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Wallace: is he THAT bad?



79 members have voted

  1. 1. Wallace is:

    • Mid unit
    • Horrible
    • Horrible, but I like his personality so much
    • enugh good
    • as good as Oswin, but joins too late to be good unit

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OK, so Wallace is bad because:

  1. Comes too late
  2. Has lower movement in game
  3. His speed is poor

But what if we possibly give him (suppose we are not play LTC) boots? I don't play FE7 many times, but IMO best users of boots(of course not for LTC) is immobile units. I try that, and he was good unit.

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OK, so Wallace is bad because:

  1. Comes too late
  2. Has lower movement in game
  3. His speed is poor

4. Can only be recruited in the inferior version of Four-Fanged Offense, which is fairly easily skipped

5. Compares unfavorably to Geitz, with whom he is mutually exclusive

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But what if we possibly give him (suppose we are not play LTC) boots? I don't play FE7 many times, but IMO best users of boots(of course not for LTC) is immobile units. I try that, and he was good unit.

If we're going to give it to a low move unit, why not give it to a better one like Oswin or Hector? Or give it to Ninian/Nils so they can keep up with your mounted units. Literally everyone would appreciate the boots, so why should we give them to a crappy unit?

Even with the boots, he's basically a worse Lowen who came way later and means losing out on a better character.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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but IMO best users of boots(of course not for LTC) is immobile units. I try that, and he was good unit.

best users of boots are highly mobile units so that they can be even more mobile

or hector if he's too weak to solo kaim

so you are probably going to retort with: "not for LTC"

please tell me why the best users of boots are not highly mobile units in casual play

Edited by dondon151
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I actually used Wallace once is a prepromote-only run. He was the worst character on my team, a complete liability in every conceivable way. I pumped boots and almost every stat booster into him to make him not suck and he was still worse than everyone.

It's like why bother? Any investment you put into him will give you zilch in the way of usable returns. He doesn't even have a good axe weapon rank.

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Fitting that my first post should be bashing my favourite character (personality-wise) from this game, eh?

Anyway, I'd give him a 3, with .5 of that added for his character ("Break your weapons against me!" is forever one of my favourite lines) and .5 because I found him useful in weakening Eagler and Lundgren in Lyn's story. Otherwise, he's completely useless. All of his stats will be inferior to Oswin's, especially because of his forced promotion (if you don't do it, he'll be destroyed when he shows up as a L12 Knight in Eliwood's story, and I don't like promoting until L20 anyway). His defence growth is pathetic for a Knight, and his surprisingly good resistance growth won't make up for it. His immobility will also be a problem, even if you're not doing LTC (which I don't really care about) - I guess you could give him the Boots, but those would be best used on a better unit like Hector or Oswin. Plus, getting him means not getting Geitz, who is one of the better prepromotes. Overall, yeah, he's not worth it. Stick with Oswin if you want a General.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, just... here.


Unit: Bad. Low stats and either a prepromote or unpromoted when he returns in Eliwood or Hector mode, comes on a fog of war map, and requires you to not use your Lords.

Character: Great. He's a really darn cool guy, and it's really a pity that he's not worth getting, just because he's one of my favorite FE7 characters.


'Nuff said, no more stat nitpicking required.

Edited by The Magus
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A bow-less, melee ranged Wil is about as effective as Wallace, but he'll still always hold a special place in my heart as he was the only reason I got past Lyn's Mode when I first started playing Fire Emblem.

Edited by Shauni
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Wallace is horrible, and he's the worst pre-promote in the game (imo). He appears in Lyn Mode, which is normally good, but he hogs all the exp that your other units could be using in preparation for the main game. He comes back super late, and i'd rather take Geitz over him, thanks. His speed and mov are atrocious, and him vs magic users? Not happening.

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I'll give an opinion about Wallace when I can put him near combat (CoD HHM doesn't count, because it rips him to shreds).

His movement's terrible, I don't feel like carting him around, and Thunder affinity makes him a sad panda. His best draw, IMO, is his support with Vaida.

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