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Worst Unit you have had


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Most of my units, at worst, have been sub-par when trained. The only real offender is Tharja; on two of her files, her skills didn't even reach 10 until promotion bonuses. Seriously? I don't want 65% hits when you're using dark and thunder magic. On one of the playthroughs, her magic was lol'd at as well.

I hate tharja.

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Most of my units, at worst, have been sub-par when trained. The only real offender is Tharja; on two of her files, her skills didn't even reach 10 until promotion bonuses. Seriously? I don't want 65% hits when you're using dark and thunder magic. On one of the playthroughs, her magic was lol'd at as well.

I hate tharja.

Gods, yes. Coupled with the fact that dark tomes don't have good accuracy to begin with and you have possible the least accurate character in the game.

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Ricken had pretty bad speed when reached level 20 as a mage...

Then I reclassed him to Cavalier.. and his speed shot up like a rocket. :awesome:

Seriously? I don't want 65% hits when you're using dark and thunder magic.

Try forging the tome to have more accuracy. Or using Fire/Wind tomes.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Stahl with 10 speed as a 15/1 Paladin.

He does have 20 Def though.

I should probably have promoted him to Great Knight for a whooping 6 Speed. He got doubled by anything anyway.

Edited by BrightBow
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My Avatars love to ignore growths. My Miriels and Sullies love those hp skl lck levels, I once had a Miriel with 27 hp and 7 def as a Sage going into Chapter 21. My Sumias never get def and get more mag than str. My Nowais don't get speed, like at all. I had a Griffon Lon'qu with 38 hp and 16 def in Chapter 23. My first Vaike never got spd in Tier 1, so I had a bad first impression.

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"Hi, my name is Frederick, and in the 12 levels of Great Knight that I've gained, I have only leveled Speed once."

This is why I despise 50% growths.

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"Hi, my name is Frederick, and in the 12 levels of Great Knight that I've gained, I have only leveled Speed once."

This is why I despise 50% growths.

Oh hey there! It's honestly hit or miss with those, but when they keep missing it gets a bit annoying.

I've got a Sumia who seems to love not getting SKL... It feels like she goes out of her way to NOT get any...

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His bad speed made not want to ever use him ever again. Even though he's so darn cute. -.-

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I have some curse with staff locked units; they seem to grow terribly regardless of their stats - often, this'll end as soon as they promote.

Not Maribelle though, I've never had one that could fight at all. >.<

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Every time I try to use Miriel she doesn't get speed and barely gets mag. I mean, that's supposed to be her advantage over Ricken , at least I've had him turn into a pretty good DK when I tried using him. I've also had Tharja getting STR every level while barely getting SPD/MAG/DEF, her best stats. And once I had a +SPD/-LUK MU who only had 15 SPD as a promoted grandmaster, but that wasn't a big deal, since veteran made him overpowered anyway.

Cordelia also seens to love being DEF/STR screwed. I mean, how could she and Sumia at the same level have the same def and str, while sumia have 10 more SPD/SKL/LUK.

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I have never been able to use her past around chapter 15-16 without her getting seriously screwed over to the point where she can't hit anything and yet everything can hit her. Twice. And yes, I've actually used spent a LOT of time and resources trying ot get her up to speed, and she just always falls right back to the bottom. [/sigh] In fact, it was three playthroughs into the game that I actually saw her 5-6 stats up quote.

Geez, woman, Virion's more reliable than you. She gets a special mention because it happens CONSISTENTLY.

Other examples:

First playthough's Henry got magic screwed. THAT... SUCKED.

Stahl... I really think that 50% speed growth is a lie. Although I DID have a very lovely speed-blessed Stahl once... Everything died indeed.

To counter the Virion-getting-MAG and RES I usually make him a Mage/Dark Knight. He's not a bad Dark Knight. Plus, Lifetaker get. Lovely if you give him a Killer Bow considering how good his skill is. A skill-screwed Virion is practically unusable.

Second playthrough's Chrom got defense-screwed. He had like... 21 defense. And doesn't remember what the heck dodging is.

Funny thing is, I consider her more reliable than Gaius. Gyaaah, why can't you dodge, Gaius?!

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Funny thing is, I consider her more reliable than Gaius. Gyaaah, why can't you dodge, Gaius?!

Really? Strange... Gaius is a bit of pain at the start, but once he gets going he goes for me. But I'm like... 5 playthroughs in now and Tharja hasn't been salvagable once. I've officially given up on using her: it's promote to Sorcerer as fast as possible, secure Vengenance or Tomebreaker for Noire, bench.

It's Chrom who can't dodge for me, strange enough. Fortunately I usually have his defense high enough to where this doesn't matter... but Anna decides to be a troll and have him take a hit when he really shouldn't have. A lot. The worst example I can remember is a wyvern rider boss with a Brave I was trying to bait ended up attacking Chrom instead of Cordelia like I wanted... with a 14% chance to do 15 damage. It hit... ALL. FOUR. TIMES. 60 fucking damage... leaving him at ONE point of health.

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Really? Strange... Gaius is a bit of pain at the start, but once he gets going he goes for me. But I'm like... 5 playthroughs in now and Tharja hasn't been salvagable once. I've officially given up on using her: it's promote to Sorcerer as fast as possible, secure Vengenance or Tomebreaker for Noire, bench.

It's Chrom who can't dodge for me, strange enough. Fortunately I usually have his defense high enough to where this doesn't matter... but Anna decides to be a troll and have him take a hit when he really shouldn't have. A lot. The worst example I can remember is a wyvern rider boss with a Brave I was trying to bait ended up attacking Chrom instead of Cordelia like I wanted... with a 14% chance to do 15 damage. It hit... ALL. FOUR. TIMES. 60 fucking damage... leaving him at ONE point of health.

For me, though, Gaius's combination of awful luck and awful defenses is the type of crap that I call "a recipe for disaster". Ugh.

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One of my Speed Asset Avatar's didn't get speed for 13 levels. Useless!

My current Gregor hasn't gotten ANY defence for many reclasses and level ups. GOD DAMNIT.

Ricken doesn't know what magic is (Through Mage-Sage-Dark Knight). WAT.

Gangrel's forgotten what Skill is (After I reclassed him to Warrior and Berserker temporarily). No comment.

Why do all my people suck?

Edited by Henry
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One of my Speed Asset Avatar's didn't get speed for 13 levels. Useless!

My current Gregor hasn't gotten ANY defence for many reclasses and level ups. GOD DAMNIT.

Ricken doesn't know what magic is (Through Mage-Sage-Dark Knight). WAT.

Gangrel's forgotten what Skill is (After I reclassed him to Warrior and Berserker temporarily). No comment.

Why do all my people suck?

I'm in Normal mode and mine suck. I'm doomed if I ever attempt Lunatic.

Edited by Vashiane
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I've reset multiple times while doing the Lunatic prologue due to not gaining a SINGLE point of defense (+Def -Lck) throughout 5 levels. Note: MULTIPLE times. .-.

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My Gaius isn't usually super screwed, but he is usually one of the weaker ones. However, his luck in battle is really poor. I once had him one sqaure too far forward and accidently had him in range of three units instead of one. But he was in a choke point where only one could target him at a time and none of the three in range could use 2 range. The enemies were tough enough that he couldn't one round them bar a critical hit. In addition it would take all three to hit to certianly kill him and his hp was high enough to survive a crit from the two weakest if at full hp. The enemy had something like 7, 15, and 19 percent chances of hitting and something like 2, 8, 0 critical respectively. Gauis had a 23-30 percent chance of critical and gaurenteed to hit. So the first one comes up. 19 percent chance to hit. He hits and Gaius crits. Second comes up and hits his 15 percent shot and Gauis crits. The 7 percent guy comes up and hits his 7 percent AND crits. . . I was not amused. Not at the time. Seriously had even one missed or had Gaius not crited both in a row he would have survived! It is fun to look back though and laugh at that poor fool. In my current file I ended up restarting when he took a 5% hit with a 1% crit. . . Really?! And then there was that Ruin hit that had 1% to hit and like 30-40% crit. You know what happened to him don't you? Of all the units I have used Gaius has taken the majority of low percent crits and been most often hit several times in a row with sub 20 percent chance of being hit. His stats don't matter if the rng decides to screw him in battle instead!

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I had a +Str, -Luck (i think) male Avatar once. Dude ended up with a whole of 11 speed. I wasnt too far in the game so i erased the file and tried again with a different asset/flaw build. That was just terribad. Never again.

I also had a Cherche who never went above 20 speed. Ever.

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Both my male MUs were lackluster. My +Str -Res one got a ton of strength, alright, but had a serious deficiency in speed and defense, which was never a problem in my three female runs of the same build (he was slower as a Berserker than even my slowest female Great Knight around similar levels, let's leave it at that). My +Def -Mag MU was pretty strength screwed, and while his defense isn't awful, per se, it's not something I'd expect out of a +def unit at all. I think he got skill the most, tbh. But my +def mu was the first MU I've actually relegated to support status during the storyline. It's not my fault Kjelle just came out that much better than her dad :B

My Chroms also have a habit of not getting strength whenever it actually mattered. He got strength on my two normal-support library runs, but on my hm and above nogrinds everyone I use as a front unit (except any mages if I use them) including Sumia had better strength (I suspect she was really blessed though, she just kept on getting str it was pretty awesome). Lucina often outstrengths him after several levels, or in the case of my Lunatic run, joins with a higher strength stat period (though that's also partially because MU's str was in the 40s when Lucina was born). It's why he always gets relegated to support.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Ethly-- wait, you mean this game, and probably not Einherjar.

First Run Sumia.

Sad story that girl... "I just can't do anything right." No you can't woman.

In short, Sumia... I saw my first S-rank with MU/Sumia. Before that, things were good. She killed stuff, got good levels. But I was fated for Lucina, it was predetermined long before I got the game. So I reset, (forgetting to Save in the Name of True Love, which meant I had to pick up MU/Sumia's S-rank later) but after that point, Sumia decided since she apparently wasn't good enough for me that she really wasn't gonna be good enough for me. Went 5-6 Total Dud Levels in a row, then went about getting nothing but LCK for another 4, then nothing but HP till I decided, "BENCH". Paired her with Gaius. Realized Cynthia wasn't any good either because Sumia screwing herself sorta screwed Cynthia, so I benched Cynthia too.

Another call out, I had a bad Severa once. Her father was Donnel. Enough said.

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Funny thing is, I consider her more reliable than Gaius. Gyaaah, why can't you dodge, Gaius?!

For me, though, Gaius's combination of awful luck and awful defenses is the type of crap that I call "a recipe for disaster". Ugh.


It is fun to look back though and laugh at that poor fool. In my current file I ended up restarting when he took a 5% hit with a 1% crit. . . Really?!

Really...I thought I've had bad luck. I've lost Kellam to a Sorcerer with Ruin that has a Attk16; 23% chance to hit and 48% chance to crit. (Chapter 21) It was a rather cool ragequit. Kellam is a pretty bad unit after all. His bad speed won't cut it for a long time until he is an Assassin.

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