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Jeigan Quest

Barney Calhoun

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Ok, this is my hack, Jeigan Quest. It's only up to chapter 5 of Lyn's mode, but here we go.


In a world where Nomad Troopers have low speed, Warriors have low strength, Swordmasters are just kinda meh, and everyone has crazy palletes, nothing is fair...

V 0.01






Dorcas uses Kishuna's pallete just for fun.

I suppose that they aren't really Jeigans because there aren't any unpromoted units for them to steal XP from, but "Pre-Promote Quest" just doesn't sound the same. Oh, and it's over FE7.

The patch:


Edited by removermover
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Deranger, I don't think people are so lazy that they can't just click on the links, so...

Maybe the appeal is Dorcas having 18 Constitution, but that's just my opinion.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Apparently you don't get what a Jeigan is. It is difficult because the characters almost never improve and have really bad bases (for their classes.) Obviously it's not very far in to the game so far, but once all of the units are Jeigans it will be difficult. Mark my words.

Mark my words.

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Dondon, the word you are looking for is "Oifey." A Jeigan is a unit who seems good early in but has bad growths and ends up terrible inevitably. Plus, if you think it doesn't look fun, either play it or notice the motto of this hack is "Nothing is Fair." To CT075, look at the fifth quote on my sig.

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When you actually look at it, very few Jagens ever end up being bad. Most become, at worst, decent. So dondon's right.

Also, I wouldn't suggest insulting Cam; he's one of the most experienced hackers on this site.

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I hope you realize no one is going to take you serious ever again.

now who did in the beginning, I'm not sure

my biggest complaint is why didn't you put any real effort into this? You never answered my question so I assume you missed it.

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The reason I didn't put much effort into this is because every time I'm hacking and I try to do something that does things other than alter characters I end up with a rom that just immediatly freezes.

I hope you don't take this as some "Boo-hoo sob story."

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If you don't seem to want to put forth actual effort into romhacking, why even bother making rom hacks?

I don't know a single rom hack or project that has gotten to where it is now without roadblocks. The difference here is that they didn't decide to just use minimal effort and produce a mediocre project and complain when people pointed out this obvious flaw.

What I'm trying to say is you get nowhere by giving up when you mess up.

returning to my normal non-nonsensical manner now

Edited by Kitty of Time
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I make rom hacks to feel like I'm not just having no life when I play Fire Emblem. Obviously I'm always failing.

Also I never said that I didn't try to get around these issues.

But anyway please mods lock this, It's just become useless argument.

I would much rather contribute to hacks being made by other people, that would probably work better for me.

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A Jeigan is a unit who seems good early in but has bad growths and ends up terrible inevitably.

i'm trying to think of a unit that fits this description and the one that comes closest is oifaye

To CT075, look at the fifth quote on my sig.

but mom, counting takes work and i'm too lazy to do work

I personaly don't care if he's a good hacker, that doesn't mean he's a good person.

3oD6B.jpg Edited by CT075
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Deranger, I don't think people are so lazy that they can't just click on the links, so...

Browsing on my phone 99% of the time and FYI, I pretty much never click links because it makes thread reading quite difficult. Thanks for the insult to the populous that is "lazy" by being restricted to Inconvienent methods of forum access.

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Jeigan, Arran, Eyvale, FE6 Marcus, FE7 Marcus is an Oifaye, but god damn he's the worst of them

fe1!jeigan doesn't even come close (although i'd forgotten fe11 jeigan)

arran is fair

evayle doesn't really count because a) 20 stat caps and scrolls and b) she doesn't exist for over half the game regardless

fe6!marcus isn't really bad and is more mediocre (settles in for being a substandard combat unit for sure but not really a liability)

fe7!marcus isn't even close

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You didn't offend me in the least. All you did was present yourself as living in an ill-informed bubble, making your arguments and defenses less credible. Throwing out petty insults while trying to advertise and defend anything you are responsible for does not make you, nor your creation, any more appealing.

Needless to say, I don't think you understand this fundamental ideal. I strongly suggest looking at the presentation of other RomHacks here on SF, and especially the work on your methods of response. No one is trying to dissuade you from completing your RomHack, so don't take it personally when the people you're presenting your project to offer critique on what you made. What is "cool" to you, may not be as cool to someone else, and it's evident that several people find your ROM premise questionable.

Please refrain from throwing out the generic insults in the future, as we here at SF don't try to chase away new members/ideas.

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