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So, after tasted Awakening as my first Fire Emblem, I decided to delve deeper into FE series by playing more of its game. I choose Path of Radiance to have that honor mainlly because I don't have to drastically adjust my eyes to get used on dated graphis (though I will play GBA games later). Is there anything for me I should know before play the game? Any tips and/or suggestion?

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So, after tasted Awakening as my first Fire Emblem, I decided to delve deeper into FE series by playing more of its game. I choose Path of Radiance to have that honor mainlly because I don't have to drastically adjust my eyes to get used on dated graphis (though I will play GBA games later). Is there anything for me I should know before play the game? Any tips and/or suggestion?

One of the characters you can recruit requires you to stand on a specific square with one of two units. Also, you do not want to provoke Jill in the chapter where you first see her - she'll join later if she survives. And recruiting a certain character back later is a Guide Dang It as well.

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Feel free to dump huge piles of bonus EXP on whomever your heart desires, you get more than enough of it, and the game doesn't punish you for poorly distributing it.

...But I recommend Marcia and Jill.

/LTC elitist scum #42

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Be careful with Jill while in Daien.

Have her talk to everyone she can, you'll get all of the recruitment conversations that way!

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What's the good units? Since there is no free battle here, I don't want screw myself and wasting time experimenting on hopeless unit. If there is any.

Edited by Shengar
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Play in Hard Mode, because otherwise the game is pathetically easy (and I'm an average player, so yes, I'm not that experienced). Don't be afraid of using Titania. Soloing the final chapter with Ike is easier than beating it with your entire army.

Oh and there are no 'useless units', by the way. Nothing you can't fix with BEXP, at least... Though I've never used the mid/late-game ones (like, the units from after Chapter 17).

Edited by Rapier
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there is a lot, especially on NM. there's also a lot on HM, but not enough that you can dump it on everyone.

the fliers are fantastic. they start out kind of bad, so they're great BEXP targets. mounted units are also pretty fantastic in this game. you really have zero reason to use infantry units over flying or mounted units in this game, but of course you are allowed to use whomever you want.

i personally recommend trying out some of the laguz units in this game. most people don't like them, but almost all of them are fairly usable in some way. they're not really long-term units.

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the fliers are fantastic. they start out kind of bad, so they're great BEXP targets. mounted units are also pretty fantastic in this game. you really have zero reason to use infantry units over flying or mounted units in this game, but of course you are allowed to use whomever you want.

I can imagine one if he isn't LTCing. The infantry units aren't half bad, if you look at it through a non LTC point of view. Boyd, Nephenee, Soren, even Mia, can become beasts. They're efficient in their own way.

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Jill, Marcia, Oscar, Titania and possibly Kieran (never tried him out) sure are better than most of them, but the foot units aren't bad themselves. The other fliers come far too late, like Haar, or they have average stats, like Tanith.

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Oh, and units that start out underleveled can be brought up to par almost immediately with like an Iron Forge in some weapon with a damage increase and some accuracy. Along with maybe like 2-3 levels of BEXP. You'll get a lot of useable units around mid game, but they are sort of underleveled. Marcia, Nephenee, Kieran, Jill, etc.

How much BEXP I receive for each chapter actually? From what you imply by saying to me not there is no useless unit thanks to BEXP, I expect it to be a lot.

It varies. Go and visit the site's webpage on bonus experience to see how much you get. To give you an idea, it starts out slow, then will scale as the game goes on. Special chapters will give you more than others because they have extra goal like make sure all priests survive or something like that.You can easily just moderate your BEXP usage. For example, just give BEXP to units to start out a bit underleveled at first. Then, you can just top off a units experience before a battle. Say they ended the last chapter with like 58 exp. You can BEXP them to the next level before you start the chapter. Stuff like that.

Edited by Vorena
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Steal axes to my knowledge are a rank e item which means you can use them at the start.

Forged steal axes are incredibly overpowered and aren't very expensive.

My recomendation would be going to see how to recruit every character in the game. Some characters, like Stefan, you're unlikely to recruit without prior knowledge on how to do so.

When Ike gets Ragnell other characters become a formality rather than a requirement for the completion of the game

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