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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I've only used one hammer so far and it was for a challenge that I wouldn't have been able to get otherwise because I don't have other people to play with. It's the one that wants you to get five hits in Street Smash.

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How do most of you get your trophies? I simply buy out the shop and wait for the next bunch.

Once I need to work on the trophy challenges, I'll do Trophy Rush with visits to the shop after every few rounds. As of now, I get whatever I get from Smash Run, plus the shop.

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I do Trophy Rush and visit the shop every now and then. It's really all you can do aside from challenges. :P

You can also find trophies lying around in Smash Run, Home Run Contest, and Target Blast, but they're harder to get that way.

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How do most of you get your trophies? I simply buy out the shop and wait for the next bunch.

I get more new trophies playing classic than trophy rush or trophy store nowadays. Once you hit that 300 mark, a lot of the trophies you are going to get are going to be repeats.

Edited by kingddd
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Now that I've got over 600 trophies, finding random new ones is extremely rare. Even the shop doesn't have them very often anymore. I still have challenges to finish and All-Star mode to do with about 6 characters, so there are probably only 10-15 randoms for me to find.

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Now that I've got over 600 trophies, finding random new ones is extremely rare. Even the shop doesn't have them very often anymore. I still have challenges to finish and All-Star mode to do with about 6 characters, so there are probably only 10-15 randoms for me to find.

All-Star, with ALL characters!? Does it have to be a certain difficulty?

Edited by Ace Gamer
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Is there anything that you earn for acquiring all the trophies that'll impact combat, or a map or something?

Personally I'm not a collector and just get what I get as I get them

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Master Gardener crown. It's like a big crown made of ice.

No one can guess, sure, but it's safe to say it won't reach the userbase of the 3DS. Mario Kart 8 didn't give the Wii U the boost most expected, and MK is a bigger system seller than SSB.

EDIT: Huh, there is a generic crown with no hair to obtain, but that one is also a challenge (Clear All-Star with all characters).

Oh good. I need it for my Joffrey Baratheon Mii.

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So a few days after the Japanese launch, a Zero Suit Samus infinite on Robin was found. It still hasn't been patched out yet for your information.

Today, a second infinite has been found. This time Rosalina can take Sheik, Captain Falcon and possibly Ganondorf from 0 to death.

Here's the video with Sheik. The player has since tested it on Captain Falcon and has confirmed it works on him too. I imagine we'll know Ganondorf's fate later.


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So a few days after the Japanese launch, a Zero Suit Samus infinite on Robin was found. It still hasn't been patched out yet for your information.

Today, a second infinite has been found. This time Rosalina can take Sheik, Captain Falcon and possibly Ganondorf from 0 to death.

Here's the video with Sheik. The player has since tested it on Captain Falcon and has confirmed it works on him too. I imagine we'll know Ganondorf's fate later.

That Rosalina player is 9B, who was known for his deadly chaingrab shenanigans with Ice Climbers in Brawl. Fitting that he still finds ways to perform infinite combos even after his old main was removed.

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I've only used one hammer so far and it was for a challenge that I wouldn't have been able to get otherwise because I don't have other people to play with. It's the one that wants you to get five hits in Street Smash.

Getting Streetpass hits is easy. Just go to every McDonald's, Starbucks, and Best Buy (some other places have it, too. But I can't remember which ones) in a 10-15 mile radius of where you live and pretend you have to use the bathroom (well, I guess you don't have to pretend you need the bathroom, but if you don't you'll look kind of weird for just standing around in McDonald's or Starbucks for a minute or two, not ordering anything, and then just leaving). Those are all "Streetpass Relay" points that store the data of the last few people to be in their Wi-Fi area for more than a few seconds with their 3DS in sleep mode and pass it on to whoever is in the Wi-Fi radius for more than a few seconds. You can usually get 3-5 Streetpasses a time at one of these places (I learned this trick a year or so ago when I was playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf).

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Getting Streetpass hits is easy. Just go to every McDonald's, Starbucks, and Best Buy (some other places have it, too. But I can't remember which ones) in a 10-15 mile radius of where you live and pretend you have to use the bathroom (well, I guess you don't have to pretend you need the bathroom, but if you don't you'll look kind of weird for just standing around in McDonald's or Starbucks for a minute or two, not ordering anything, and then just leaving). Those are all "Streetpass Relay" points that store the data of the last few people to be in their Wi-Fi area for more than a few seconds with their 3DS in sleep mode and pass it on to whoever is in the Wi-Fi radius for more than a few seconds. You can usually get 3-5 Streetpasses a time at one of these places (I learned this trick a year or so ago when I was playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf).

Except I don't have the transportation for that. I only have a driver's permit. So yeah...

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Getting Streetpass hits is easy. Just go to every McDonald's, Starbucks, and Best Buy (some other places have it, too. But I can't remember which ones) in a 10-15 mile radius of where you live and pretend you have to use the bathroom (well, I guess you don't have to pretend you need the bathroom, but if you don't you'll look kind of weird for just standing around in McDonald's or Starbucks for a minute or two, not ordering anything, and then just leaving). Those are all "Streetpass Relay" points that store the data of the last few people to be in their Wi-Fi area for more than a few seconds with their 3DS in sleep mode and pass it on to whoever is in the Wi-Fi radius for more than a few seconds. You can usually get 3-5 Streetpasses a time at one of these places (I learned this trick a year or so ago when I was playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf).

Or you can make a Streetpass relay in your home called "Homepass".

Also, while I might sound elitist... am I the only one that gets slightly annoyed by that "stage" people go through of spamming rolls thinking they're safe?

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Or you can make a Streetpass relay in your home called "Homepass".

Also, while I might sound elitist... am I the only one that gets slightly annoyed by that "stage" people go through of spamming rolls thinking they're safe?

how is this elitist

I think you're overusing that word

also to be fair rolls have been hella buffed itg or s/t

EDIT: for the record I occasionally find it annoying if it's egregious and then I remember I have a dsmash and all is once again right with the world

Edited by Euklyd
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Does anyone know if you could nab the StreetPass challenges in the PRACTICE mode? 'Cause there's no way I'm doing any of those, I live way out in the middle of nowhere, I have never, ever passed anyone with a 3DS.

You can indeed do the Counter Challenge and from the looks of it, the KO by hitting another token into another token. Five hits? No.

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Smash Bros. director Mashiro Sakurai explained a bit about why and how clones exist when speaking to Famitsu with translation from Nintendo Everything:

“There are 3 fighters [Lucina, Dark Pit, and Doctor Mario] that are alternate models (clones) in the game. Each was originally a color variation, but during development, they were given balanced characteristics. Since their functionality had differences, forms were separated from each other. However, it was vital that this didn’t increase the required man-hours. Some relative tuning was sufficient as it wasn’t necessary to create balancing from scratch.”

Seems logical, but Sakurai goes on to appear downright offended at the implication that fans “deserve” more from him and his team in terms of making these clones into more involved characters.

“This is like a free dessert after a luxurious meal that was prepared free of charge. In a restaurant with this type of service, I don’t think there’s anybody who would say, “Change this to a meat dish!!” Yet, I’m told [to do that] about Smash Bros. But, I guess since a lot of them are children, it cannot be helped.”

Dude's gotta point.

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Yeah, way to go Sakurai for saying that to all those idiot fans out there. I still would've rather had Roy or Leif as the Marth clone than Lucina, but Dr. Mario is cool with me. And somehow, Dark Pit just has more of a cool factor than regular Pit to me too.

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