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NFL 2013-2014 Season!


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Touchdown Broncos, wee. It's gotta be reviewed, but I think Thomas had it. He kept control using his knees and both of his feet were in bounds.

I wasn't planning on watching this, but my stepdad turned the game on and I decided what the hey. I like Pey-Pey anyway. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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So long, Chargers! Sorry guys, but the weird pattern ends here!

Now the only Super Bowl matchup I'd prefer at this point is Broncos vs Seahawks. I dislike the Pats and I don't want the Niners tying with the Steelers in Super Bowl wins.

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Raven just use the ignore function.

I just did, now I don't have to be baited into responding to pages and pages of arrested development and ignorance.

I rooted Denver, and that game was not as close as it seemed... Broncos finally managed to beat the Chargers at their own game like the Chargers did against the Broncos last time. I wouldn't have thought the Broncos could milk the clock for 4 minutes like they did at the end.

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Besides, I never said EVERY person in jail is stupid.

this distinction is irrelevant; you immediately characterized the person as a "fruitcake" (which means either homosexual or insane, neither of which i imagine to possess a positive connotation) and cited his incarceration status as evidence.

And those people in jail were stupid enough to make the dumb decision to possess illegal drugs. That's what I'm talking about. So stop insulting me.

and yet in many states, that sort of offense now no longer exists. the law is not always synonymous with doing the right thing, and it is very difficult to argue that breaking any law is an indication of stupidity.

EDIT to make this mildly on-topic: WHOO GO CHARGERS OR SEAHAWKS or whatever team fuck it i didn't really bother watching but there are football teams in this post now so it's on-topic.

Edited by dondon151
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EDIT to make this mildly on-topic: WHOO GO CHARGERS OR SEAHAWKS or whatever team fuck it i didn't really bother watching but there are football teams in this post now so it's on-topic.

Too late, Chargers just lost.

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Whichever team wins the NFC Championship is the team I'm going to root for in the Super Bowl. I'd like the Broncos to beat the Patriots in the AFC Championship, though. I'd probably feel differently if I was around in the 80s, but I wasn't born until 1991. I mostly want to prevent all the smug status updates from Patriots fans on Facebook.

As for who I'd rather win on the NFC side, well, as I said earlier, Phil Dawson deserves a ring for all the work he put in during 14 seasons with the Browns. So I'm rooting for the 49ers for that reason alone.

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GG Broncos,Chargers played well till the end. Novak should've attempted the 2nd Onside,as well as McCoy not using his time-out at 2:02 as the 2 minute warning. But anyways,Chargers had a great season with Rookie Keenan Allen who will probably replace Antonio Gates as he will retire in the next 1-6 years. Chargers have next year as I doubt Gates will retire as of yet. At least Chargers picked off Broncos making an easy win for Patriots.


Patriots vs Broncos

Broncos with the loss of Chris Harris will set a problem for the already crumbly defense of the team. Patriots looking great so far has a by far better chance.


Seahawks vs 49ers

Russel Wilson and Marshawn Lynch vs Colin Kapernick and Frank Gore...

Winner: Seahawks...

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actually, i do have a serious question for you football fans. it seems to me that there's an internal contradiction in how "physical play" is perceived. i did actually watch the saints/seahawks game yesterday and the commentators were continually remarking on the degree of "physical play" involved in that game, but it seems to me that all this entails is roughing the opposing team as much as you can get away with within the confines of the rules (e.g., the two shots on harvin that knocked him out of the game with probably a concussion).

then i am reminded back to NO's bounty system suspensions a couple of years back and can't help but think that there is inconsistency in whether "physical play" is good or not, i.e. i don't really see much of a difference between playing physically and encouraging players to shake opponents up and potentially take them out of the game.

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Patriots vs Broncos

Broncos with the loss of Chris Harris will set a problem for the already crumbly defense of the team. Patriots looking great so far has a by far better chance.


uh, okay, no.

Indy was mediocre all year and benefitted from being in what ended up as the weakest division in football, and even then the Pats still allowed 22 points to them. How many points do you think Denver will ring up on them?

Denver, meanwhile, had to contend with one of the hottest teams in football, and a team that knew their style well because their coach used to be their offensive co-ordinator, and Denver still won, even if it was only by seven points. New England doesn't have that advantage.

Besides, Chris Harris isn't as big of a loss for Denver than you'd think it is. They have capable replacements for him in the back end.

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I'm just worried about Manning choking. It's not that I think he can't pull it off. He's done it before and they are at home and hopefully he's learned to play in the cold in playoffs by now, but when Payton is in the playoffs and he's up against Brady, I always always worry. I'd give the edge to the Pats just because it's Peyton v Tom yet again.

edit: the points about defense and other issues stopping Manning from winning those other games are valid, though, it's just that there's always (except one year) something that gets in the way so why not one more time?

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I'm just worried about Manning choking. It's not that I think he can't pull it off. He's done it before and they are at home and hopefully he's learned to play in the cold in playoffs by now, but when Peyton is in the playoffs and he's up against Brady, I always always worry. I'd give the edge to the Pats just because it's Peyton v Tom yet again.

edit: the points about defense and other issues stopping Manning from winning those other games are valid, though, it's just that there's always (except one year) something that gets in the way so why not one more time?

Yeah that's what I'm worried about. I'm surprised they managed to stop San Diego's run so effectively, because if they allowed SD to control the clock like last time and didn't ever convert third downs then we very well could be seeing San Diego in the AFCCG. The Defense almost gave up a huge lead though, and the Special Teams (goddammit Eric Decker) gave up the onside kick. And Holliday has regressed since last year. If they pull the same stuff against New England then we should be seeing a one-sided game, because New England has issues unless you let them run all over you (which is what they've been doing to teams for the past ~5 or so games).

Year in and year out they've had bad defenses with bad coaching, and this year doesn't seem any different. I saw Julius Thomas fumble and Welker drop a beautiful pass too, and had those things happened we'd have a blowout.

actually, i do have a serious question for you football fans. it seems to me that there's an internal contradiction in how "physical play" is perceived. i did actually watch the saints/seahawks game yesterday and the commentators were continually remarking on the degree of "physical play" involved in that game, but it seems to me that all this entails is roughing the opposing team as much as you can get away with within the confines of the rules (e.g., the two shots on harvin that knocked him out of the game with probably a concussion).

then i am reminded back to NO's bounty system suspensions a couple of years back and can't help but think that there is inconsistency in whether "physical play" is good or not, i.e. i don't really see much of a difference between playing physically and encouraging players to shake opponents up and potentially take them out of the game.

It depends on what you define as physical play. Cheap shots on Percy Harvin aren't what I consider true physical play, I consider it dirty play; same with the Saints bounty crap. There's no reason for that and considering these are the big, strong, and fast people so the way they use their bodies is a huge risk. Those shots weren't really legal if I recall correctly, and I can see some players getting fined for it.

What I deem as physical play is the sort of bump-and-run coverage by cornerbacks where they impede the route at the line of scrimmage (Darrelle Revis), and fighting/pushing people out of the way for receptions (like Anquan Boldin). Not launching yourself at an opposing player because you blew your coverage and couldn't get him down with a form tackle. You know, proper technique and proper coverage while still enforcing your will; a lot of good players do it.

Basically it's like comparing someone like Anquan Boldin to Bernard Pollard. Anquan will hit you hard (see: 4th and 29, the block at the end of Ray Rice's run), but he'll do it properly and fight you for catches (see: every catch he's made in tight coverage), whereas Pollard launches himself at you and goes for a big hit at all times because he blows coverages all the time (see: any hit he's made on a Patriots player).

People say it interferes with defense, but there have been some incredible defenses from the past 15 years that had success despite not being able to hit like they could 2-3 decades ago. Something like the Steel Curtain wouldn't be possible today, but the '00 and '06 Ravens, '02 Buccs, and the '04 and '08 Steelers, and some other defenses have been dominant despite not being able to mug everything they see like they could in the 60s-80s.

Edited by Lord Raven
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What I deem as physical play is the sort of bump-and-run coverage by cornerbacks where they impede the route at the line of scrimmage (Darrelle Revis), and fighting/pushing people out of the way for receptions (like Anquan Boldin). Not launching yourself at an opposing player because you blew your coverage and couldn't get him down with a form tackle. You know, proper technique and proper coverage while still enforcing your will; a lot of good players do it.

going by this definition of physical play, i agree. i was thinking of physical play as another term for dirty play.

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Can we please not bring up bountygate, as a Vikings fan I still haven't gotten over that NFC championship game. Although the Vikings definitely threw away that game, the Saints also played dirty and the refs turned a blind eye, but at the time it was all okay because the Saints were a "great" story. I think physical play means pushing the limits of the five yards of legal contact and pushing around the receivers when the ref isn't looking. Not exactly legal, but if the ref can't see it and doesn't call it then it is all fair game.

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Bountygate also ended Kurt Warner's career when he went down for the Cardinals (a week after that shootout with the Packers where he threw more TDs than incompletions), but Favre threw that game away late. It's strange a lot of those hits weren't called but alas, it may be somewhat synonymous with the special teams rules today where the refs are either used to the older rules or just don't completely understand the rules (the Tom Brady rule wasn't a thing until the year before, although defenseless receiver wasn't a term yet).

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Bountygate also ended Kurt Warner's career when he went down for the Cardinals (a week after that shootout with the Packers where he threw more TDs than incompletions), but Favre threw that game away late. It's strange a lot of those hits weren't called but alas, it may be somewhat synonymous with the special teams rules today where the refs are either used to the older rules or just don't completely understand the rules (the Tom Brady rule wasn't a thing until the year before, although defenseless receiver wasn't a term yet).

Oh I know that they had no one to blame but themselves in that game (back when AD had serious fumbling problems), I mean there was a hit where Favre handed it off to one of our RBs turned around and got cheap shotted. The first interception by Favre was also tough, he got hit high and low on that play (illegally), also I'm haunted by that 12 men in the huddle penalty, we would have had AD run on the next play and then had Longwell attempt a long (but makable) field goal. I just hate bounty gate because it reminds me of the amazing potential that that team had, and the cynic in my head tells me that I might never see another Vikings team come that close to it just to basically give it away, and if we do we'll lose in an even more horrible fashion.

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Oh yeah he did have fumbling issues... He fumbled a bunch in that Ravens game. (For reference, that Ravens-Vikings game was where Hauschka missed a 50 yard game winner... If it weren't for Tucker then I'd sigh at his success with the Seahawks)

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Heh, I remember Kurt Warner. How can I forget the guy James Harrison picked off in Super Bowl 43 to get that 100 yard TD return? XD

Who else wants Pey-Pey to win the Super Bowl? I think it'd be awesome for him since he probably won't get another chance. He's close to retirement. And he deserves to go out with a bang!

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I'd rather see the Niners or Seahawks win, the media and fans' preoccupations with Manning/Brady and their greatness and whatever is growing tiresome and another Super Bowl victory by either of them just adds to that.

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Brady's is growing tiresome because of 3 Super Bowl wins - I want the Broncos to win because I'm sick of hearing about how much Manning chokes in big games, and he's one of my all time favorite people to play the game.

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I'm a huge Tom Brady fan (he went to my 2nd favorite college, Michigan, plus I liked the underdog quality that his story had when I first started rooting for him) but this might just be the funniest thing I have seen all year.

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