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Choose Your Own Character Anonymafia: D3 - Ends 6/15 at 0000 GMT-6


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What, the inactivity? That's not me being scum or town. That's just me being bad and not caring about games on their D1... >_> Figure either I live to D2 and start caring or I die before D2 and don't care. I'm pretty sure it's leftover from when I kept on getting shot N1.

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When I died, I was asked to submit a scumteam guess. I'm glad I got at least one of those right, though being dead there was very little I could further do.

Just a thing for the future: Whenever a townie notes he has written down his reads and forgot he read someone as Town earlier, then it's almost definitely scum, because Town wouldn't be so silly as to forget whether they think someone is Town or Scum; After all, Scum forge their reads.

Good game though, I need to work on my verbosity. I intended to lurk more than I had, but with so few posts it was becoming difficult.

EDIT BY WAY OF EDIT BUTTON: BBM, you really should've known I'd be in, considering I told you to invite me if there were an Anon Mafia game. Since you did no such thing I took it on myself to watch this site like a hawk. :<

Edited by Bard
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BBM, you really should've known I'd be in, considering I told you to invite me if there were an Anon Mafia game. Since you did no such thing I took it on myself to watch this site like a hawk. :<

this just in: BBM is lame

but who didn't know that already :P

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Blame scum, I didn't intend to die. :Pent:

Suikoden is my one true love. I originally intended to apply as Lazlo, what with him being a silent protagonist having the perfect excuse to actually be silent. Just, you know, I dropped the idea of roleplaying the character and just wanted to be obtuse. Then someone suspected me condensing my post to be postpadding. Nofunallowed.jpg

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Haha. ^^ You reminded me of Baldrick actually. He and I have a pretty similar voice. I err more on the verbose side, but I was trying to sound simpler/more masculine at first. When Scorri tunneled me, it became so hard to defend myself and speak like a guy. I could feel my language getting more and more flowery. ._.

If I knew someone was going be Leknaat, I would have picked Nanami. ;=;

Edited by Paulina
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Blame scum, I didn't intend to die. :Pent:

Suikoden is my one true love. I originally intended to apply as Lazlo, what with him being a silent protagonist having the perfect excuse to actually be silent. Just, you know, I dropped the idea of roleplaying the character and just wanted to be obtuse. Then someone suspected me condensing my post to be postpadding. Nofunallowed.jpg

well I was the bastard too lazy to roleplay in villains anon so...

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i find in anon games that I have to drop the roleplaying pretty damn quickly (or not start at all)

not that i've played an anon game for a while

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[spoiler=log][6/13/2013 2:02:15 AM] Elie: Hey Sniper

[6/13/2013 2:02:20 AM] Manix: yo

[6/13/2013 2:03:20 AM] Elie: Thoughts in my game?

[6/13/2013 2:03:31 AM] Elie: :)

[6/13/2013 2:03:33 AM] Manix: silent swordsman is so bbm

[6/13/2013 2:03:36 AM] Manix: and scum

[6/13/2013 2:03:51 AM] Manix: ala volanic

[6/13/2013 2:03:56 AM] Manix: *volcanic

[6/13/2013 2:04:29 AM] Elie: Oh he was scum in there?

[6/13/2013 2:04:34 AM] Elie: I sucked too hard to notice lol

[6/13/2013 2:04:35 AM] Manix: pocket ace lol

[6/13/2013 2:04:41 AM] Elie: Oo

[6/13/2013 2:05:00 AM] Manix: aka "the town that was miraclously never nightkilled"

[6/13/2013 2:05:05 AM] Manix: *cough*

[6/13/2013 2:05:16 AM] Elie: BBScum has a tendency to do thst

[6/13/2013 2:05:36 AM] Manix: also calling the janned pr to be doc

[6/13/2013 2:05:57 AM] Manix: and the neighbours are both town maybe

[6/13/2013 2:06:29 AM] Elie: If you wanna IO yourself

[6/13/2013 2:06:41 AM] Manix: sure why not

[6/13/2013 2:06:43 AM] Elie: Since tomorrow is probably LYLO anyway

[6/13/2013 2:06:47 AM] Manix: subbing in would suck anyway lol

the first time elie talked to me about the game, during N2

perfect. 2/3 guesswork on what i did guess

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Haha. ^^ You reminded me of Baldrick actually. He and I have a pretty similar voice. I err more on the verbose side, but I was trying to sound simpler/more masculine at first. When Scorri tunneled me, it became so hard to defend myself and speak like a guy. I could feel my language getting more and more flowery. ._.

If I knew someone was going be Leknaat, I would have picked Nanami. ;=;

Daunt wore eh, eye Ken tock mush ease he her. ITE wheel joust teak moor thyme.

In any case, I've done my Mafiers game, so I'll be seeing you guys never again. Good luck in your future scumhunts.

Edited by Bard
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I actually suspected Leknaat of being offsite at one point, because nobody who plays here would use language like "logic does not parse", and I thought of you, but then I thought that since I'd forgotten to invite you, you wouldn't be playing. >_>

Also you should play more games here. :(:

Edited by BamBamMan
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Fun facts! I actually did screw up Suzaku and Shinori in my head. ._. I knew that I had a town read on Suzaku, I just mistyped the actual thing because I was bad. And Pauline, I may have been tunneling you, but at least some of my points were still valid, so just keep them in mind in future games wrt things like fence sitting but more importantly finding something someone is doing scummy but then doing a version of that yourself. It'll help you avoid getting lynched.

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Blame scum, I didn't intend to die. :Pent:

Suikoden is my one true love. I originally intended to apply as Lazlo, what with him being a silent protagonist having the perfect excuse to actually be silent. Just, you know, I dropped the idea of roleplaying the character and just wanted to be obtuse. Then someone suspected me condensing my post to be postpadding. Nofunallowed.jpg


(signed, someone who got into Suikoden based on a music game)

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Also you should play more games here. :(:

You'd just forget to inform me of any interesting ones popping up anyhow!


I note a flaw in this assessment: I don't plan to stay! :( A mystery guest Mafia player only works if the mystery guest isn't a regular. The next time we meet it will be another guise, a new trickery.

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hey bard do you want to sub into my game it's only 24 people and 32 pages :)


By which I mean it will be a warm day in the UK before I'd consider subbing into that mess.

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And Pauline, I may have been tunneling you, but at least some of my points were still valid, so just keep them in mind in future games wrt things like fence sitting but more importantly finding something someone is doing scummy but then doing a version of that yourself. It'll help you avoid getting lynched.

You know my name. ;_; Thanks Scorri. =) That's good advice. I'll need to be more cognizant of my position statements in the future.

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This is why I need cohorts.

Postgame part 1:

Designed the game to follow Battle City Finals, basic setup, only I wanted a more simple setup. I probably should've had more protection but alas, the original plan was to have The neighbors be Masons. It's a fine line between OP town and Op mafia. That being said, I honestly think that the game was player-sided, not scum sided.

Moving on;

Town MVP: BBM Paulina

A surprise return pleased me, with a much more serious and less emotionally affected Paulina from her last game. She had good instincts and decent cases. She could have pushed a bit more aggressively, but didnt back off of her reads, more like, pondered how to make them work. It's a problem I sympathize with, so I understand the position.

Advice? Just push harder on what you're confident in. You never really looked scummy, which was great, but your town efforts, while informed, could have definitely been pursued more.

Also your ._. Face is used only by you, FYI!

Mafia MVP: Probably BBM, only because he was around the entire time, and was generally viewed as the most town player, among those submitting guesses. I can't offer advice as you kinda stomped the field :/ Scorri did great too, though she laid low much more (due to IRL issues but still), and at the middle of d2, arrived wth gusto.

Proto, Kay and Rapier; post more! Kay, in a small game like this, claiming without innos is awfully difficult to do, but you pussyfooted around it and it made you look worse in the end. Rapier and Proto, just show up more and disperse your thoughts wth more evidence.

Bard did very well, and got killed because he was looking very town. A solid game for him, even if it was short.

Shinori has IRL issues as of late, but he was played against his meta, hard. I encourage others not to drive players into their meta in Anon games, as it discourages scumHUNTING and encourages nitpicking the person behind the mask.

SB, your cases were "ok", but more or less spazzy and flimsy. Actually, you at growing into a mini-Manix. It's pretty cute. Just work on assembling your cases more firmly and one thing at a time, and keep a broader view on those you are not focused on. You were too blinded by your assumptions of who was scum that you didn't even look at Scorri most of the game, for instance.

Well, that's my brief sucky player analysis. I guess I can bring more into the fray about the game, next post.

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Game Review:

1/3 of the game's activity sucked. I won't point out who. Of these, Proto had the most subjective PoV (as always), and with more activity, would've been better off LATEGAME (d2). Rapier's cases are too much like mine (lacking proper evidence for support) and Kay's cases are more too subjective, not showing any actual thoughts on someone actually being mafia sided. Shinori, I dunno what to say except keep personal meta out. I'm proud of you for not self voting tho!

Bard? Overall, good job! I'd say tone down the RP some, but I enjoyed it too much.

Paulina and SB, call the heck out of someone like Bbm (uber town and alive). Mafia doesn't want townie players left around for LATEGAME, as it usually bites them in the butt. Them killing Tibarn should have been the clue that BBM was probably behind it? Choreographing the entire game end from D2.

Mafia reviews later

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