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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Just great... My power could go out at that time because some thunderstorms are expected. -_-

EDIT: Oh, that says Pacific Time. That's even worse, because it won't leave me much time to play afterward (I live in Eastern time and can't stay up late, I work in the morning). It'll likely take forever just to download because of how many people will be trying to download everything.

Way to fucking go, NoA.

Edited by Anacybele
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Standard IT fare is to always allot more time than you may need, so it could always end sooner. Mario Maker recently had 36 hours of maintenance scheduled but I don't recall it using up more than half of it.

Obligatory reminder to save your replays because they'll go bork soon.

Also moment of silence for all the inevitable Bayo dittos, Corrin dittos or Bayo vs Corrin matchups on For Glory for the next few days.

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Standard IT fare is to always allot more time than you may need, so it could always end sooner. Mario Maker recently had 36 hours of maintenance scheduled but I don't recall it using up more than half of it.

Obligatory reminder to save your replays because they'll go bork soon.

Also moment of silence for all the inevitable Bayo dittos, Corrin dittos or Bayo vs Corrin matchups on For Glory for the next few days.

Or you could not play For Glory. I know this a crazy concept to some people.

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I'm hoping Bayo's longass dance taunt becomes the standard way of starting For Glory matches, like how Falcon dittos start with taunts.

Let's Dance Boys!

@Knife: I like For Glory because it makes me feel better about how awful I play.

I have no desire to improve as a competitive player. I can beat my local friends and that's all that matters to me. I get how For Glory can teach you many bad lessons for competitive play and I get that it's not recommended for serious play.

Edited by Scrub Lord Doof
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Or you could not play For Glory. I know this a crazy concept to some people.

How do you boost your impressive ego when you don't have a ready supply of WiFi connections to beat up?

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Or you could not play For Glory. I know this a crazy concept to some people.

b-but i like my first day release dittos because everyone is bad at the characters and it makes it more fun.

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No duh. Why else would I have posted that? I'm buying Corrin. If I even can.

Well you've boycotted pretty much every other DLC character revealed so far from what I can remember (Bayonetta included) and I thought perhaps you might just be excited to play against the DLC characters. I also have no idea what your opinion on Corrin is given that their game isn't even released out here yet.

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Well you've boycotted pretty much every other DLC character revealed so far from what I can remember (Bayonetta included) and I thought perhaps you might just be excited to play against the DLC characters. I also have no idea what your opinion on Corrin is given that their game isn't even released out here yet.

No, I bought Ryu and also got Mewtwo for free (and only because he was free). But fair enough. And Corrin is cool to me so far.

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Man, I'll be home by the time the DLC comes out, but #1, it's eight-thirty my time as well, and #2, my internet is doing that 3-minutes-on-then-three-minutes-off deal again. I'll never get the chance to play as Corrin at this rate!

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So much for afternoon. It's practically after dinner

Saw that coming. Nintendo is bad with this stuff. It will be almost 10:00 PM for me, so that sucks. could be worst. Looks like Europe won't be getting it until 1:00 AM or later.

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So much for afternoon. It's practically after dinner

So much for the BSC (BrainScrathComms) stream I wanted to watch today......there were gonna stream Smash 4 for Bayonetta and Corrin (just for fun), but because of this, it's delayed now. Oh well...at least they rescheduled for tomorrow.

Also, got to wait till Friday (possibly Sunday) to get Bayonetta and Corrin, but......that's kinda my fault since Etrian Odyssey Untold was on the Eshop for sale for $10 (when it was...$29...give or take) and I couldn't resist the chance! :3

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I always miss ATLUS sales UGH

Don't feel too bad. I almost missed it myself. I knew about it the day before, but I forgot it and had to buy

There was a time where it was news when Etrian Odyssey wasn't on sale.

It'll happen again soon-ish.

Yeah, just like Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies! (Still waiting for it...)

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~30 minutes to go. It's varying a bit from 33 to 31 minutes. Sub 30 now. Now it goes from ~34 to ~24 and back again.

Yeah, but it's not working. I downloaded Corrin and everything, but he/she isn't showing up in the character select menu. What's up with this? :/

I had the problem too. Try to go online in Smash, it'll tell you need to update, exit the game, and once you go to reopen the game, it will start downloading the update.

Edited by Konnor97
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Yeah, but it's not working. I downloaded Corrin and everything, but he/she isn't showing up in the character select menu. What's up with this? :/

You've bought it but you havn't downloaded it yet. Close smash bros and reopen it and you should get the install update message.

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