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Ringing in the Ears.


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I used to be like you and dear, please go to doctor immediately. The longer you endure, the longer it takes to cure. If you wait long enough, there is a big chance that the "ringing" in your ears will be forever with you no matter how many medicines you take. The ringing may be small, you may think it is not a big matter but it will make your ears easier to be infected by worse diseases and dont take them lightly because they can make you deaf, infect your brains. Dont be like me, go to the doctor, now.

Edited by Char
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Take it from me, I have had ringing in my ears since I was 8, ignored it, and I am now partially deaf in my right ear. Get it checked out it will get worse.

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Take it from me, I have had ringing in my ears since I was 8, ignored it, and I am now partially deaf in my right ear. Get it checked out it will get worse.

Brohug! The same to me...but after 3 months of visiting doctor and taking medicine, it is a lot better now...but still...

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Brohug! The same to me...but after 3 months of visiting doctor and taking medicine, it is a lot better now...but still...

Checked with a doctor it's not going to go away. Granted my grandparents are for the most part deaf at this point. And my mom is almost completely deaf in her left ear.

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...Since when was there "medicine" for tinnitus? D:

I have a constant ringing in both ears. Had it for roughly 5 years now. Went through the trouble of seeing doctors/specialists a year and a half ago. Nothing wrong with my ears/head/etc., and nothing can be done about the ringing; it's just THERE. The ringing doesn't fluctuate but it has gotten progressively louder over the years.

How I deal with it: Music. ALL THE TIME...

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I didn't know tinnitus was curable at all. I thought that you just kind of get used to it, that's what I heard from my father and my bio teacher who both have it. Then again I don't have it, so I don't know what to say from experience.

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It was bad for a few weeks and I had trouble sleeping. I looked up several tips online on how to reduce it and after changing a handful of things in my life, it may have worked. Now, months later, it doesn't bother me. My ears still get irritated quickly from loud noises, but I don't hear the ringing when I'm in silence anymore.

Since the ringing hasn't bothered me for a while, do you think I should still go see someone, or is it possible it faded away? If money was no issue, I'd definitely go now, but if it's too late or something, I don't want to waste it. The reason I hadn't gone when the ringing began was because I talked to some adults irl who said that it's incurable.

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