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What's it like to be a moderator?

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How does feel? Do you get free snacks or vacations to exclusive islands?

I was a mod and later admin on a Final Fantasy forum for awhile, [i know you are asking the SF ones in particular but].

It's alot of busy work. Gotta make sure no one is breaking the rules, gotta check reports, gotta make sure spam is toast [unless its in its own section like fftf] Gotta make sure no spam bots are clogging up anything [although that was the past. Much harder for spambots to get on sites nowadays]

Moving threads to the right spot if they are in the wrong spot. Using your own judgement to warn or get your point across to members who toe the line of the rules. Etc

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pretty boring but you get to be the hero a forum needs, not the hero it deserves

EDIT: oh yeah and my name is purple for it so i guess it's a promotion

Edited by Integrity
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It was a boring and thankless job.

Okay, it wasn't always boring, but it was most of the time.

Oh, and it got really annoying having Tangerine bothering me about some forum-related nonsense at 3AM.

Edited by Charlie
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Oh, and it got really annoying having Tangerine bothering me about some forum-related nonsense at 3AM.

you should have thought like me and gotten around that by sleeping through the periods of most activity

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It was a boring and thankless job.


Dear Mods,

Thanks for doing the things you do. I think you're swell. You're the bee's knees. It's always a rip-snortin' good time with you around. You guys are like the sentinels of justice who watch over the forums. You deserve at least 3 whole bagles each. With jam of your choosing of course. Hey Mods, you're so fine. You're so fine it blows my mind in fact. When Jimmy cracked corn and nobody cared you were there, and you did care. You dress spiffy as well. Shot through the heart and you're to blame, you give love a good name. You guys are all jukebox heroes.

In summation I think you'll agree that we should loosen the dress code policies and be free to express ourselves through our clothes.

Stay classy,


P.S.: Your potato cassarole was delish.

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It's not all it's cracked up to be. When you first become a mod, you think to yourself "I'll be in a position of power. This will be great!" Later you find out it's really stressful. Members will constantly be giving you shit about "not doing your job correctly," admins and mods of a higher position will force you to do their "grunt work" while they kick back and do nothing, and you can't even get a word in edgewise without fear of having these privileges taken away from you. No one thanks you for the job you do, no one appreciates the work you actually do, and everyone loves to complain about changes you make or actions you commit, even if they are for the betterment of the website.

That was my experience, anyway.

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Being a moderator on SF is easy, it's relatively well behaved most of the time. Having to listen to people who think they know how to do your job better than you is the annoying part, and that's prevalent on a forum full of vocal teenagers.

It was a boring and thankless job.

Okay, it wasn't always boring, but it was most of the time.

Oh, and it got really annoying having Tangerine bothering me about some forum-related nonsense at 3AM.

^ And basically this. Nobody will ever remember anything positive you do, but you'll never hear the end of it if you make a mistake. I've had people tell me x moderator is terrible for x reasons and I should replace them, and I'm left wondering how they could believe that they're so bad. Members barely get to see anything a moderator does, and it's so silly to judge them based on the little bit they get to see. But that doesn't occur to them.

Also you know you liked 3am forum work.

Edited by Tangerine
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Nobody will ever remember anything positive you do, but you'll never hear the end of it if you make a mistake. I've had people tell me x moderator is terrible for x reasons and I should replace them, and I'm left wondering how they could believe that they're so bad. Members barely get to see anything a moderator does, and it's so silly to judge them based on the little bit they get to see. But that doesn't occur to them.

Whilst this mostly true, staff also need to consider how they appear to the public. If all they see is arguing and "bad moderating", that's what they're going to go by. Doing the work behind the scenes is important, but so is maintaining a rapport with the community. That being said, it's not easy, and I'm happy to say I've had no real problems with the moderation on SF.

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I'd imagine it's pretty unrewarding yet could be interesting if something's happening. It depends if you have a THIRST FOR JUSTICE. But I wouldn't know.

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"Don't publicly disagree with a moderator's decision" being a rule, frankly, probably doesn't help that much with resentment

(I'd know) (I am a resentful person)

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"Don't publicly disagree with a moderator's decision" being a rule, frankly, probably doesn't help that much with resentment

(I'd know) (I am a resentful person)

Best. Rule. Ever.

Logically, it makes sense, though. If you disagree, make a ticket or PM. And if you want everyone to see your whining, make it a public ticket. It's just a shame we don't seem to have the ticket system now, since that made the rule a work of art. Keep the arguing with moderators out of threads in which it is obviously off-topic, and if you desparately want a public debate with a monitor there's tickets for that.

I've always wondered why people even wanted to argue in-thread with a mod. With the lack of tickets, I can see how someone would be a bit more annoyed with the rule, since now arguments are in PMs and people feel their epreen is raised when they "win" an argument in public with a mod, but before the tickets disappeared why did you want to clog up a thread with arguments with a mod?

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It's kinda cool when you can be the one solving legitimate problems like ending flame wars or cleaning up stuff like accidental double posts, but extremely annoying when you notice how common it is for new members not to bother with the most basic forum rules. Since Awakening's release, well, yeah.

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"Don't publicly disagree with a moderator's decision" being a rule, frankly, probably doesn't help that much with resentment

(I'd know) (I am a resentful person)

Uh, pretty much everything Narga said. How in the world could you have a problem with a rule designed to prevent threads from turning into people arguing with moderators whose job is to stop the situation from getting worse? That contradicts the purpose of their involvement entirely. The ticket system was a forum specifically made for discussing these issues. Once we get a replacement for it working it'll be the same as always.

Edited by Tangerine
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Also you know you liked 3am forum work.

It ruined my sleep cycle, but that's not a problem anymore.

Oh, and one other thing. I remember shortly after I became a moderator on Serenes, some people complained that we "weren't doing anything". One guy even claimed that I was practically a lurker, when I was actually making an average of about 15-20 posts a day at the time and logging in quite frequently. Then people started complaining that we were too strict when we added some rules and started enforcing them.

Basically, nobody was ever happy with what we were doing at any time.

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Man y'all moderators is Nazis I once tried to post my favorite coprophiliac amputee pics and you took them down


If Batman had to report back to a fruit.

He's a....fruit bat.

He's a bit fruity alright

Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

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