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Do you want to see more avatar characters in future Fire Emblem games?



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Nope, I don't really like them. Even other games like the SMT series, I don't really like having an avatar, although those are more tolerable since I at least get to answer for myself.

Edited by PKLucas531
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I would like to see the Avatar again, but subtle like the FE7 Tactician's role and not plot-crucial like FE13's.

Also, there should be way more customisation for appearances; FE12's selection was decent, but FE13's was kinda lacking...

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I would like to see the Avatar again, but subtle like the FE7 Tactician's role and not plot-crucial like FE13's.

Also, there should be way more customisation for appearances; FE12's selection was decent, but FE13's was kinda lacking...

Indeed, not enough facial hair for male avatar and more variety in voices.

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Well, at least one of problems with with how the Avatar characters have been handled is that several of FE's Lord's already serve as a surrogate for the player (see Lyn saying "What?"). Since FE isn't really a series that is known for choices leading to different enough branches through the game, we keep getting Avatar characters who are either Mark or another FE Lord with customizable looks.

Essentially, yes, I agree.

Do they not know how, or is that just not their goal?

When they refer to the character as "you," as in "you must identify with this person in the story," but then give me next to no control over their actions or personality, I have a hard time believing the notion that they know what they're doing. They're constructing a character that isn't categorically different from any of their other lords in execution, but not really openly acknowledging it.

I like having a customizable character, to be sure, but the part I most enjoy about it is to come up with whatever origins, personality traits and motivations I think are most appealing to form a character that's "mine" without necessarily being "me;" a part I choose how to play, rather than somebody just nominally representing me. I generally need a lot more than appearance, class and stat customization to feel like the game is putting forth a good effort in giving me that, though they're good starts.

If the way they have it now is what they're actually going for, I think it's kind of a waste of potential.

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It doesn't really matter to me. I like having a customizable character, but I wouldn't be upset if it wasn't implemented in the next FE. I can enjoy an FE game with or without an Avatar. ^^

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Not really. I suppose I wouldn't be upset if they did put the Avatar in again in a future game, but I'd just rather not have one. Robin would've worked better as a non-Avatar character and just a set character with a default gender, name, and limited supports and class changes like the other characters since s/he had a non-customizable personality and stuff anyway.

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The avatar takes away part of what makes FE click. The characters themself. By shoehorning yourself into the game you are causing it to be less about the rest of the characters.

So no more avatar please.

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So I've been thinking about this a lot lately and decided I do want the avatar to stay in the series. That being said the avatar needs to be more defined as a character and we need to cut some issues that it has.

1. No more being a god with amnesia just please do not ever do this again. The avatar can be an important character without being the central character.

2.The way I've been thinking about how to handle this is by having something like Dragon Age O character creation where you would choose a nationality, motivation, and core personality. This would lead to you eventually getting to choose between say three or so starting classes that make sense with your background. So if I choose Sacae as my nationality then I get to choose between nomad and myrimidon. Then if I pick greed as my motivation I would also be able to be a mercenary. These would also effect who you could have supports with (not everyone) so maybe you could have supports with people of your own nation or maybe if you have a tragic motivation a character would give you a sympathetic series of supports from someone who otherwise wouldn't take note.

The problem of course is that it's a lot of tedious work for the developers but I do believe it is totally doable.

3. Stop making the avatar perfect... I can use magic, sword, am a master tactician, and I can seduce any opposite gender person in the realm... it's annoying when you have such a 'perfect' character and detracts from their struggles.

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NO Screw Robin; he/she can go to hell.

Same goes for FE12's mechanic. I'd rather the canon characters occasionally break the fourth wall and talk directly to me, not some other animated person.

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I won't be the first to say the FE13 avatar isn't perfect. Sure, I can stand being the godfather of everyone ever named Gary, but when you make them a demi-god, you have to ask yourself...


Now, I also like the idea. I enjoy the concept of being able to support any character and I like the ability to affect the stats that my personnel unit has. But as an avatar it didn't really feel like me. I loved having one, but I didn't feel like them. The fact that you can see 'yourself' walking around the barracks just wielded me out and took me out of the game. But I really liked how it was when you were recruiting DLC characters and making that little card. That stuff was fun and immersive.

I thought of having 2 'pseudo-avatars'

The first supports no one, fights nothing, they are just a tactician that you speak through.

The second is one where you choose an asset/flaw and base class, and they act as a regular unit otherwise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so think of the Avatar being The Lord of the next FE featuring him/her.

Now, to go with the Avatar being a customizable character, the player has more choices that change the way the story goes. It can range from dialogue options, to characters dying leading to different characters and/or routes, etc.

How about that?

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Okay, so think of the Avatar being The Lord of the next FE featuring him/her.

Now, to go with the Avatar being a customizable character, the player has more choices that change the way the story goes. It can range from dialogue options, to characters dying leading to different characters and/or routes, etc.

How about that?

That actually sounds really interesting. I definitely think having more player choices changing the way the story goes would be great! Being the next Lord, I'm not so sure about...but I do agree being the evil dragon god in Awakening was a bit much.

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My Unit is an interesting concept, but I don't think they did it too well in either FE12 or FE13. Character-wise, it talks too much and the lack of choice in personality just destroys my will to believe that it's an Author Avatar. Story-wise, it's too important (this is more directed at Awakening's Robin). Gameplay-wise, it's broken and you can easily solo the game with it. Unless they did some serious overhauling, My Unit is a feature that I wouldn't want to see again.

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