chapter 20 and that was with some combats thrown around >_>

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Give an example of someone who doesn't need Dual Strikes.

The Avatar? It's not that bad of a pairing since it builds very fast. The only real problem is Cleric!Morgan but Morgan gets a second seal anyway in most cases.

Also makes Owain a badass which is totally worth it

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Lissa's growth, if the main site growth is to be believed sucks giant iron balls though >_>

She's a healer. Her growth isn't needed to be good. Also I sincerely doubt her growths are that bad.

Also: I'm not trying to argue that Lissa is a good unit here.

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Lissa is one of the lesser choices to get an S support with. Her stats are lackluster, even when raised, and having her as a partner deprives her of EXP since she can't Dual Strike until promotion. Owain, although pumped up by Avatar's genes, just isn't as good as Cynthia or Laurent.

Her Pair-Up bonuses aren't as good as Sumia or Miriel. Maribelle is stuck on a similar boat when it comes to pairing people up.

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Morgan is affected by her growth

Maribelle is kinda better since she gives +Spd

Also are you seriously sugesting Lissa x Endgame?

Morgan's growths are actually kind of sup-bar already when it comes to children because the Avatar's growths are also sub-par. It's all Veteran.

Maribelle comes later and her child is recruited later (I think, I'm not disregarding the ability to 1-turn Brady fyi).


Lissa is one of the lesser choices to get an S support with. Her stats are lackluster, even when raised, and having her as a partner deprives her of EXP since she can't Dual Strike until promotion. Owain, although pumped up by Avatar's genes, just isn't as good as Cynthia or Laurent.

Her Pair-Up bonuses aren't as good as Sumia or Miriel. Maribelle is stuck on a similar boat when it comes to pairing people up.

Morgan will already have good bases from the Avatar so it isn't that bad. I'm not saying he is, I'm saying she's a better choice (I'll explain more later). Lack of dual strikes can hurt though I'll give you that.

I know that but the Avatar just wants a pair up really, specific ones aren't necessary. I've also found that both of these people can do better (though not that much) (Miriel wants like Kellam and Sumia wants Frederick). ( It also allows you to go -resistance if that matters.

Now on this a bit more; I find that when you pair someone with your Avatar it effectively removes them from most situations, why would I have *insert waifu/husbando here* in the front over the Avatar? Taking Lissa out of play isn't as big of a problem because healing is rather unnecessary and the Avatar hardly needs anything but EXP to turn into a monster.

I've got to go anyway so adios.

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Avatar does mind who he's paired with. Even he/she will need Dual Strikes/appreciates them. Honesty, the only way to marry Lissa is by having her heal whenever possible (rare) and rescue her husbando over and over whenever she can. But why bother?

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Another one is to put her adjacent to her partner, and have said partner, when paired up with another person to have AT LEAST 4 combat per chapter. Much less hassle than Staff spamming and its lolrankbuild up(three times faster to be exact)

A practical usage of this, IMO would be Vaike x Lon'qu - Lissa, or Chrom x Vaike + Instant S Rank set up Sumia - Lissa

But.... yeah why bother >_>

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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