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Are There Any SF Members You Want To Be Friends With That You Aren't Already?

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To the original question, no. I'm already friends with everyone here. Obviously, right?

(and by 'friend' I don't mean it in the fake wimpy Facebook-y sense that has creeped its way into the vernacular)

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It definitely wasn't my intention to add fuel to the fire... ;P

I apologize for that

But still, Boney I hate memes too we should be buds

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It definitely wasn't my intention to add fuel to the fire... ;P

I apologize for that

But still, Boney I hate memes too we should be buds

I loves me some may-may's. You's be missin out bros.

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Ahaha, oh wow, I certainly did not expect such an outcome. I'm glad to see shipping around here is well-liked, though.

As for the original subject, I'd be honoured to be friends with anyone. Please, don't be afraid to speak to me. Infact I encourage it.

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Are there any Serenes Forest members you want to be friends with that you aren't already?

For me, Freohr, Interest, and Boney come to mind, though I already talk to the last two quite a bit in this thread. I'm sure there was some more, but I can't really recall who they are.

Brb, adding you.

Also I don't mind if people add me...honestly.

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I can always be found in FFtF~! And I can even be found in the IP Chat. The chat is probably the easiest way for us to get to talk! =D So maybe if you want you could start going in there Randoman~

It kinda feels bad to say this but I don't think I can think of anybody that I want to get to know more that I haven't already gotten to know/befriend already...

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There are several people that I want to be friends with in SF. Which includes my favorite SF user. But I'm not gonna name any names here because there's a good possibility that they'll try to add me after reading this post just to be nice, and I definitely don't want people to add me for that reason. Because that's not really being friends.

I also don't add friends by myself (unless your name is Ether) but wait for them to add me first. Because again, I don't want them to accept me out of politeness or anything like that.

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There are several people that I want to be friends with in SF. Which includes my favorite SF user. But I'm not gonna name any names here because there's a good possibility that they'll try to add me after reading this post just to be nice, and I definitely don't want people to add me for that reason. Because that's not really being friends.

I also don't add friends by myself (unless your name is Ether) but wait for them to add me first. Because again, I don't want them to accept me out of politeness or anything like that.

Yeah, I tend to be like that as well x3 It doesn't feel real enough... I feel nervous about sending friend requests until I'm completely certain that we are good friends~!

And it's also why I am letting Randoman know how to get to talk to me rather than immediately adding him~

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I also don't add friends by myself (unless your name is Ether) but wait for them to add me first. Because again, I don't want them to accept me out of politeness or anything like that.

i wait for people to friend request me and then SPURN their wishes

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i wait for people to friend request me and then SPURN their wishes

I'm pretty sure you added me, or else you wouldn't have been in my Friend List, heh. I actually still remember that conversation we had really well~

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i've sent personal friends requests a handful of times. off the top of my head eclipse, then you, then sirius or freohr, then the other?

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i wait for people to friend request me and then SPURN their wishes

You're a heartbreaker,

Dream maker, a love taker,

Don't you mess around with me,

You're a heartbreaker,

Dream maker, a love taker,

Don't you mess around, no no no

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i wait for people to friend request me and then SPURN their wishes

You're a heartbreaker,

Dream maker, a love taker,

Don't you mess around with me,

You're a heartbreaker,

Dream maker, a love taker,

Don't you mess around, no no no

(and also)

Oh, heaven help the heart that falls head over heels

Cause you'll tear it all apart just to see how it feels

How can you be so hot and so cold-blooded too

Oh, heaven help the heart that falls in love with you

EDIT; They deleted my best friends, the banned users, so all the fight has gone out of my presence here.

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