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Interceptor vs. dondon151


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There's a reason this sub-forum is called Far from the Forest...

You're not alone. Sadly I avoid rule breaking so it probably isn't going to happen. (if you're talking to me)

Who are you talking to anyway? Me or Reggie?

FFTF happens to be where this conversation is taking place. Be it a spam section or not, there is no excuse for ignoring someone making a point.

I would have done this in any other thread in any other section, but this is where the chance happened to pop up. In other subforums there are actual subjects going on and I could get in trouble for derailing also.

I'm talking to Constable, not you.

You responding to them and Olwen/Chiki responding to them is basically just feeding the trolls. As I keep saying, just ignore them and just let them post whatever the fuck they want. Who cares about what some people say on the goddamn internet?

It's kind of hard when he has people actually following him around and trying to argue with him everywhere he posts.

That would be offputting to any normal person.

Edited by Sumia
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It just hides the post

You can still read it but you'll have to click on it to show the post

Then that's perfect for them in the Awakening board. \o/

Maybe I should utilize it myself...

It's kind of hard when he has people actually following him around and trying to argue with him everywhere he posts.

That would be offputting to any normal person.

errr okay so there's people following and then there's reggie. I don't know awakening board anymore because of that whole crap so. Ignoreignoreignore? I mean ignore list.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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for the sanity of those involved i would recommend ceasing all attempts to actually change anything because a) this is fftf and nobody gives a shit what happens in fftf and b) constable and DA BEAR aren't liable to actually listen to you anyway

Be it a spam section or not, there is no excuse for ignoring someone making a point.

yeah there is

it's "i don't care" and i'm pretty sure it's the one constable is utilizing right now

Edited by CT075
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Honestly, I'm can't say I DON'T dislike Aeine/Olwen/Chiki because he tends to post things that rub people the wrong way... and that he fails to recognize it as such... however, this has gotten out of hand.

I mean come on... this is the kind of BS you expect in other forums.

...but then again this is FFtF... you serious discussion belongs elsewhere. No one gives a crap what you say in here.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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FFTF happens to be where this conversation is taking place. Be it a spam section or not, there is no excuse for ignoring someone making a point.

I would have done this in any other thread in any other section, but this is where the chance happened to pop up. In other subforums there are actual subjects going on and I could get in trouble for derailing also.


It's kind of hard when he has people actually following him around and trying to argue with him everywhere he posts.

That would be offputting to any normal person.

Okay. I don't board hunt Olwen. He happens to start topics that I have opinions on fairly often so I make my point.

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Well, I tried. I'm not very surprised that attempting to talk about the situation didn't get me anywhere. It was already predicted that it wouldn't, but it was at the very least worth a shot.

It doesn't even matter if this is the FFTF section, because it honestly wouldn't have worked anywhere else either.

So obviously a different approach is the only answer.

With that I take my leave.

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i'm never sure what to do when faced with one of these self-righteous people who then get all up in a huff about "oh nothing changed just like i expected"

like honestly if you didn't expect anything to change why bother spending time attempting

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Because I think that even if something is unlikely it's still at the very least worth a try.

Everyone and everything deserves some benefit of the doubt, and I also find it better to think optimistically until the end.

That's just the kind of person I am.

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just noticed:

Everyone and everything deserves some benefit of the doubt, and I also find it better to think optimistically until the end.

ahahaha I'm dying man

"You're a pathetic, loser asshole with nothing better to do with his life than to be an asshole.

Don't blame me, I'm only thinking optimistically here and are giving you the benefit of the doubt."

Edited by Constable Reggie
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I honestly think the majority of you are a bunch of immature hypocrites. You all whine that you dislike the way he presents himself or dislike his views that aren't considered to be very popular, but so what? You all present yourselves just as poorly as Olwen does if not even more poorly at that. You all have viiews that others dislike or are viewed unpopular generally by a majoriry. Everybody does. Olwen is not perfect, and neither are any of you.

Yes, Olwen isn't the best at wording things, but he doesn't do it on purpose and is trying to work on it and even improving. Some other members even noticed his improvements and mentioned them in threads. And even if he doesn't word things the best way, big deal. It's a lot better to be too opinionated than it is to spend your online time acting like a bunch of catty middle school girls.

You're all a bunch of hypocrites for calling him out on his flaws when you have your own, and you're not very good people for ganging up against him when he never personally does anything to you.

Have things gotten out of hand at times? Yes. Are you taking things too seriously? Hell yes. You're being way too defensive about this.

Yes, I am going to be "serious" and I'm also going to "mopey dopey"

This is serious. This is basically cyber bullying and also harassment on your end Constable.

It's ridiculous Olwen can't even enjoy being on this forum much anymore because of this childish bullshit.

He doesn't even want to fight with you and has never done anything personally against you.

I have no idea what your problem is, but it isn't cute or funny.

If Olwen can't enjoy being here because of "this childish bullshit," he needs some thicker skin and some time off. From what I've seen (and I'm pretty sure I've seen the worst of it), this isn't even close to cyber-bullying. That's making a mountain out of a molehill.

Oh god, you're not actually going to force me to watch Blazing Saddles, are you?

Good luck, my friend.

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Anyone who dislikes Olwen is most likely a bandwagon idiot anyways.

Didn't I mention something about this earlier?

I honestly think the majority of you are a bunch of immature hypocrites. You all whine that you dislike the way he presents himself or dislike his views that aren't considered to be very popular, but so what? You all present yourselves just as poorly as Olwen does if not even more poorly at that. You all have viiews that others dislike or are viewed unpopular generally by a majoriry. Everybody does. Olwen is not perfect, and neither are any of you.

Yes, Olwen isn't the best at wording things, but he doesn't do it on purpose and is trying to work on it and even improving. Some other members even noticed his improvements and mentioned them in threads. And even if he doesn't word things the best way, big deal. It's a lot better to be too opinionated than it is to spend your online time acting like a bunch of catty middle school girls.

You're all a bunch of hypocrites for calling him out on his flaws when you have your own, and you're not very good people for ganging up against him when he never personally does anything to you.

I know you're trying got help. Really. However, Olwen needs to clear up his reputation with his own power. Name-calling across the board makes him look worse (and believe me, you don't want to do that to him). I PM'd you something he can start with; if you'd like more insight, please let me know.

If you have a problem with a specific person/people, I strongly suggest you clear this up by PMing the people in question. PMs CAN be reported, so if things get out of hand, the mods can step in. Do note that PMs can be edited without warning, so I strongly suggest quoting the entire thing before responding to it.

Back to the regularly scheduled spamming!

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The whole problem with Olwen wouldn't have even occurred if the dude made some effort to behave more adequately - not so hard on an internet forum. It's not IRL so toning yourself all the way down is easy. It reminds me of the case with a certain FE12 FAQ writer who shall not be named who responds to any mention of his name (and sometimes not even that) with pages of drama and is barely seen outside of that.

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