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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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7 vs. 1 is so funny! I just watch all the CPUs run after Ike as they tear him to pieces!

Probably the first post about Ike here that I enjoy.

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...I'm the only one who isn't fond of the amiibos, right?

I don't have anything against collectibles. But please without the function in the game. I don't really care about what they do, but they could have surely build in such a feature without having you spend another 13$. To me, they feel more like moneygrabbing than DLC would.

I'm always the pessimistic one, aren't I? I should change something...

you're not alone on that

I just don't see any point in them; possibly 'cause I have no idea what makes a level 50 CPU special

it's clearly not the same scale as the Lv 1-9 AI progression

(I mean to be fair even if there was a point I still wouldn't be a huge fan)

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I am definitely exited for 8 player smash. Ever since Multi-Man-melee, I always wondered why only this mode got to break the 4 player limit while you couldn't do it in normal matches. And now this feature is finally widely available.

In the 3DS game, my first match was Captain Falcon vs Robin. So now it would probably be 7 Captain Falcons vs 1 Robin. Or maybe 1 Captain Falcon vs 7 heavily handicapped Robins.

Peach and Zelda have never looked better in those dresses! And also, one thing I've noticed in 8-Player Smash Team Battles, the CPUs will always exchange stocks when they die. Never YOUR helping CPU, just your opponents. I don't know if that's the case in 4-Player Team Battles, but it might.

They do actually know how to share stocks in that mode? If they can do that there, I wonder why they don't do that in the 3DS game. That would make Team Battles a lot less boring.

And it's probably a good thing if the allied AIs don't share stocks with each other. Otherwise they might also take stocks from the player.

Edited by BrightBow
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...I'm the only one who isn't fond of the amiibos, right?

you're not alone on that

I just don't see any point in them; possibly 'cause I have no idea what makes a level 50 CPU special

it's clearly not the same scale as the Lv 1-9 AI progression

(I mean to be fair even if there was a point I still wouldn't be a huge fan)


I play Smash to play Smash, not train up some CPU fighter.

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Just checking out to see on how wild that this topic is going upon the greatest smash bros game that is finally getting launched today and it's looking pretty fun. XD

People at amazon are saying that it's 10x better than the 3DS'. Gonna get this Dec 1st as I'm getting Pokemon Omega Ruby today!


Nintendo is putting fourth effort on this game to make this happen!

Edited by PuffPuff
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ALRIGHT! My GameStop dropped the ball on the Gamecube Adapter shipments so I wasn't able to get my adapter until just now (plus I live in an apartment so I'm sure my neighbors would file noise complaints with my landlord if I was playing right when I got home from the midnight release), but now I'm ready. I've got the game, I've got the adapter, I've got two Amiibos (Link and Villager). Let's do this.

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I just started up my copy! I'm gonna practice 1 vs 1 first to get ready for the tourney I'm hosting, SF's very first Smash Wii U tourney, then I'll be up for some matches with you guys. ^^

Also, looks like I need an SD card to save any screenshots, just like in Brawl. But will the one I used with my Wii be compatible here too?

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Geez, lv. 9 CPUs almost feel like PKL. Except I can actually do well against them every now and then. Either that, or I just suck for some reason compared to my skills on the 3DS version. :(

Edited by Anacybele
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Geez, lv. 9 CPUs almost feel like PKL. Except I can actually do well against them every now and then. Either that, or I just suck for some reason compared to my skills on the 3DS version. :(

I was able to beat lv. 9s on my 3DS on three stocks without losing a stock a few days ago, now I struggle with them on both versions like wtf? Sometimes you just forget how to do things I guess.

Can't wait to get home and play though.

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Geez, lv. 9 CPUs almost feel like PKL. Except I can actually do well against them every now and then. Either that, or I just suck for some reason compared to my skills on the 3DS version. :(

Wiat until you vers' your Lv50 Amiibo

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Geez, lv. 9 CPUs almost feel like PKL. Except I can actually do well against them every now and then. Either that, or I just suck for some reason compared to my skills on the 3DS version. :(

This is actually a good thing since AI can now be practiced off of.

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Yeah, I've noticed that they're good enough to read your rolls and moves and all kinds of shit. They've even spiked me for a KO.

I've unlocked Falco and Wario. Falco was the first character I unlocked in the 3DS version too. Wario, though, he didn't come until way later. o.O

Also, no one has answered my question. Is a Wii SD card compatible with the Wii U? I'm thinking no, but I'm just asking to be sure.

Edited by Anacybele
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Geez, lv. 9 CPUs almost feel like PKL. Except I can actually do well against them every now and then. Either that, or I just suck for some reason compared to my skills on the 3DS version. :(

The CPUs on the 3DS version were crap for only being able to use projectiles and side smashes. Pretty sure this carries over to the Wii U version. I find it interesting that you compared them to PKL, considering that he rudely projectile-circle-camped me to stall a match for time.

At least you can train amiibos to not have the same flaws as the vanilla CPUs.

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No, I'm pretty sure CPUs on the Wii U version are way smarter than the ones in the 3DS version. I never had this much trouble against one lv. 9 CPU before.

Also, I'm assuming no one knows the answer to my question, so I'll just have to go check for myself to see if my Wii SD card can be used with the Wii U.

EDIT: Oh, it actually does work with the Wii U! Sweetness, I don't have to buy another card. So anyone else that used a Wii SD card for Brawl, you can also use it to save your Wii U Smash Bros, screenshots and stuff. :)

Edited by Anacybele
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I find it interesting that you compared them to PKL, considering that he rudely projectile-circle-camped me to stall a match for time.

Didn't he do that to exercise a point about something something "Ban Gerudo Valley from Future Tourneys Please"?

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The CPUs on the 3DS version were crap for only being able to use projectiles and side smashes. Pretty sure this carries over to the Wii U version. I find it interesting that you compared them to PKL, considering that he rudely projectile-circle-camped me to stall a match for time.

At least you can train amiibos to not have the same flaws as the vanilla CPUs.

Ahem, you allowed yourself to be attacked in such a way. It is not even close to being rude. You opened yourself up for said tactic.

Also PKL doesn't usually stall for time, he usually just finds the best option that works against any given opponent this is due to his vast tournament skill and knowledge. In that particular fight? That was how it went. Show some respect

Edited by Jedi
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Me and a bunch of my friends grinded a Marth amiibo (named Minna) to level 50. It's pretty crazy, they get stuff like more knockback power and become harder to KO themselves. It was super fun, I would love to do a 4v4 against 4 level 50 amiibos :V

8 player Smash is crazy. I haven't gotten to experience too much beyond that. I didn't like the Great Cave Offensive stage (and I love that mode in Kirby SS :/) but the Wrecking Crew stage is great. Can't wait to try out some more, the stage choice is pretty limited on 8 player Smash (which is mostly all I got to do)

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